Posts by collectiveamnesia

    In all seriousness, KPA profiles of the Axe FX I and II (and III I'm sure) sound a bit different than the amp models anyway in my experience.

    And you would lose the "total control" from the Axe anyway. You can still use the internal KPA parameters to craft a tone, but until the Kemper can "profile" or model every component of every amp or modeler and how it behaves, it's no direct substitute, which at this point is not its intended function. I've found a few profiles of the Axe that are quite good, but many of them I don't care for because the preset wasn't set up remotely close to what my tastes would be. The Kemper EQ can only get you so far, so I'd be better off having the Axe and tweaking it before profiling the tone I preferred. In other words, the Kemper "snapshot" doesn't "steal the soul" of any product but instead tries to replicate a particular setting only, but if you want a different setting you'd still need the product in question.

    Warnings went out to ColdFrixion, Dean_R and collectiveamnesia. If you want to fight, do it somewhere else. This is getting old.

    Dean has both ColdFrixon and me on ignore so I don't think you'll see extensive arguing at this point. But as an admin, I'd consider who in this thread has been a catalyst for chasing off forum members and hijacking threads to peddle narratives that reflect poorly on this forum and Kemper. I'll leave it at that.

    These are the current AXE FX II prices updated on reverb a major musical gear where you can sell your own used gear or new. and also buy.

    I don't see one compelling reason to upgrade to AXE III but if you must, I recommend selling the AXE FX II and not updating to AXE III because there's nothing really new., Instead I recommend you get a Kemper, it's cheaper and the modeling for sure is better, The effects aren't as many on the Kemper, but there are many unique effects in the Kemper that you won't get any where else. Your guitar mixes will sound more compelling and better way better that you'd expect and were used to with the AXE II.

    The AXE FX II sold yesterday for as low as one grand!! and the price keeps dropping.
    [Blocked Image:]

    Whodathunk, Kemper cheerleader bloviates assumptions about the new Axe-FX and suggests people buy Kemper. Stop the presses! Also says modeling is better while avoiding guessing between an Axe tone match of a profile with any weak rationalization he can grasp onto.

    So Fractal says in their website that

    This is MementoMori, I had him on ignore in his original persona as well as this new one. The only thing that changed is the name. His original name means " Remember Death". 8o He's just resurrected but he's still as morbid as ever. I suggested that he would get a sense of humor to no avail.. He was pissed because the sun rose in the morning. and whatever the topic was at the kemper forum was LOL

    Keep guessing, not that it would matter and you’d still be left avoiding every challenge placed to you. So far you’ve been absolutely convinced about 6 different times with who I am. The constant assuming and dancing is its own form of entertainment. But hey, whatever keeps you from having to confront each fallacy you stack on top of the other.

    Just because Christoph is a brilliant engineer doesn't mean everything is perfect. Early on they had to fix the low end in profiles. Then the mids weren't right, as pointed out by Lasse Lammert on this very forum. If the Kemper's engineering is impervious to criticism or critique, why was it not perfect to begin with. Did Christoph not look at the wav forms or EQ curves?

    Of course I'm just outlining that nothing is perfect and we are of course capable of pointing it out. Coldfrixon in past threads has shared EQ matches that helped bring profile vs source amp closer. His purpose in doing so was also answer criticism of the Kemper's profiling, but the obvious take away from those marathon threads was that the profile didn't immediately bake in the right EQ curve, so profiling isn't perfect. Some steps can be taken to close the gap, but the gap exists. Conceptually, if applying an EQ curve, ie Tone Match, to a profile makes it more accurate, that does speak volumes about its merits within the Axe.

    gimmicks of Fractal but figured, hey you never know. It could be because so

    Thank you so much for posting this, I haven't been keeping up with the stuff since many years ago around 2012 when I discovered beyond a doubt how corrupt and unethical Fractal and friends were. That was all i needed to know back then to become certain that they're past rehabilitation and stopped reading.
    I know some don't want to read or hear about this stuff, but knowledge is power. If I didn't read and educate myself on digital modeling, I would have believed Fractal when they lied and said that EQ Matching is the same as profiling. Damn they're on a much worse than a real crooked used car salesman.

    Interestingly, the guy who says knowledge is power refuses to have a conversation with the most knowledgeable person on this thread because he doesn't reaffirm his biases. As usual, the gap between what Dean says and how Dean behaves is ever widened.

    I find it weird this preoccupation with small thread tiffs. The Cooper Carter thing kinda hit me like a big fat nothingburger when I read it. I feel that the actual event has been far more exaggerated in both effect and importance here than the occurrence itself.

    But I guess it makes sense some might archive or save these trivial threads considering Happy Kemper apparently takes time out of his day to search out and compile the names of every person who uses a Kemper and adds it to his private page. Adult men doing these things kinda gives me the creeps like a total obsession built on gear elitism.

    Regardless, everyone is now diverting in all different directions and ignoring any constructive chatter, even refusing to listen to the tiniest audio samples.

    Actually none of that is the case, though you could stand to read the thread he linked to and several others. Users in other areas have also posted wav forms to point to differences which includes "spikes" (rasp) and others. Coldfrixon has said some of profiling differences can be resolved with EQ matching, or at least limited enough to be undetectable in a mix, but others cannot. Whether all the producers, artists, or people who use Kemper acknowledge this or not, the wav forms don't change. To Coldfrixons point, this isn't something he's pulled out of his butt and the number of users who have correctly picked out Kemper in relation to the profiled amp demonstrates that difference.

    Sure, link…orms-heres.1681714/page-5
    It was Line6 staff who saw it, and Cooper just laughs it off.

    Thanks, I took a read. Hard to see what happened exactly without screen caps and the FB posts are gone. If what I'm deducing is correct, there was a poll on which people voted for their favorite modeller. At the time Kemper was ahead by a considerable margin and then Cooper used his FB to enlist support by getting his followers to participate in the poll? Again, I'm guessing here, but that's what it reads like.

    If that is the case, I guess I personally don't see that as such a big deal. Quite often in my day to day as a musician with musician friends do I get requests to vote for the song or band or whatever on some site either just in a general poll or to "win" something if you amass the most votes. It's not that uncommon of an occurrence. Perhaps that is frowned upon on TGP, which it could be as I'm not a part of the forum. But I can see how enlisting support for a "fun poll", if indeed it was, would rub some the wrong way. Despite that, his response seems to suggest he didn't realize that was so frowned upon, and I don't think it quite matches the tone you initially described it as. My thoughts were it was something far more serious and damaging. Seems like a dumb mistake on an insignificant poll.

    I've actually met Cooper at NAMM and spent a little time talking with him. Actually a very humble guy and as a Kemper user I was curious on his thoughts. He said there were some issues he had with it but overall thought it was a really great unit and sounded very convincing. He could have rolled his eyes or slammed the Kemper if he really wanted to but he genuinely didn't seem bothered when I told him I used Kemper.

    Oh, look at this "shill"...…/#post-21560640

    I outlined the process I used in detail at TGP and anyone can verify that my method works for themselves simply by using the Axe FX's built-in IR utility to capture the cab section of any Kemper profile they want and use that in the Cab block of the Axe FX. It should only take a few minutes to dial in a match.

    He just wants to bypass your contributions because he has no answer. It's nothing more than lazy logic. He has no more foundation to dispute your honesty than he does for unquestionably believing the story about Cooper Carter. Given, the story could very well be true, but I'm not inclined to believe it on the sole grounds that it was uttered on the Kemper forum.

    Done! Didn't even read the rest of your rant. Feel better, and easy on the Drama, it seems that many are offended by drama in the context of discussing gear. :)

    Cool, now you can comfortably retreat back to your echo chamber so that your illusions aren't challenged. You can also pretend you're above the drama despite being a full participant and often instigator of it. You want to take your swipes and then pretend you're above doing what you just did in the previous sentence. At least those proclivities are unmistakably on full display.

    Yes, tried to pull myself away but I was pinged earlier. What's another day? You're welcome to take your own advise and ignore me just like you have Coldfrixon. His credibility with you really has zero to do with you taking his blind test, especially if the tonal disparities are as extreme as you make them out to be. Should be easy for you to guess and prove yourself, yet you refuse at every turn. Instead of actually proving your point you avoid it. Ignoring him is clearly just because he's been the most direct and honest person on this thread that has answered criticism with evidence, examples, and reasonable deductions. You're simply hiding to avoid embarrassment, and it's obvious.

    I have to chuckle again at your paranoid accusations and assumptions. Mr D? Considering I know who I am and who I'm not, this only further illustrates what I was discussing earlier about you making your own straw men to attack. Your accusations and assumptions about me have changed about 4 or 5 times, so what's a few more? Obviously it's more important that you figure out "who I am" rather than what I actually write, which several in this thread have corroborated. And let's not be frantic and emotional, I can write plainly about your reasoning (or lack thereof) style without being emotive. Compare that to your rambling and over-encompassing pettiness, I think there's a marked difference that's obvious to anyone with an IQ above an acorn.

    As for the difference in "feel", your magic word that is your arbitrary catch-all phrase to hide behind, that would have to come from someone who has taken time to play and learn the Axe 3. I don't even own an Axe 2 to conclusively compare, but the sound samples I've heard, including the clips I & Coldfrixon have posted show you can make just about zero tonal differentiation between the 2. At that point I don't know what "feel" you need and its plainly obvious you wouldn't accept any example of it that were given to you. You've already passed over Axe videos and told everyone just to look up the bad ones. You've passed over Metallica clips from their last tour and focused on 1 TV performance. You've passed over a blind test to prove that your ears can detect a difference between the 2. So far every attempt at getting you to confront anything other than your predetermined conclusions has been ignored or met with focus on insignificant minutiae that deviates from the overall point. It's just tiny satellite battles as your position consistently recedes. The moment the dust settles you go back to your talking points.

    So yeah, Axe 3 looks like a pretty cool tool.

    You typed three paragraphs and didn't answer the basic question, "Why won't you take ColdFrixion's blind tests?"

    You've made numerous critical statements regarding the Axe FX's modeling, yet you won't take a simple challenge and put your money where your mouth is. In fact, no one in who's been overtly critical of the Axe FX's modeling seems willing to.

    Why would they? All it would do is challenge their misconceptions. It's easier to ignore them and continue postulating the same hyperbole over and over again. It's easier to write you off because of a petty argument of semantics "99% vs 100%" because it's an excuse to disregard the actual substance, which is inconvenient for them. You asked for any shred of proof from the Axe forum or TGP that consumers unwittingly conflate profiling with tone match, and you predictably got nothing because you're arguing solipsism, not rationality. It's about the world in their heads, not the one that exists. Same reason he's willing to immediately accept the story that Cooper Carter tried to load a poll without seeing a modicum of evidence.

    That's why you can send him an endless barrage of Metallica videos with great tone using the Axe but he will always reference the 1 or handful of videos with poor tone or tell you to look up other bad Axe videos, as if bad Kemper videos don't also exist. He's simply not interested in hearing what the Axe can do, if he were there would be a world of easy examples. He's interested in protecting his preconceptions and self-worth based on a piece of gear he bought. He'll just ignore any reasonable thing you put in front of him and continue peddling the same talking points because they are subjective and arbitrary, like criticizing the "feel". Nevermind he couldn't properly pick from your examples without a stroke of luck, it's all about the mythical "feel" that "nothing outside the Kemper" has. It's the same position he always recedes into when someone who knows what they're talking about participates in a thread.

    You'd think if the tonal differences and "feel" are as severe as he makes out that he'd be delighted to guess at your examples just to show you how easy it is. Clearly that's not the case, so it's exclusively a matter of misplaced pride.

    Clearly I'm not the only one who notices. In fact, I know I'm not because even if I haven't talked much on the forum, I talk outside of it, and others currently on the forum and in the past echo the same sentiments.

    Dean, I think any honest person reading will see who has been measured and who has thrown around rambling accusations, conspiracies, easily challenged opinions, misquotes, exaggerations, and rather staggering projections. Every time I turn around you've moved the goal posts somewhere else. When I point out exactly what you've said, claimed, and shifted, you accuse me of being emotional, which is telling. I didn't come here to change you or your mind, but I think your posts speak for themselves better than I could. You've shown unable to see even your own irony even as others have done in the past. They mostly just avoid threads you chime into.

    You can repeat all the hyperbole you want, as you are wont to do in the protection of this echo chamber, it's no measure of truth. I think Coldfrixon, as an Axe and Kemper owner is in a unique position to comment on both and I have to applaud his ability to share his knowledge in a constructive way. Conversely, your claims about the Axe showcase rather vividly that you have a predetermined conclusion built in to every premise. It's why you continue to grasp at straws and move the goal posts to desperately justify it. Truthfully, I couldn't care less about your opinions on the Axe, but your pettiness masquerading as legitimacy which is my chief reason for being here. Snobby gear elitism is sad to watch, especially when its not particularly clever.

    So, I think 2 days spent on a half-rate interloper is sufficient. What needed to be said has been said, so now back to the better things I have to devote my time to. Like people here are fond of saying whenever someone voices criticism of the Kemper, "just play guitar", before they come back to lurk the forum all day instead of playing their guitars. In this case, I actually will.

    I invite you again to address the comparisons Coldfrixon posted, as well as myself. I know you won't, because you'd have to confront the fact that the Kemper and Axe aren't half a percent as different as you think. Still, I'd be happy for you to surprise me.

    Good luck.

    I enjoy some of the Cooper Carter fractal axe fx videos, but it was sad to see him, as a very prominent fractal employe, getting caught cheating red handed in a user poll on thegearpage last year. Fractal wasn't doing good in the poll, and he (representing a company) asked for help elsewhere and suddenly fractal did better in the modeler poll. They even posted print screen images of it on tgp as evidence before he deleted his help question. AFAIK he didn't get any reprimand from tgp staff. It's sad to see companies cheating and manipulating gear forums.

    If that's true, it's unfortunate. I remember when Will Gelvin got caught making multiple accounts to help with the Gelvin guitar brand in luthier polls. As unfortunate as that is, it doesn't mean his guitars suck, nor would it mean that Axe-FX sucks. Couldn't find the thread, do you have a link?

    That's a really good comparison. If he would've cut the low-end just a hair, the Axe FX sample would've sounded practically indistinguishable.

    I agree. Tiny changes or even tone match could certainly get you there because it's a little darker as-is, but maybe I'm wrong because I've heard somewhere that it's more harsh...

    Based on that video, sure. Based on my samples, no.

    To be fair, one doesn't know how the modeled amp sounds. I don't particularly like the tone, but that's a subjective matter. The true determinate is taking a raw amp tone and seeing if you can replicate it. Here's a sample shared with me earlier that doesn't even use tone matching and includes a profile of the same setup:…e-fx-ii-kemper/

    There's no rush, though I know how you like to put words and intentions in other peoples heads and mouths. Some let you do it, but that's not how I roll.

    I've been a calm, collected customer this entire time, especially when you contrast to your rantings and accusations of being a Fractal troll, which I notice you've backed away from, just as you've backed away from nearly every other pronouncement that you've been confronted on in this very thread. At this point you're just projecting.

    Bad experiences with the Axe-FX are fine and understandable, but that's not what you like talking about. You rattle on about not being able to get tube tone or feel or that tone match is a gimmick or that Cliff is purposefully misleading people or that people on this forum contradicting your accounts are Fractal trolls with agendas or that a patent is not public and can be accessed. Bad experience is personal and is quite easy to share and respect, but you like to go further and grasp at any straw in order to dismiss and discredit, be it another device or person. That is emotionally-impulsive bully territory, whether it's aggressive or passive. Frankly, it has no direct effect on me, but I'll call it like it is because some others won't.

    I have been trying to get you back to talking about the Axe-FX 3 but you keep refusing each offer to hazard a guess at Coldfrixons samples. And there has been more than 1 video including a demo of the Axe3 that you conveniently failed to address. If you're referring to the Cooper Carter video, we both agree that the tone isn't great. But that would be like me judging the Kemper based on a crappy profile or even amp for that matter.