Posts by TeleMan

    TeleMan, just watched your video about your QC going down (I also watched yours about switching from Kemper when I first started) Hope you get it sorted!

    Hey thanks for watching, I will update when I get the QC back from Finland, hopefully I am able to trust it! šŸ™ƒ

    I'm considering doing the same thing, Voxman.

    I have been a QC convert for almost 6 months, and currently my QC is on its way to Finland to get repaired...I was on Kemper for 5+ years, and have since sold off my Kemper, power Kabinet, remote, and expression pedal (wow REGRETS) and now am considering going back to Kemper....I honestly feel a little silly, and I really have enjoyed my time with the QC, but now I'm worried I can't trust it.

    I believe the main board on my QC will need to be replaced, it sounded like THIS before I shipped it back. I suppose I'll wait and see, but seeing as this is my second QC in about a year and a half (first one locked up during a gig due to a glitch and so I returned it and stayed on Kemper for another 3+ months), my trust is getting a little thin!

    I think there is a good chance they are related because I had an issue with the connectivity and my profiler crashed (the first time it ever happened to me).

    Don't just check the cable, check the ethernet port in the back of the profiler. I had this issue and had mine replaced, solved the problem.

    Did you send yours in to Kemper to get the jack fixed or just take it to a local computer shop?

    Iā€™ve had an issue arise where the Kemper will freeze occasionally when in tuner mode (not connected to RM or a computer). It has happened at shows where I mute the signal by entering the tuner with the button on the remote at the end of a set or similar. I come back a little while later and the unit will have locked up. i am running the latest firmware, but it also happened on the previous firmware as well.

    I also have an issue with my remote not powering on when connected to the unit (fails the POST and then refuses to turn on unless I cycle the power on the main unit at few times) but Iā€™m thinking (hoping) itā€™s due to a bad cable. I am wondering if these issues may be somehow related in any way? Is there a way to test whether the ethernet port on the back of my unit may be faulty?


    This might seem like a funny title until I explain a little history about Kemper. For many years Mr Kemper was responsible for a hugely successful synthesizer the Access Virus. There have been a number of iterations of this synth but it currently retails as the Access Virus TI2. TI stands for total integration - namely that the synth is completely integrated with a computer via a plugin window and the audio is transmitted via USB. This synth is everywhere in popular music. Look it up!

    So what? You say..... Well Access have abandoned owners of the Virus by not bothering to update the software. As a result the synth doesn't work with any Mac with a Catalina onwards OS. Despite numerous requests from owners to continue to support the synth (which is still for sale new) Access has gone quiet for several years. Many people now own a Ā£2K piece of abandonware. So be warned Kemper Profiler owners. Don't expect to be treated any differently when it suits Access/Kemper to ditch you because it is convenient for the company.

    Sounds like someone is bitter about their purchase of a synth and needed a place to ventā€¦

    But you don't want that for live surely.....clean sounds cut more so need a lower volume. Solos need boosting and hence need a higher volume.

    Different sounds cut differently depending on the band i.e. 2 guitar bands tend to need more boosts to cut through.

    I absolutely prefer to set my volumes relatively using my ear. Takes seconds and once set, all sorted.

    Can I ask why you need this?

    100% Agree. Once you get the hang of doing this a few times, itā€™s easy. I wouldnā€™t want an auto function that Iā€™d have to adjust anyway.

    I agree with you !

    I'm coming from Helix and i've lost many possibilities but i don't care cause i didn't use them

    I'm not afraid of OS stability, when there's a bug, Kemper Team corrects that pretty quickly.

    Thing i want is not too much possibilities to be lost and programm a lot of menus in every Rigs.

    On the same time, since three years i have been owning my stage, there have been a lot of big improvements and Kemper kept it simple !

    What pushed you more toward the Kemper? I had a helix when it was first released and returned it due to reliability issues but have been curious about how the Helix has developed since my first experience with it

    What issues were you having? My remote will sometimes fail the POST causing me to have to turn the profiler off/on multiple times to get it to work. I thought it could be the cable so i have a new one on order, but now Iā€™m not so sureā€¦.

    Was the cost of the clone that much less than just buying another official one? Genuinely curious.

    EDIT: I see you bought a Kone at the same time, makes more sense now. Still wondering how much the build cost

    Well after spending a month with the Quad Cortex, I ended up returning it. I found that for my needs, it was too unreliable and I spent a lot of time that I should have been practicing, being frustrated at the software bugs. I seemed to be constantly trying to find workarounds for stuff that came naturally on the Kemper, and there is a weird ground loop issue where I'd get noise unless I touched something metal (eg a foot switch). The onboard Wi-Fi is a fantastic feature, and one that I wish my profiler had (Hey Kemper, can we get an upgrade program for older profilers to add Wi-Fi?!) but the QC's Wi-Fi was super unreliable and dropped out constantly, one of the major annoyances I had when using it.

    All in all, I will probably revisit the Quad Cortex in a couple of years after it's had a chance to mature, but it's just not at the level I need it to be at this time. I suppose time will tell how the QC will be supported by Neural DSP; despite them saying it is one of the highest priorities, I definitely do not get that feeling when visiting the forums or even receiving their newsletters. Sure, they have pushed an update in the 30 days I've owned the unit, but the list of "feature requests" grows longer every time I visit their forum...

    After returning the QC, I bit the bullet and ordered a powered Kemper Kabinet, and I think I will be happy for many more years with the Kemper

    I've been following the QC since it was announced and have several friends who own one. Frankly, I think NDSP really botched the launch and just doesn't have good product management. It's been available for what, a year and a half, and still doesn't have basic features that its competitors all have. Still no desktop editor. And why they didn't launch with the amps from their plugins is beyond me. They have the models, seems like that would have been the first thing they launched with and a unique selling point. So far they just seem to provide vague answers and updates, all while new plugins are coming out at a pretty fast pace.

    I'll be interested when I can get one that isn't marked up by 700% or have to wait 6 months, and when they have a desktop editor.

    I think they should have waited until it was more developed to announce and launch it. My guess is that they severely underestimated the complexity of the product and learned a hard lesson in product development.

    I agree with this statement 100%. Even wandering over to the NDSP forums, with so much supposed hype around the unit, the forums are a ghost town in comparison to Kemper. I get there are supply issues, but as you said, it's been out for a year and a half and they've still not addressed some basic issues.

    Probably because the Plugins are so much more profitable and they want to have their cake AND eat it by preserving this income stream. Iā€ve tried a few of the plugins on the free 14 day trial but didnā€™t like them at all as they were too focused/tight/modern/metal for me (probably due to Nolly doing all the IRs) but I can see why some people might like them. As you said though, I think they shot themselves in the foot with the greed strategy.

    I tried out the Tone King and the Cory Wong plugins while I was waiting for my QC to arrive and I enjoyed them a LOT. The Tone King was my favourite by far (of course their early April birthday sale didn't include that specific one, so I didn't give them any of my money). I did find they sounded really good.

    Gig Report: I played last night with the QC again and did not have the same foot switch issue as I did on Thursday. It was a low-stage volume gig and so I used IEMs and a small PA speaker for some stage sound and I found it not as inspiring as my first few gigs. I was also playing through a Strat and I"m used to Teles, so that may have contributed to the difference in sound. I'm back using it tonight but the more I think about things, the more I'm thinking of returning the QC and finally biting the bullet on a powered Kab for my Kemper.

    The "hold tempo for tuner" switch is getting annoying...Even though the delay is probably 2-3 seconds max, it's amazing how long that feels when you're trying to tune between songs. With the Kemper, I could tune mid-song if needed