Posts by piazza

    Hello all!

    While trying out my new Kemper I started to re-record the lead guitars of an instrumental tune i did a couple of years ago. I used a self created profile of my Friedman Smallbox 50 boosted with a Xotic EP, and filmed the whole thing.

    Bass: Fabio Trentini
    Drums: Wolfgang Haffner

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    Let me know what you think!


    Thanks to all for the nice welcome!

    The profile I made did sound a little different to a conventional recorded track (more mids, different low end), but not better or worse and if I didn’t knew I couldn’t tell the difference.

    And now I know where that difference came from ... to profile I had to change the routing in my DAW and accidently routed the SM57 to a dead end - so the resulting profile was without the SM 57 :rolleyes:

    Hey Hans ! :D Du kennst mich wahrscheinlich nicht mehr oder? Wir warn zusammen im Freakguitar Camp :D
    Naja willkommen hier ! :D
    Ich hab fast 1000 Profile gemacht mittlerweile und die meisten sind D.I. also der Ampsound wär unverfärbt da, einfach ein gutes cab reinladen und passts :)
    im Anhang ist der Link und auch bei den Free Profiles ist mein Thread zu finden. :)

    Falls du mal dein Axe Fx vermisst, ich hab auch alle Amps vom Axe Fx Profiled :)


    Hey Thomas :)

    Klar erinnere ich mich, ist auch schon wieder eine Weile her! Deine Profile werde ich gelegentlich mal testen, aber das coolste am Kemper für mich ist dass ich meinen eigen Kram Profilen und mitnehmen kann - aber ich werde mal reinhören! Das Axe Ultra steckt schon seit einer Weile nur noch als Effektgerät und Backup im Live-Rack, von daher vermisse ich da nichts :)


    Hello everybody!

    Newly convert here! After some years with the axe fx and real amps with load boxes/IR and always returning to the ‚real thing‘, I was at first very sceptical about the Kemper. Receiving reamped DI-Tracks with mediocre results didn’t help either (I know now it was not the Kempers fault, just a poor choice of profiles). But recently I got the chance to try the toaster of a friend at my home to profile my own setup by myself and what should I say - I was sold! The profile I made did sound a little different to a conventional recorded track (more mids, different low end), but not better or worse and if I didn’t knew I couldn’t tell the difference. So I got my powered rack last week - usability is great as well, at first I was a little frightened about all the knobs, but if you look closer they all make sense and the basics are mostly self explanatory so far :)

    These are the first two profiles I made:

    All the best,