Posts by KavenSTP

    This might be a basic question, but I have difficulty finding the correct answer.

    From the Kemper to a mixer stereo 1/4 input, do I just use regular guitar cables or balanced cables?

    And from the mixer to the powered speakers, same question: regular cables or balanced is better?


    Hi! I just got a Kemper and now have to find the perfect fit for my needs in terms of speakers.

    The best scenario would be for both guitar player (Kemper) and bass (only using Zoom ms60b and a preamp effect) to play in the same speakers combo. I have a couple questions:

    1. If I buy like a dsr 112 and a dsr 118, I will probably need a small mixer to be able to plug a bass and a guitar at the same time? Can I use a mixer without coloring the sound?

    2. With this setup, will it cover all the frequencies I need for both guitar and bass? Or would the sound quality still be better in a real bass amp?

    3. If I go the line 6 way (L3T and L3S), as it have more input options straight in the speaker, would that be better that going with the DSRs through a mixer?

    Thanks a lot for your thoughts, it's a lot of money so I need some advice! :)