Posts by RushFan1976

    I've had a Kemper for 3 years and I love it! However I have recently wondered whether my current setup is optimising the sound of the Kemper, not that it sounds bad at all, but I always question what more could be done to ensure I'm getting the best sound.

    My Kemper is plugged into a Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 into an iMac with sound coming from a pair of Presonus Eris E5's monitors.

    Simple question is whether upgrading my AI to something like a Universal Audio would achieve anything or if it's just a waste of money. My interface is 7yrs old and there are so many new iterations it makes me wonder whether there's any benefit to upgrading. My monitors sound great so not sure there's any point upgrading these.

    Just interested in your thoughts on this?

    Final point is I've seriously been considering buying a tube head and running through a Captor X. Again I'm not unhappy with my Kemper at all but really want to see what it's like to play through a tube amp again, even if it is through a digital load box.

    Anyone got any thoughts on this to try and save me ££££'s and stick the Kemper??

    So I have a whole bunch of 'favourite' rigs that I tweak all the time. Pre update I could just store and essentially save over the rig, now when I go to store it only gives you the option to store as a new rig. The upshot being any changes to the existing rig have to be saved as a new rig and then delete the existing rig.

    Why has this now changed and am I missing something here as this change is really unhelpful?


    Thanks for all your responses, much appreciated.

    I 'think' I've resolved the issue by switching the setting on my interface from 'inst' to 'line' and then increasing the gain levels. The sound is improved in so far as I can't make out any crackling in the monitors and I'm not 100% confident my setup between the KPA and my audio interface is correct.

    I may still upgrade my AI and connect via SP/DIF at some point but no rush :)


    You aren't connecting a guitar - you are connecting a preamp, with a Line Level output (the KPA).
    You mentioned having the Inputs of the interface turned down all the way. Turn them back up, if you haven't yet.

    Connect the two Main KPA Outputs to the two inputs on the front of the interface.

    If you aren't getting input signal using XLR cables, use 1/4 cables. The Scarlet may expect a line level signal to be connected that way.

    Yes, I realised that after posting my reply so thanks for correcting me.

    I turned the inputs up after switching to 'line' and had no sound. The two main KPA outputs are connected in to the front of the interface. I will either get some 1/4 cables or consider upgrading my Interface so I can connect via SP/DIF.

    If the 2i4 has a switch for mic or line/inst, make sure it is on line. If it is on mic this could be why your input is so hot and clipping at such low levels. Which will cause the crackling you are hearing.

    hi, it is line/inst and I have it set to inst so I will change when I get home and see what difference it makes! Thanks.


    This isn't a Kemper profiler issue, at least I don't believe it is, but I wanted to get some advice from Kemper users that connect via Audio Interface into monitors.

    When I use profiles with gain I often experience a crackling sound in the monitor. The volume is moderate, not loud at all, and the input levels on the audio interface are way down.

    I use a Focusrite Scarlet 2i4 and Presonus Eris E5 monitors. Some of my settings could be causing a problem but wouldn't know why or where, and I don't believe it is a Kemper issue. Although if there are settings in the Kemper that might help then please let me know!

    What I do find really strange is the input gain on my interface is basically down at the lowest point but I still get red lights which suggest it's clipping?

    I'm thinking I might upgrade my interface and monitors, I've heard the Yamahas HS7's are really good.


    This may sound obvious but have you played around with the definition on amp settings? I find this can make high gain profiles sound thin if definition is too high. Also subtle changes to the Kemper EQ can make a huge difference in my experience. I've bought a lot of Top Jimi profiles and I rate them really highly, especially after I've tinkered with settings. I have a similar setup to you so think you can achieve good results if you play with a few settings.

    Having only recently purchased my KPA I am still only scratching the surface of this amazing machine (surely everyone spends the first few weeks just checking out the all the profiles, or is it just me!?).

    Rig Manager is pretty easy to use and I have created sub folders in my local library for particular tones/styles etc. My question, and I apologise if it's obvious, but when I use a profile in one of my sub folders and make an adjustment to it how can I then save that adjustment on the KPA? My work around is to find the profile on my KPA (rather than local library), make the adjustment and save it, then copy that back to the local library sub folder. This surely can't be the only way, or most efficient, so would someone mind educating me on this?


    From what I read, he uses a pair of Mesa Lonestars in stereo, running them fairly clean with pedals for overdrive. He's a heavy delay user, with a slightly different delay through each side, and a small amount of chorus. There are a number of Lonestar rigs in the exchange.

    Thanks for the pointers, will check those out.