Posts by iceclimbing

    First Impression on RM3:

    - Intuitiv Usability and nice look and feel of the interface

    - Not too much changes in Usability vs. RM2

    - Major Advantage: Now being able to explore and use the detailed and assigned functions respective to their intended origin in the signal chain

    Please improve the copy, past & store functions of rigs and Performances (with their Parameters), so that they work rock solid.

    Thank you!!


    I have to say: There is an urgent need for an import function of "performances only" on the Kemper Profiler device for live (and other Scenarios):

    - because we need a PC/Notebook independent solution (the Kemper Profiler is already a computer!), especially for live purposes

    - in the real "computer world" nobody does a backup and restore of the whole System to only copy or manipulate 1 (!) file

    - the risk of failure when changing the Kemper configuration/OS is evident: Nobody wants to take that risk for exchanging only 1 file (eg)

    - big time savings (5min+) with the 1st gen devices (PRack, .. )

    - as long as eg PRack and Stage have different OS, backup and restore as solution and as no official recommendation, this fuction is highly needed

    Please Burkhard understand and take this to the development Department/CEO: Also this is a matter of usability as i wrote to the CEO and the Kemper support several times. Designing the UI of an interface software development wise means that you develop programmed routines for each import scenario giving the user the possibility to interact and choose from (expanding the possibilities which are already given within the import function). A first simple step could be to provide an "import only" of performances when numbers on the Kemper Profiler are free (in relation to the amount of Imports), executed in chronologic order of free performances on the KP or otherwise provide "no Import". The move of performances is an easy job on the Kemper Profiler itself and the user would organize their performances according to that behaviour immediately. Later you can develop and deliver improved user scenarios.

    Kemper Company: As Vinny Burns said, with other words: Be open minded to really necessery functions and proposals for making the device more useable as it is by today.


    Hi all,

    I couldnt find any dedicated thread about the increase of the computing speed available now within the Stage and was wondering that nobody was reporting this explicitly. I realized the increase immediately in the store when trying out my ordered model. I really could see and feel a noticeable Speed at

    - switching between rigs within Performances -> the so called (reduced) latency when hitting a performance slot button (1-5) is for playing live now like "perfect"

    - scrolling performances: Much, much faster

    - backup: On the stage about 30%+ faster

    Whats your abservations concerning increased computing speed? And: Can somebody from Kemper plaese have some comments on the HW architecture and developtments?

    I was wondering about that noticable increase of speed because the Kemper Support told me - before having received my ordered stage model - that the CPU in the Stage is still the same from 2012 (what I could not believe anyway).

    Good morning @ all,

    thank you for your replies. Yesterday I tested a fresh backup from stage with restore to the PowerRack again (runtime 4-5 minutes) and it did work, I had no freeze in the reboot. I hope this will remain now as experienced as long as I dont want to use a Nnotebook for exchanging my performances (with the RM). I will keep reporting and updating this thread ...



    Fast, aber nicht 100% richtig: Hier die korrekte Info vom Kemper Support, betreffend alle Modelle (also aufpassen, speziell bei den Pedalen):

    "Dear ... ,

    die Effekte an sich - also die programmierten Algorithmen - sind ja Teil des OS und nicht im Backup. Die Algorithmen in OS 7 sind bei allen Modellen gleich. Im Backup sind nur die DAten und EInstellungen, also Rigs, Performances, sowie Presets (auch Effekt-Presets) und alle globalen Einstellungen. Und was im Backup enthalten, ist wird übernommen. Aufpassen muß man nur bei den Konfigurationen der Pedal-Anschlüsse und Effekt-Loops, weil hier die Anschlüsse zwischen den Modellen etwas unterschoedlich sind.

    With best regards, Burkhard Dinnies

    Kemper Amps Support Team"

    Hi, as I can move with todays latest FW and RM via backup&restore function performances from the Powerrack to the stage, this ist unfortunately not possible from Stage to the Powerrack. Can you please describe the most efficient way you are practising to exchange Performances that way? The idea is, to move performances which were changes during rehearsals room sessions back to Studio/Powerrack. Actually I see the only way with RM ... what would be the fastest and smooth workflow?

    Thank's for your reply!

    Dear all,

    thank you for replying. I can confirm that with the FWs mentioned - FW 7.0.6 14970 beta (PowerRack) and 7.0.6 14973 (Stage) - a backup und restore is reproducing the performances 1:1. Meaning also, that a not used performance Slot (blank) in between performances is reproduced exactly according to the backup structure. The Kemper support told me, hat this would not be possible (?) .. so I hope the function is kept up in future OS releases.

    I want to tell you, that I got all my answers from the Kemper support on sunday within minutes - a great Service! So they told me that within one OS release

    - all effects (algorithms)

    - Presets

    - configs in general/global

    are duplicated. Not duplicated/restored are FX-Loops and pedal plug (as they are different).

    With duplicated name i can live too ;)

    Thank you,


    Hi All,

    as I got my Stage 2 days ago I want to ask the community HOW DO YOU LIVE the process as described below:

    I do/want to develop my RIGs and Performances in the studio using my PowerRack. These performances I would like to simply move from the Studio via USB stick as a backup/restore to the Kemper Stage in the rehearshal room (1:1 copy of the performances). All this based on FW 7.0.6 14970 beta (PowerRack) and 7.0.6 14973 (Stage).

    Q: Can you please tell me your experiences? I dont want to use the RIG Manager for exchanging the performances 1:1.

    Kemper support wrote to me, that from a strategic Point of view only one FW and RM is planned and intended to be used on/by all devices.

    Thank you and BR from Austria,


    Servus Michael,

    ich verwende seit langem das UCX in Verbindung mit einem Kemper. Meine Erfahrung hat gezeigt, dass das digitale Signal aus dem Kemper nicht ansatzweise die Qualität hat, die aus den Analogausgängen (Klinke oder XLR) kommt. Warum das so ist, weis ich nicht, ich kann nur von Tatsachen berichten. Der Wandler bei RME ist Weltklasse und ich arbeite im Studio mit einer Latenz von 1,37ms mit ebendiesem analog Signal. Auch sehe ich beim Sound und dem Wechsel zwischen Studio und Bühne so viel mehr Konsistenz. SPDIF hab ich seither nicht wieder verwendet.
