Posts by billabong17

    Not sure if has been asked for before, but I would find a 'history' function useful. I find I might jump around various folders in my local library/rig exchange trying to dial in the right tone, but it's not easy to navigate back to previously auditioned profiles to compare etc.

    I think if there was a history page (just like a web browser), this would be really useful to me. If this was too difficult, having the ability to jump between two profiles (current/last) would be a good start.


    I love the Kemper Editor now it's here, however I would love the ability to have a simplified effects section. Its great that there are so many options and functions within each individual effect, however sometimes I yearn for a simple replication of traditional stomp box design with just standard knobs (e.g. Drive, Tone, Volume). I do like some alternative products editors where you actually see a picture of the stomp and easily move them in the signal chain and alter simple controls (I'm a simple guitarist).

    I guess I'm being a bit fussy given Kemper have provided such a detailed editor, but sometimes I just want to 'Jam' and have fun. The ability to switch to a more detailed stomp editor would then be great when you are fine-tuning your tome for recording etc.

    Does anyone agree? Maybe it's been suggested before..

    Sorry if already discussed, but I could do with some advice on folder layout/rig importing functions in RM 3 beta.

    Having owned a Kemper for a couple of years now, I am in the situation where I have the original Kemper profiles (I got 2nd hand so already 1000 in there, plus another few thousand on USB stick from the previous owner, ), plus all those I have downloaded since from Rig Exchange, plus some I have purchased - you get the idea, I have so many profiles :)

    My question is what is the best way to import and organise in RM? I have tried separating into folders per Amp, or alphabetically, but I didn't realise you cannot drag folders with rigs included (so I created folders, but then you have to import the rigs per folder into the new (identical) folder. (Hope that made sense!). This seems cumbersome and slow (I gave up after a while). I guess the other option is import all rigs and then create folders from Rig Manager and drag in (I assume that's possible?)

    Anyway, just wondered if someone else has come up with an efficient way of managing this, and perhaps I'm missing a simple way to deal with. Or maybe some future RM enhancement would help.


    My issue was resolved in the end. Following another updated release, I updated RM but the same issue was there, plugging ion my Kemper to another USB kicked RM back into action. This suggests there was a driver issue such that RM couldn't see the profiler (despite the profiler working fine in Windows and DAW.

    Suggest others try this as well. Its certainly not obvious given the profiler is connected to Windows just fine.


    I thought I'd try a fresh install of RM so uninstalled completely, then reinstalled. Upon opening, this time I received a message saying I needed at least OS 7.07 (I was on 7.06). So, I have updated the kemper to OS7.08, but now I receive 'A communication issue has occurred' message saying 'The USB connection between your profiler and your computer is not stable...' and still no connection. The kemper is working fine, and connects to the PC fine (e.g. using in a DAW). I've contacted Kemper support...

    Are you using your expression pedal as a multifunction pedal (eg morph to wah, wah to pitch etc.)? This has caused me lag in the past. Also, the pedal attached to the Remote has more lag than when it is attached directly to the pedal inputs on the back of the KPA. Try experimenting and you might find a way that works better than how you currently use it.

    I'm using a pedal in a Behringer FCB with EurekaProm. I've tried setting as a pitch pedal, and as wah to pitch, but doesn't make a difference. Perhaps it's just an artifact of using the FCB, but using as a wah and volume works flawlessly (albeit it would not be as obvious in those modes).

    Just hope Kemper sorts this out as it’s a pain having to use an additional pedal for the odd song (in my case the solo on Killing in the Name). Thinking about it, even my 25 year old Boss GT3 did a better job.

    Not sure if this has been suggested before, but I don’t find the selection of effects using Type and Browse known functions particularly intuitive. I’d prefer to select the effect type and be offered the ability to scroll through available presets using the same function. So select the effect using Type, then hit enter if you want to browse through the available effects for that effect/stomp.

    Thanks for the response. I should have mentioned I have the EurekaProm installed. Regards the sweep - mine does not do it as fast as I can move the pedal, that is the whole issue - and gives a wired effect. I have used Digitech Whammy, plus the pitch shift pedals on a BOSS GT3, Roland FC300 with VG99, and my little portable cheap mulitfx unit and all work as expected except the Kemper.

    Thanks for the link, I have calibrated but to no avail. I will try and look for a sensitivity parameter, it is entirely possible I have inadvertently messed up a setting somewhere (although as a wah it works perfectly)!


    Hi, 1st post from me so hope this is in the the right location?

    I have the Behringer fcb1010 and it works really well, but I have an issue (or a perceived one) when setting up the pitch pedal effect with the expression pedal. I find it works really well as a wah, but when I use it as a pitch pedal, I find that the effect is delayed when sweeping through heel to toe quickly. In other words the pitch is noticeably slow in reaching the desired pitch (in my case a 2 octave jump), and the picht ‘sweeps’ through the note range rather than jumping to the desired pitch. Like this, it just doesn’t sound like a whammy pedal, or other alternative and I can’t get that Tom Morello sound:(

    Can anyone tell me if this is as expected on the Kemper or maybe I have set up incorrectly or inadvertently changed a setting?

    Thanks in advance!