Posts by collectiveamnesia

    Well I'm glad you registered to prove something to yourself. I hope you feel better. Stay strong,
    Sorry I couldn't be of help and not realizing my appreciation for the Kemper and Lack of it for the AXE FX is so traumatizing for some, ?( I must be out of touch with some guitar players' priorities in life, family and other life priorities.

    I didn't realize that guitar gear means that much to some, but I understand, whatever floats your boat, I wish you the best whoever you are. :)

    Prove it to myself? I registered the day I got the KPA 2 years ago. There was nothing to "prove" because my self-worth isn't beholden to which digital machine I register. But it did help me go through most of the rig exchange in order to find my favorite profiles. George_Alayon has superb profiles, you should look them up.

    The rest is classic projection. Nothing more than "I know you are but who am I?". Your disjointed rantings and conspiracy theories from earlier say all that need be said. It would be nice if you'd take a stab at Coldfrixons audio samples since you talk about Axe-FXs inability to replicate tube tone and feel.

    What difference would registering make? I'm registered and you think I have an agenda. In my opinion, registering is a red herring. Instead of actually addressing the points that were made, you're focused on whether he's registered or not. If a point is valid, what difference does it make whether the person who made it is registered or not?

    Precisely. My Kemper is registered to another email, but regardless I don't feel I have anything to prove, not least to the likes of Dean. Having a Kemper registered to this account or not, he'd still be left avoiding the propositions and substance of the discussion beforehand. He doesn't want to talk about that, though. He wants to make me and the straw man he's rambling about the topic.

    Dean, if you honestly think I'm an Axe user and only here to defend it to an inconsequential Kemper forum member who spends his days blowing hot air on an inconsequential thread, take off the tin foil hat and get some help. My goodness, how emotionally paranoid and inflammatory you get over petty trivialities, as if life starts and stops at Kemper vs Fractal. Yes, I joined primarily to participate in this thread, not to defend the Axe-FX and say anything negative about the Kemper, but because you have long spread misinformation and passively bullied past members here, which directly affects the toxic atmosphere. Just calling a spade a spade.

    Looking at your profile, you're a member since February 4, 2018 , all your posts are in this thread only, you say you own a kemper but haven't registered yet, I'm really curious, Care to explain as I jope you understand my confusion as to why you never posted before or registered your Kemper, except to defend Fractal I'm all ears :) Thank you!!

    As stated, someone who has long looked utilized the forum for information, tips, and profiles. But I understand the reason you bothered looking into this is to try and undercut my credibility because you've since avoided the actual topic at hand despite repeated invitations to. I'm under no requirement to register my Kemper for this profile, and perhaps it's already registered to a different email. Regardless, this is nothing more than diverting from the real substance which you have shown disinterested in addressing. If I were just an Axe troll as you wish me to be I think that would be apparent. I've yet to say a negative thing about the Kemper, and I don't need because it works great for me, but that doesn't at all mean I won't point out cherry-picked, emotionally impulsive rhetoric where it presents itself, be it here or anywhere for that matter. It's a sad commentary on matters when a member responding to a thread is accused of being some wolf in sheeps clothing for plainly advocating balanced honesty. It's not the first or last time that's happened on this forum.

    Modeling isn't a zero sum game, as was written earlier. It is possible for Kemper and Axe to coexist in the same universe and both serve a functional purpose. It is possible for me to be happy with my Kemper and be honest about competitors that offer a different set of benefits along with shortcomings.

    Speaking of which, here is a pretty good mid gain tone and tone match by a guy who knows his stuff. Amp is also harsher than the Axe, go figure.

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    Actually do own a Kemper and not an Axe-FX. Regardless of the circumstance for my participating in this thread, that doesn't negate any post I've made as untruthful. Those you are left to still contend by their own merits. Instead you've receded into this bizarre face-saving rant about Cliff's "99%" quote and questioning my motives after questioning Coldfrixons. I must say I applaud Coldfrixons ability to stay on topic and not participate in the mud slinging thrown at him. It's entirely possible that as a Kemper owner I've grown a tad weary of seeing you and a few other users here overtake what should be constructive threads with arguments constructed on falsities. Or you can just assume you know what my motivations are since it helps the straw man you've constructed.

    I'm one of the few tongue and cheek guys who will tell it like it is

    In my time watching the forum, you profess yourself to be many things yet seldom actually behave in that manner. We all wish to see ourselves in a certain light but ultimately your track record speaks for itself despite your self-endorsements.

    But if you tell it like it is, nobody is stopping you from going back and responding to the other Axe videos and Coldfrixon's clips, as you've been encouraged to do during your unrelated Cliff rant. Or you can continue to dance yourself into a corner with Cliff's forum post and covering your ears.

    After everywhere this discussion has gone, Dean's argument has been reduced to a quote of "99%" on a forum and whether Cliff meant it literally, exaggerated, or tried to mislead people. None of which is truly germane. Meanwhile the incredible tones Axe-Fx produces and reproduces of amps and profiles that are scattered on the web have been ignored and critiques of the Axe-Fx3 are based solely on cherry-picked assumptions and grasping straws. The creepy cult-like, emotionally impulsive need to overshadow everything un-Kemper has corrupted this forum and that's too bad. Would have liked to see more honest conversation about specs than pissing contests.

    Cliff : "It now has Tone Matching which is arguably the most important part of profiling.Falsely claiming that Tone Matching is the most important part of profiling is close enough to saying that they more than resemble each other except for those who know nothing about EQ matchng an old technology to deceive gullible or uninformed users.

    "The Axe-Fx II with V6 uses a hybrid modeling/profiling approach"

    Completely false sentences and should never be stated as such and then contradicted later . How about line 6 or Avid when they measure the amps etc. and plug those numbers in the algorithms are they also using Profiling. Profiling an amp is not public knowledge just because patents are public.

    Why is fractal using the term profiling being used in the AXE FX ? Is it for any other reason than to deceive customers who where extremely impressed by the profiling and to say, he was use profiling too, C'mon.

    You're reading it the way you want to instead of the way it's written. There's nothing misleading in it and it's very clear. It seems plain that he used the term "profiling" because EQ matching is a part of the profiling method and within the context of comparing profiling to tone matching.

    Profiling is public knowledge. If you go to the patent office and look up a patent on anything it will show you exactly for what the patent is designed. The purpose being that others cannot infringe on your patent. You can do that as a private citizen if you ever get curious.

    Using the term alone isn't illegal. In the context on a public forum, I don't see how there's a reasonable legal challenge to its use or even his being incorrect (see Coldfrixons response). It's also not his job to speak for Line 6 or anyone else.

    It becomes more apparent you have a deeper issue with Fractal. You've laughed at their expense even when your purposes for that "laughter" are misguided, and you accuse people of lying or misleading while taking things out of context and refusing to cite previous quotes from Cliff. Your reasoning being that there is a Fractal forum conspiracy to hide past posts that we can't substantiate. As for tone you still ignore Coldfrixon and the other videos presented of the Axe outside of the one you didn't like so it means very little on its own. Anyone can say something is better but demonstrating it is another thing. People in this thread have given examples while you've completely avoided them and changed the argument.

    It looks like they do,, how about Fractal did they release any Amp Packs? Do they have a lot of presets on the AXE forum of Tone Matched amps? Since I'm not a user, I remember last time I looked few years back, I couldn't find more than two or three, this can't be right correct?

    Why are you so adamant with Fractal making their own tone matches? They design component modeling and offer tone match as an added function. You seem to be of the mind that it's not validated until Fractal makes their own pack of EQ matches. I can't see how that makes any sense. Enough users have shown how useful it is.

    Does Fractal need to copy the Kemper model of offering packs? It's all already in the hardware. Only needs work to tweak. Axe-FX users do share tone matches, but users already have control over a modeled amp.
    You avoid the point of Coldfrixon matching a Kemper profile with his Axe. Axe users or Cliff offering "tone match packs" doesn't mean such a thing can't be done. The more likely answer is Axe users don't share the same need for packs as Kemper users because a Kemper needs a present amp to copy where the Axe does not.

    Of course competitors know what profiling is, it's their business to know. Kemper has a patent and patents are pubic so that their intellectual property is not trespassed. We'd be crazy to think others haven't looked it up and are crazier to think matching EQ curves is not a big portion of profiling. BIAS Amp 2 released a feature that looks suspiciously like profiling. They say it's a different algorithm than profiling with a Kemper. Clearly they know what constitutes a profile and it's obvious other competitors do, as well.

    Who in their right mind cares who says what if the tone match matches the tone in the end? That's really what matters. There's impressive examples online of it for anyone with functional ears. The rest is just noise.

    When Coldfrixo or anyone including the AXE FX II or II as makers provide all users with "Tone Matching Packs" of vintage and rare collectible amps presets, your argument could be valid, I'd settle for any "Tone Match - Amp Pack" and not artist presets, as those are found in Helix and every other Fx processor on the planet.

    Think about it, if Tone Matching was anything but gimmick, how come they don't release Amp Packs like Kemper does.?? It really is a rhetorical question but if you feel like answering it, please point me to some Amp Packs based on AXE FX II or III tone matching.

    Good luck. :)

    Does Fractal need to copy the Kemper model of offering packs? It's all already in the hardware. Only needs work to tweak. Axe-FX users do share tone matches, but users already have control over a modeled amp.
    You avoid the point of Coldfrixon matching a Kemper profile with his Axe. Axe users or Cliff offering "tone match packs" doesn't mean such a thing can't be done. The more likely answer is Axe users don't share the same need for packs as Kemper users because a Kemper needs a present amp to copy where the Axe does not.

    Nothing is a gimmick if it's useful. EQ matching has been around a long time because it's useful, even if not unique to the Axe-FX. It looks like you're trying to focus on minutiae to downplay the Axe-FX as a whole, or commenting negatively on a video of a poor Axe tone while ignoring other videos and clips. I have no skin in this game as a Kemper user but this thread reflects poorly on this community.

    Coldfrixon gave samples of an Axe-FX tone matching a profile pretty convincingly so I don't see how anyone here can talk about how the Axe just can't replicate tube tone. I noticed nobody would hazard a guess of his examples. One user getting personal while the other more vocal Axe critic bowed out only to return again ignoring the issue, and also repeating his assertion about what Cliff said while refusing to cite this claim. It's kind of embarrassing to read this thread as a fellow Kemper owner.

    No matter the methods of how a tone is reached, what is important is that it achieves those ends. I've seen and heard enough over time to convince any rational person that Axe and Kemper are cut from the same mold even if the methods differ. Talking like one is superior to the other in tone is just silly at this point and suggests more of emotional defensiveness than an objective approach. The tone and arguments of those posts also reflect that.

    There was a time when Axe users were toxic and defensive of things, especially when the Kemper was released. Over the years that has calmed down. Reading the Kemper forum this past year, the shoe has now gone on the other foot and this thread unfortunately highlights that fact. The OP wanted to talk about the specs for a competing product and before you know it the thread is littered with emotional attacks on Fractal & Cliff despite nobody even looking at it or hearing a single sample. This is why more and more avoid this community that was much more balanced and helpful in years past.