Posts by tabaer

    Here is what I've found (all natural logarithms):

    1. Manual = ln(f1) * 1.80034 - 7.11148
    2. Peak = ln(Q1) * 2.69813 + 1.84876
    3. Pedal Range = ln(f2/f1) * 18.0034
    4. Peak Range = ln(Q2/Q1) * 26.9813

    Thanks, nejo_hh! Using that with spectrum analysis of the heel/toe audio data I gathered many years ago and some back-to-back comparisons, I put together the following set of parameters that IMHO gets pretty close to my Morley Tremonti wah:

    Manual: 3.9

    Peak: 7.4

    Pedal Range: 15%

    Peak Range: -37%

    Mix: 100%

    Volume: +0.5 (or more if you like to crank the Tremonti wah's built-in boost)

    For full Morley effect, set the pedal mode to "bypass at heel".

    999 Rigs in Browser Mode is the absolute limit. However, the maximum could be lower depending on the amount of other data (Presets, Snapshots,...). And different kind of Presets (Input, Effect, Cabinet, Stack,....) have different sizes. So, there is no simple formula. Practically, you should stay way below 999. Don't use the Profiler as a sound archiving machine.

    That reminds me... I've been meaning to clean out unused profiles from my Kemper, as I think I have ~950 and it causes backups and restores to take several minutes.

    Yeah, they do! I'm looking forward to hopefully trying one

    I wonder how different they really are from the Archon series, other than the Mesa-style "pushed clean" feature and the smaller form factor. The demos I've heard so far have pretty much sounded like an Archon IMHO. (I already have an Archon 50 head, and profiles thereof...)

    Unfortunatly it does seem not to work with any USB keyboard, though... ;(
    Even before getting my KPA in 12/17 I purchased a cheap wireless keyboard that perfectly works with my PC but NOT on both my rack KPA nor my Toaster...
    (and I just re-tried it after watching your video @lightbox )
    Yesterday I also had a frozen KPA while checking that keyboard with the kemper... ?(

    I have tried two different USB keyboards with my KPA and have had no success with either. That being said, they were both inexpensive "mini" keyboards originally bought for project-y stuff like homebrew PC DVRs, Raspberry Pis, and such, so it's possible that they don't implement some part of the USB HID spec that the Kemper is expecting.

    A MIDI Program Change (PC) message is not the same as a Continuous Controller (CC) message.

    PC messages are used to select Rigs or Performance Slots.

    It's really easy to get confused about that, BTW. It took me an afternoon of beating my head against the desk and reading the MIDI implementation section of the Kemper reference manual at least twice to get my head around the difference between a PC and a CC in MIDI.

    @virango, out of curiosity, have you looked at any of the changes in the forks of the code on Github? The jsharpe fork appears to have a number of fixes for race conditions, and my own fork has some changes to get it to build on Linux. I was also going to take a crack at either updating the version of RtMidi in it or making it build with an external install of RtMidi over the holidays.

    I've uploaded three new profiles to Rig Exchange:

    TBa AC15 TB -- My AC15CH on the Top Boost channel, set up with comp, boost, and delay for all your U2/P&W needs. ;)

    TBa AC15 (Ab)Normal -- My AC15CH on the Normal channel with a BBE Bohemian out front, set up for that Queen tribute band you were thinking of starting. :D

    TBa Lillith -- A homebrew I built many years ago with the preamp of a Trainwreck, a tonestack tweaked to be more Vox-ish, the PI of a Matchless, and the cathode biased 2x6V6 power section of a tweed Deluxe. The result is mostly in the Vox tonal famiiy IMNSHO. 8o

    All are merged profiles using the same cab, a Vox-badged AC30 2x12 extension cab from North Coast Music with Eminence GB12 and V12 speakers. The cab was miked with a Sennheiser e609 placed 6" off the grill in the middle of the cab.

    Share and enjoy!

    Yea, He says hid is a dual rec. The othet guitarist said she was using an engl. That sounds like a great combo. The engl brings a little bit of the Marshall flavor and would fit well with the mesa.

    FWIW, Timo has also mentioned using a Koch Powertone, a 5150, and a Revv Generator on various recordings, and his artist presets in the Double Impact Ultimate Bundle 2 use profiles of a Framus Dragon and an Orange Rockerverb. His live sound with Delain seems to be pretty consistently the Dual Rec, though.

    Merel is probably using a profile of her Engl (a Ritchie Blackmore, AFAICT), but she's also shown photos of having a Dual Rec, a 5150, and a Revv Generator in the studio for reamping in a Purest of Pain session. (At least the Revv appears to be borrowed from Timo.)

    I finally got around to loading the current wah preset pack on my KPA last night. Wow, the "Talk Box - Paul" and "535Q Kirk Hammet" presets sound great!

    Here's hoping @DonPeterson gets a chance soon to analyze the Dunlop SC95 and Morley Tremonti samples I sent him a while back. ^^

    I finally got a decent profile of my AC15 in Brian May mode, but it required a combination of things:

    • moving the mic out to about 6" off the grill cloth and in between the two speakers
    • using the bass cut on the mic preamp
    • lowering the gain on the treble booster from ~75% to ~50%
    • tweaking the pre-profile EQ on the Kemper with as much bass cut as possible
    • making some post-profile EQ tweaks (boosting bass and mids a little and cutting treble)

    Even so, it's got a little bit of harshness in the upper mids that I don't quite like, but the real amp has that too...

    Last night I made and uploaded to Rig Exchange my first profiles, from a "vintage" 2006 Digitech Brian May Red Special pedal. Specifically:

    Model 2 Green ("Bohemian Rhapsody" 1st solo)
    Model 2 Red ("Bohemian Rhapsody" rhythm/finale)
    Model 3 Green ("Tie Your Mother Down" intro)
    Model 3 Red ("Tie Your Mother Down" solo)
    Model 7 Green (unprocessed Deacy)

    These were done using the pedal's mixer output (i.e. they have the pedal's cabinet emulation on) and refined using a Red Special copy.

    Look for "TBa DigiBM" in Rig Exchange. Share and enjoy!

    The current versions of these are effectively studio profiles. Hopefully this weekend I'll have some time to redo them as merged profiles, as I had really good luck doing that with my AMT D2 last night. (See "TBa AeEmTee Dee2ool" on Rig Exchange for those results. 8) )

    Last Saturday, I tried my hand at profiling a miked amp, a Vox AC15CH through an AC30 2x12 extension cab from North Coast Music with Eminence GB12/V12 speakers miked with a Sennheiser e609. (Hey, it's what I have lying around the house. :D ) I had kind of mixed results, and it left me with a couple questions about the profiling process.

    Before I get started with my experiences with the AC15, I did want to ask about one statement in the profiling guide that I found curious:

    However, there are a few exceptions: some distortion pedals use a special design that cannot be profiled accurately, for instance the Tube ScreamerTM.

    What exactly is this "special design"? I mean, the Tube Screamer is common as dirt and has a huge number of knockoffs and derivatives, so it doesn't seem all that "special" to me. Is it the input buffer on the TS that's the problem? If not, what is it? And if that's the case, why do I see so many profiles that claim to have a TS or similar boosting the reference amp?

    Anyway, first I did direct and studio profiles of the Top Boost side of my AC15 set slightly crunchy, which turned out great. I created a merged profile from the two, and that worked great as well. So far, so good. Then I set up the Normal side of the AC15 "Brian May style" (dimed with a treble booster, a BBE Bohemian, out front). The direct profile of that worked OK. Then I tried making a studio profile... and that's when things went off the rails.

    First, the profiler complained that there was a noise gate on in the signal chain. Now, there was a noise gate in the signal chain, an EHX Silencer (the recent version) which had the Bohemian in its loop, but it was off. Maybe "off" on the Silencer isn't really off, but I didn't try to rewire things because I had a larger issue (see below). But could the Kemper really be complaining about the fact that there's a noise gate present in the signal chain even if it's off?

    Second (and more problematic) was that the resulting profile sounded nothing like the real thing. The profile was MUCH bassier and less midrange-y than the real thing. So I tried combining the direct profile of the Normal channel with the cab from the Top Boost profile, and got more or less the same result. That leads me to think that the huge bass in the cab is almost certainly an artifact of the mike, probably from proximity effect. (I had the e609 about 1-1.5" off the grill cloth.) How do people generally handle mic proximity effect in cab profiles? Run the mic through a mixer or mic preamp with a low cut filter? Mike the amp from further away? Tweak it with the Low Shift cab parameter?