Posts by MacDre

    Wouldn't a tube amp color the tone even more. Seems odd to me to go from a digital profiler and convert the signal to analogue , but I do prefer tube guitar amps to solid state. Just never really imagined converting one signal to another and how good that would sound, or if some of the signal would be lost (I realize that the way digital signals work is already losing some of the dynamics or what have you so maybe theres nothing to lose?)... or if it would further color the profiles intended tone on top of the cab I am thinking about purchasing.

    Hey guys , sorry ahead of time for posting a thread about something so basic, I have been googling around but can't seem to find anyone laying it out as simply as I need it, despite this topic being covered ad nauseam.

    I have a non-powered Lunchbox and am looking to move away from playing through 2 powered Yamaha HS7 monitors, because it simply doesn't sound good enough to me, unless I am playing cleans.. I've attributed this to them just not pushing enough air after doing some research. I have decided against FRFR because I don't want to take any chances spending money on something that won't give me an amp in room feel... I'm basically willing to accept a cab coloring my tone as long as it's going to feel as close to the real thing as possible. I don't do any gigging or shows, and am purely a bedroom guitarist. However I am open to having my mind changed by those of you who've experienced this same problem with the Kemper and have personally experimented with FRFR, cabs, and monitors.

    But my main question is if I decide on getting say, a Hughes and Kettner 120w 2x12 16ohm Extension Cabinet how powerful of an amplifier am I going to need to purchase, and if you have some brand recommendations, please share. Not looking for top of the line but definitely am not looking for something cheap... I don't want to be sacrificing any sound quality. Just looking for something that will provide full, stable power for years to come.

    Thanks in advance.

    And its safe to assume because of the size, that these FRFR's are going to give me a similar sensation to a direct blast from my combo amp?

    Is it bad to drive speakers with less power than they are specified as requiring? Because that Koch ATR tube poweramp is 2x45watt stereo or 1x90watt mono and the Matrix Neolight NL212 is 8 ohms 120w mono mode or 16 ohms, 60w per side stereo mode.

    Before I forget, thank you everyone for the responses.

    Going to kind of go off topic now but I figure I'd keep all my noobie questions in one thread.

    I don't know if I can live without that feeling of air being pushed my combo amp produces, so I am thinking about buying a cabinet. Probably either a Marshall or Mesa Boogie 2x12, or a Bogner if I wanna look fancy... unless someone has a better recommendation. Since I got the non-powered Kemper, I need an external amp, or power source, correct? How powerful? The cabs I have been looking at all range from 120 watt - 160 watt, so I assume it would need to generate at least that much.

    Okay I am making good progress already. I noticed a setting on my monitors called High/Trim and Room Control. I set both to 0 dB. I also had my laptop hooked up to them via a 3.5mm to two 1/4 in and I disconnected it. I noticed that my volume became much louder after doing this, even after turning down the monitors.

    I checked out the Line 6 / Bogner Spider Valve MKII rig on the exchange and its pretty close to what I got, granted I need to put some new tubes in mine. What someone had briefly mentioned above that became very apparent was the air these monitors move is nothing compared to my 2x12. I think its playing tricks on me by adding an extra layer to the tone that my sense of touch picks up on when I am chugging or really digging into a note that my monitors just arent producing. And I think that may be the main thing I am not used to.

    May have to go get a new cab now, and an external amp since I got the non-powered version.

    I was also messing around with some Brian May profiles and was pretty pleased with them. I'm gunna chalk this up to jumping the gun. I need a lot more time with this unit :thumbup:

    Edit: Yes it was purchased brand new.
    And I am still working my way through the manual. Im the kind of person to noodle around with it on my own and when I can't figure out how to do something in particular, I then look it up lol.

    And I will try to capture some audio, but unfortunately I only have this little desktop Samson "go-mic". I plan on buying proper recording equipment throughout the year. And the tone that I have recorded with it seems to sound fine to me after playing it back which I think lends to this theory that not feeling air being moved by my monitors is making the tone come off as "thin" or "harsh" or "muffled" (muffled is seeming less and less of an accurate description). It was hard for me to describe since I don't know the proper terminology and haven't had any formal ear training.

    Hey guys, I just got a Kemper and I am running it through two Yamaha HS7 powered monitors. So far I am greatly unimpressed with the sound I am getting. Clean tones sound good, but anything with distortion sounds thin, harsh, kind of muffled, and just overall shitty. Granted I am used to a direct blast from tube amps. But then again, even a shitty little Line 6 digital amp I had years ago was much better than this. I havent even scratched the surface with all the settings but I have been able to mess around with the EQ and still can't get anything to sound close to acceptable. From what I have read, the tones Kemper produces are that of a mic'd amp, and me not being an audio producer is not used to this at all. But what confuses me is I watched countless videos on youtube before buying of blind comparison tests between the real deal amps and the Kemper and they were almost indistinguishable. So what gives. Are the stock profiles just bad? Do I need to spend more time tweaking the settings? I am scared to sink more money into it by buying new rigs just to be disappointed. At this point I'm already thinking about returning it.
    And before anyone asks, yes the cabinet setting is turned on and I have tried various different ones.