Posts by Peter@Kemper

    benutzt du den richtigen USB Eingang im Profiler?

    hast du ein fehlerhaftes USB Kabel ausgeschlossen?

    hast du den USB Slot am Computer ausschließen können, für dieses Problem verantwortlich zu sein?

    hast du schonmal versucht eine ältere Version des Rig Managers auf deinem Computer zu installieren, vielleicht kommt dein Computer mit der aktuellen RM version nicht zurecht.

    The Aux in doesn't affect the looper.

    You have to record it via front or alternative input, but be sure to check the level and turn off the effect chain to get a clear signal.

    But I have to mention, I don't see the point.

    The Looper does not keep the recording after switching off the Profiler.

    As soon as you press delete in the looper, all recorded tracks are gone, also the drum track... so a lot of work for nothing

    If you want to play to a drumbeat, I would loop it in the PC or DAW and listen to it via the AUX in via the Profiler.

    Is it possible that you send out the Di track via the same output, which you then listen to via headphones?

    You'll need a certain number of inputs and outputs on your interface.

    Output 1-2 Monitor for your speakers

    Output 3 --> sends the signal from the DAW to the Profiler

    Or do you additionally listen to the DI signal via the software of the interface? Some interfaces have their own mix desk integrated.

    Updating the Profiler Operating System
    Please perform the following simple steps to update your Kemper Profiler to a more recent operating system:
    You will need to use an empty USB flash drive in order to transfer the files from your Mac or PC to the Kemper Profiler. When you connect a USB flash drive for the first time, the Kemper Profiler will format it to ensure maximum reliability.
    The next step is to download the latest operating system. Updates are free of charge and can be downloaded from the following URL:
    Expand the downloaded .zip archive and search for the update file called “kaos.bin” inside. Copy thefile into the root directory or “OS Update” folder on the pre-formatted USB flash drive using your Mac or PC. Next, unmount the USB flash drive from your computer and plug it into the Kemper Profiler. Follow the on-screen instructions which will appear after a couple of seconds.
    More details can be found in the Reference Manual.

    In case the current operating system installed on your Profiler is older than 1.8.2 Release you need to take an interim step and upgrade to 1.8.2 first, before you will be able to install current operating system. Operating system 1.8.2 Release can be downloaded from our web-page under category „Legacy Operating System Versions“.

    Die Aux In Funktion ist dazu gedacht, um ein externes Audio Signal zu seinem Profiler Signal zuzumischen.
    Ein versuch ist es wert, acht einfach darauf, das der Pegel, der aus dem Kopfhörerverstärker kommt nicht zu hoch ist.
    Das Output Menu page 6 bietet dir ja die Möglichkeit dieses Signal dann dem jeweiligen Ausgang (in deinem Fall der Headphoneausgang) zuzumischen.

    sounds like a wrong routing in the apollo software and / or the DAW, you get a feedback into the Profiler.

    For reamping a sound make sure to chose Master Mono / Stereo to get the sound of the complete signal chain.
    Git Studio offers you to record a Di signal of your guitar.

    Which output of the Profiler do you use to get the signal back to your apollo?
    Have you already checked the output settings in the output menu?
    Maybe you have assigned a di signal like the setting "Git Studio" to the corresponding output.?

    Is it possible, that the locking function has nothing to do with it?
    If I implement a Rig via Browse Knob in a Slot in Performance Mode, then exactly this Rig also appears in Browser Mode when I switch back to it.

    The deciding factor is, I have to select a rig via the browse knob.

    Can you confirm that?

    Hi Aaron I tried to contact you via mail.

    Our developer asks me which AMP you tried to profile

    Is this it?…-watt-el34-head

    Unfortunately, I don't recognize the amp on your video correctly.

    As I read, you were able to profile another amplifier over this setup without any problems and you suspect the amplifier itself is not suitable for profiling, right?

    In the Kemper Merged Profilers Pack we have the EVH 5150 III Merged Rigs from all three channels.
    Michael Britt was able to make direct profiles of the AMP.

    From a distance it is really difficult to judge why you don't get exact images.
    First, I would recommend you try the Profiler DI Box. Maybe you can get that from someone else for a test?

    I recommend you to send in your unit to the Kemper Service Center. (contact support)
    The warranty would expire if you repair the device yourself. (If it is still under warranty)
    I also want to warn you about consequential damages, if something goes wrong during the repair and you install the wrong component or something similar.

    Only the best for your Profiler and in the repair center the specialists know exactly what to replace.

    best regards

    Du kannst den Profiler Switch 2 Way im System menu so konfigurieren, dass der Tip als Rig Down und der Switch als Rig Up fungiert. Somit kannst du die einzelnen Rigs hoch oder runter schalten. Man springt auch in die nächste Performance wenn man beispielsweise von Rig 5 einen Slot weiter hoch spring sowie umgekehrt auch in die vorherige Performance.

    Das ganze dürfte aber mit jedem Doppeltaster funktionieren, der als (Momentary) konfiguriert werden kann.

    Is it possible that you can still hear the original tone of your guitar, which irritates you?
    To rule this out, you'll have to make the signal pretty loud.
    Our ears are quite impressive and can still hear the original signal of the guitar through headphones.
    Record the transposed signal to see if it really contains another tone.

    In the Output menu you are allowed to adjust the volume for
    Main Out, Monitor Out, Direct Out and SPDIF Out separately.
    The Monitor Output is internal linked to the built in power amp, so you are able to use the Monitor Output Volume Knob to adjust the level for the passive speaker.

    From the manual...

    Monitor Output
    The MONITOR OUTPUT is specifically designed to deliver a signal to your onstage monitors, assuming it is notalready being “abused” for other purposes as described in the chapter Output Sources.
    The most common purpose of the built-in power amp of PowerHead and PowerRack is to drive a guitar speaker- cabinet, therefore it is cabled internally to the MONITOR OUTPUT. However, the MONITOR OUTPUT jack carries the exact same signal in parallel, so you can still use the MONITOR OUTPUT as if the power amp wasn't there.
    Even with Profiler variants that don't feature the built-in amp, you can still connect the MONITOR OUTPUT to a full range speaker, or a powered side-wedge on stage. Remember, if the speaker has no power amp of its own, you will need to get one in order to drive it.
    The MONITOR OUTPUT features an independent volume control, as well as a dedicated equalizer in the Output Settings. These allow you to tailor the sound to your speaker cabinet, while the other outputs remain unaffected.

    Select a Rig from My Profiler, press Shift + F.

    Press the right mouse button and select Make Favorite.

    In your Favorites list in the Profiler, the Rigs should appear immediately after you have connected your Profiler with your computer via USB.

    You can only save Rigs as Favorites, which are also available on your Profiler.