Posts by LBro44


    I will look into what you shared. The green scream was simply used as an on/off test to see if I was getting something out of the stomp(s). I do have the routing sorted. But I still have the question as to how much level there is on stops as far as their effects. I will broaden my stomp testing to include the pedal you mentioned.

    Thanks again,



    Yes, I can hear the stomps with headphones and they seem more bold. I now hear them as well with SPDIF Output in the output section set to Master Studio, but they seem more subtle here. That could simply be the difference in volume level though. I think the routing issue was blending in a pure signal and messing things up.

    Let me ask you this, as the pedals seem weak to me in level. If I add the "Green Scream" pedal with "Drive, Volume and Mix" settings full up, should I hear a sizeable difference in tone? Maybe my expectations are too great for these stomps?




    Perplexed on this end trying to get stomps and effects to work when reamping via SPDIF. If I go direct in with a guitar and cable, all the stomps and effects work fine. I can record the dry SPDIF Left signal out of the Kemper into my DAW just fine. Upon playback via SPDIF using any OUTPUT choice, I get no stomps. I have checked every output setting and tested them with the Green Scream pedal which is internal in the Kemper. I am missing something here, but can't bang my head against the wall much more as it hurts too much.

    I have also tried using the Main Outputs va XLR when reamping via SPDIF input and while I get signal, there are no stomps present. I am stumped!

    The key seems to be that once I set the Input Source to "SPDIF Input Reamp", then the stomps and effects are disabled. No matter the output choice when using the reamp playback from the DAW.

    If possible, I would prefer to stay in the Rig Manager for settings made in the Kemper.

    Any ideas on what to check?



    Frankly to me it is hard to say what the heck the Kemper development crew is or is not doing on the editor front. I do know one guy who has a good full time development job was able to program a very good Toaster application that worked well if you used the firmware it was designed to work with. One guy, part time..... Think about that. If Kemper has more resources to toss at it than that and has access to all the code knowledge the Toaster guy had to figure out on his own then the project could move much faster.

    I suggest we try and move forward and well, if at some point Kemper comes up with the Holy Editor so be it. heck, the one the community makes might be better??? Hard to fathom that but it could well be further along. Here is what would be nice to see take place.

    1. I have spoke with the Toaster App developer and am waiting to find out if he will accept donations. If so I suggested we as users could buy him gift cards at a music supply store. Thomann's in DE is probably the one. I am in the US and did the exact same thing there for a friend. - Remember the code will be open source, so he will not "own" it. Yet those seeing value in his work would have a vehicle to reward the developer if they so desire.

    2. The present area of need development wise is for a GUI Developer. If there is one here in the forum willing to lend a hand please PM me. I will work things out and in short order get you 2 (or more) developers talking.

    3. Lastly the developer feels comfortable in knowing all the infor he needs from Kemper to move on except for one thing. He wants more information on the USB API. I will write support and ask if that can be had. But if someone else here by chance has any info on it PM me and let me know.

    Rock on,

    The Toaster app works great, except it does not support the new delays and a few other features added in fw 4 and 5. If it also had a Save button, the ability to rearrange effects and supported effect presets, it would be absolutely perfect.

    Yeah that was a pretty good hack I think. I am seeing if that author is still interested in reviving his project. I know this, he wanted to do away with the Toaster interface and make a generic one that would work with all Kemper models. I think that is a very wise upgrade. I don't know what version of the app you have but he had a later version that had not been released. It still did not support the new delays though.

    I tell you if I had any coding skills at all I would try and do this. As is I can only help where I can but I think this is a very worthy project. I will post more as it becomes known.


    Maybe not on Namm, but I guess you won't find out until the dog is ready to wag its tail and you have have an editor!

    @ Michael-DK - Well that is a valid issue. But in my view that could be built into the release language. In any event what is true is I looked briefly at when the Kemper came out. I think it was 2011 or so. Thus in 7 years we have no editor.... Think of how many lost sales that is. I am going to give it a shot and see if we can get some movement from the community on this one.

    Take care,

    Kemper Support Reports no Knowledge of an Editor program. They further state that company policy is new announcements are via press releases. I asked this request to be pushed up line and was told “the developers would get the request”. But also not to expect an answer.

    Guys I think it is a fairly safe bet that there will be no editor any time soon. Maybe never. I could be wrong but that is my impression. I mean if one were in the works what would be the reason to withhold the information? That could kill sales. All one would have to announce is:

    Editor Release Sometime in 2018 Q4 or after is being worked on.

    The reason Kemper would do this advance notice is to capture sales from those wanting an editor capable product that are on the fence about purchase.

    Ok – So I am going to start yet another thread and ask for volunteers and help on creation of an Editor. I will also contact the original creator of the present editor project and see if he is still willing to share what he has and carry on his work by him in any capacity.



    I just filled out a support ticket requesting a status update from Kemper. To me with the amount of interest shown. They at least should offer the decency of an update on this subject.

    Yes - If one guy with NO SUPPORT from Kemper can make a very functionable Editor then a team of users/developers could well nail this thing down. I just hope my efforts in some small way can get the ball rolling. I also know the guy who did the programing on the first MIDI editor is interested in going forward but he would like some help. I am no coder but I offered to write documentation/test/suggest and other any other thing I was capable of. I am sure others would too, even developers.

    All we lack is a clear understanding from Kemper on where THEY are at on this issue. Enough speculation and years of waiting, being "patient". Time to move on and get some functioning application working for us all.


    I will say one thing as my 2 cents. I bought a rack unit and just the physical aspect of that in a studio demands an editor. Not many folks are able to build a rack next to the studio desk so they can twist knobs on the Kemper.

    I just posted a new thread asking of Kemper to please provide an announcement on this highest viewed thread on this very topic of an Editor.

    I have recently spoken with the developer of the alternative to the Kemper Editor. He actually had that effort pretty far along in a Toaster configuration. Alas he has little time to update to the latest firmware versions. Last I know of he had code that covered firmware version 4, if memory serves. His thoughts were the whole program needed to be re-written to not be one interface dependent and that the program could work with all Kemper configurations. At this point all work is on hold that I know of. Thus if Kemper will fill us in on where they stand Editor wise it might enchorage that developer to do more if no Editor is planned by Kemper....


    I know there is another thread with over 110,000 hits on many aspects of a Kemper Editor. This is not to duplicate that thread. I simply think that with that much interest out there in this item Kemper needs to shed some light on where they stand with this issue. This in not only fair to the user base but also to prospective buyers of the Kemper.



    Thanks Nicky! Just edited the spelling in my posts to r_u_sirius (really great profiles for Free ;) ). I'm gonna try to give it a shot if I get home at a reasonable hour anytime this week.

    Went hunting for these profiles and found nothing. Thankfully searching by the profile name got me to this R_U_Sirius.... But as Monkey_Man writes above you need to search instead for: " r.u.sirius ". By doing that you will find all the profiles by him and there are a lot of them. Even if you just go with the ones rated 4.8 or higher you are looking at well over a dozen plus! I am away from the Kemper at the moment but can't wait to give some a spin.
