Posts by Sliccnut

    There are no such reports of a software issue out of nowhere. And I think, the explanation might be electrical.

    Is it possible, that for example an alter boy accidentally stumbles over the cable and pulls the TRS plug half way out, so that it shortcuts the contacts in the socket?

    I'm confident that it has something to do with switching between certain performances or slots. That has been the case every time this has happened.

    There is a pot on the side of the pedal ( right hand side as you look down). I suspect this is the issue....check the manual for which way you adjust it...but it should be fully engaged/max sweep.

    As mentioned I use 2 Moog's with no issue so its either faulty or something else.

    Ohh yeah, the knob that controls the pot. It's always in the max position. I thought you were talking about opening the pedal up or something and checking the actual pot.

    Definitely check the pot on the Moog pedal.

    Just so you know I use 2 Moog Ep3 pedals and they work flawlessly so definitely something wrong here, hope you track down the problem

    How do I check the pot?

    The Moog Ep3 pedals are what I have been using. I wondering if changing to something else could help me in my particular situation.

    Have you checked what happens, if you detach the TRS cable from the PROFILER Stage or Remote?

    Have you tried another PEDAL socket instead of PEDAL 3? There are four PEDAL sockets.

    These Moog pedals have a pot to limit their range. Is it possible you have set these pots to minimum range? This compromizes the resolution since the electrical resistance hardly varies. It is recommended to always use maximum range for best resolution. The parameter minimum in heel position can be controlled via Volume Pedal Range.

    Such expression pedals just control the parameter - in this case volume - via changes of the electrical resistance. If the PROFILER engages the tuner, it means the resistance is equal to heel position of the pedal and Tuner@Volume=0 is activated. If this happens while the pedal rests in tow position there is something electricall wrong: either the pedal (e.g. pot), or the cable, or perhaps the socket is broken.

    The current OS release is 8.7.20.

    I haven't tried that permanently. It's hard for me to recreate the problem consistently. Is there any chance that this could be software related?

    This issue won't happen when I'm on the same slot. Only in certain situations when I change performances or slots.

    I need some help with this.

    I have this issue where every month or 2 randomly my Kemper won’t register that the volume pedal is down. It’s like it does a weird glitch. I linked a video that shows what happened this past Sunday. I was swelling when my Kemper did this glitch thing and played the note at full volume. The first time couple times this happened I assumed that I was somehow playing the strings with the volume pedal up (user error). However, I specifically looked down this time to make sure and I saw that the pedal was all the way down. If you listen, you can hear the note kind of cut off. It would sound different and smoother if I had just forgot to swell with the pedal.

    Here’s what I know about the issue. It happens when moving directly from another performance. Because of this I try to always stay in the same performance which I did this Sunday. What was a little different is that I used a slot that I don’t use very often that has a lot of stuff going, octaver, chorus, delays, etc. right before this song.

    I think when this has happened I’ve seen the Kemper screen glitch or momentarily go to the tuner. It always freaks me out, so I can’t say for sure. It also rarely happens. I’ve tried to recreate this at home but haven’t been able to.

    I currently am using pedal slot 3 and have the volume pedal set to "input" -5.0 range.

    What is annoying is that I can't get the issue to recreate exactly like how it happens at church. I swear it just happens once a month or so.

    I have

    -went through several updates but currently on

    -new trs cable

    -new moog pedal (issue happens with both)


    Any help or troubleshooting suggestions would be amazing.