Posts by Gitarrenhauser

    Ich habe eine Frage an ckemper

    Für mich ist der Schlüssel zur Verwendung des Kegels die Möglichkeit, die Drucke pro Rig zu speichern.

    Zum Beispiel würde ich einen anderen Lautsprecher für einen sauberen Klang bevorzugen als für einen verzerrten verzerrten Klang.

    Soweit ich weiß, wurde der Kone für das Gefühl des Gitarristen entwickelt, daher geht es hauptsächlich um bestimmte Anwendungen. Lebe ohne PA für kleine Auftritte, im Übungsraum, zu Hause und natürlich überall dort, wo kleines Besteck benötigt wird.

    Die Drucke sind einfach fantastisch!

    Ein 112-Schrank klingt nie wie ein 412-Schrank. Es wäre großartig, einen 112-Aufdruck auf 212 oder 412 modellieren zu können. Wäre dies technisch möglich?

    Gibt es bereits ein grobes Zeitfenster für ein Update, mit dem die Abdrücke dann pro rig gespeichert werden können?

    Hello everybody,

    I wish you all good health!

    This is my first post here on the forum.

    I received my Kone on Monday and installed it directly in my active birch multiplex cabinet. What can I say, excellent!

    First of all I would like to thank Christoph Kemper and his excellent team for the excellent work to date! For the cost-effective further developments and the excellent service that is offered. If I consider that other manufacturers sometimes ask a lot for updates and extensions! Bravo, keep it up!

    Unfortunately, I was only able to test a little more extensively this evening. What I have tried so far has really convinced me.

    As I see it, it will only be really interesting when there is the possibility to edit and program the cone from the individual rig.

    I've been playing in the monitor out on a guitar speaker since I started Kemper a few years ago. First of all about a Celestion V30 and later about a Celestion Rockdriverer I like my taste a little better.

    What I immediately noticed is that of course all of my mainly used rigs sometimes sound very different. Which is also logical, since the loudspeaker has a significant influence on the specific clean and distorted sound. However, I was able to reproduce almost all of them using the setting options. Unfortunately, the rockdriver is not available as an imprint, as it is installed in many hughes & kettner amps and cabinets.

    I also see it as a welcome opportunity to create new sounds. It will be a lot of work, but it will also be a lot of fun.

    So far I have played my cabinet with the guitar speakers over a Defexx. Is that still recommended with the Kone? The manual says that it should not be removed like a classic speaker.