Posts by DannyNacc

    No. Actually I’m not. These are profiles that were done a few years ago, and some done a year ago, long before you guys developed “liquid” profiles. Something is not correct and I don’t think it’s the user. I uploaded a rig in this thread. Give it a try. Thank you

    I get that, I can copy the amps and cabs over to their respective folders under "All Presets" just fine.. I misunderstood. However, any of the profiled amps all show "Kemper Generic" under "Amplifier" below (editor). Also, no matter what rig you pull up to edit, under "All rigs>MyProfiler", if you copy the amp or cab, it only copys the first rig you had pulled up in the editor. You have to restart the Rig Manager. I am an IT persone by trade, so I know my way around. I think the Rig Manager using the Player, is not ready for Prime Time... imho

    I am aware of the slots. I was referring to Rig Manager. You cannot drop Profiled amps/cabs into “all presets” in Rig Manager so that you can parse out a cab or amp in creating a new custom rig. I will attach a profiled rig when I’m on my computer, shortly…

    I’m really disappointed in the Player right now. Profiled amps/cabs can be loaded as rigs but that’s it. You cannot swap cabinets/amps, nor load them in the “preset” folders. Also, many effects are missing, in particular tae Chromatic Pitch effect many of us used, to get a POG effect.

    I sure hope Kemper will get these issues addressed!!!!