Posts by Mlaykay

    So I finally put my cheapo SubZero 30’ guitar-bass and my new Washburn 4N (love that guitar) to some good use. I wanted to emulate Mick Gordon’s DOOM soundtrack vibes and failed miserably :P Song turned out pretty weird but it would kinda work as a video game soundtrack, I think? :/

    I used Tue Madsen’s profile as well as the stock EVH 5051. GGD Mark V for the solo section. Feedback and constructive criticism are always welcome :)

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    Thanks so much Mats. It means a lot to hear this from someone who, as u say, isn`t primarily into metal. And I totally get where u are coming from...honestly I`m not into most mainstream metal at all and have always felt like an imposter among metalheads, because I have a soft spot for styles like synthwave/new retro wave and electronica.

    In any case, I`m very happy that my tune didn`t turn u off prog metal ^^:thumbup:

    So I got a good Black friday deal on this pedal and pulled the trigger. I'm running it in front of the Kemper and was a bit dissaponted the first time I tried this.

    Now, I am aware it's an amp-in-a-box type pedal and not a pure booster like a TS for example. But it seems if I use it with gainy profiles, like a Framus Cobra, 5150, I get this weird phasing sound, even if I turn down the gain on the profile significantly. Almost like the distortion of the pedal and the profile refuse to blend well. Even if turn the gain on the pedal off and mimic the settings of a booster, it just doesn't sound that great.

    However when I tried it with a Soldano and MB Lonestar profiles and my strat, I fell in love with the tone and am definitely keeping it. My questions are, does anyone have this pedal and if so, how are you running it with the Kemper? With what profiles?


    Cool video, as others have already said, great, usable sound from every unit…

    BUT for me, in order of preference: Real thing > Axe3 > Helix= Kemper. On some clips I did prefer Kemper to Helix or it was at least a tie to my ears.

    I’m dissapointed by the result, as I feel Kemper should be closest (that’s what it was designed to do, right?) What I find interesting is that I came to the same conclusion watching Ola Englund’s video: In his video the Kemper also has this muffled sound to it, almost like a “blanket over the amp” tone going on(compared to the original), while the Axe stays more faithful in the highs. At least to my ears, listening on AKG K701 cans and details between modelers/amps are clearly audible.

    However, I was completely fooled by the Kemper in this video, just like Rob Chapman:

    It seems the Kemper shines in certain situations and not so much in others…is it the profiling methods used or something else?

    With all that said, I absolutely LOVE mine and don't plan on switching anytime soon.

    So I'm a prog-metal/rock guy at heart and this strange tune is a strong deviation from my usual stuff :S

    I wanted to make something hard-hitting and menacing in the style of Mick Gordon's DOOM soundtrack, but ended up making a synth-metal, dubstep-y track instead :)

    Profiles used: Choptones Framus Cobra and Lasse Lammert "Chuga Chug" (or something...forgot the name) Quad tracked with a 7 string.

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    I'm in the same boat, bought 9.5 about 2 months ago and no grace period. Friend has Educational Version 8 but hasn't registered it = grace period granted and is now using EDU version 10 X( wtf?

    Now I'll admit I didn't even look into the whole grace period thing until he mentioned it to me...but am confused as I don't see Steinberg's logic in him getting it. Is it because he didn't register his software or because he's using EDU version...?

    Love the last line: ..leave it up to the universe.. :) Yeah, I'm in a similar situation, and while I absolutely admire and respect someone who gives it all up to pursue music I don't see it as a realistic option for myself atm. At least not until music starts paying half my bills.

    Failure is always a possibility, but really... failure is just as much of an adventure, as success is. Thats how I justify my leap anyway.. New adventure = Good?

    Just don't make yourself homeless in some delusion that you are the true next Bob Dylan or poppy Bieber hit machine after writing a few tunes... Obviously.. that could end badly :/

    Back to the OP:
    Learning to play is one thing, but imo, connections are everything if you want to move towards making music a living with a focus on performing. Put time into meeting and hopefully jamming with the best musos in your town. Don't be creepy about it ( :D ), but be obvious and intentional. No-one wants to be the worst guy in the room at a jam session, so do whatever is needed to jam with the best players you know. It's one of the best motivators ever...

    Keep those relationships. This leads to meeting the good local sound guys, who know the booking people for the cool bigger local venues, who know the bigger festival coordinators, etc etc.

    It's great to hear advice from someone who's actually making a living doing music.

    I've been slowly trying to get back into the band scene in a new city, after a decade of being a bedroom songwriter and I find it pretty discouraging....makes me think of that one Seinfeld episode where Jerry says: "nobody wants new friends after 30" lol. Generalizing of course, but somewhat true nontheless. Not a big deal for me, since I just started my search for bandmates to jam with and if there's chemistry, form a band, see where it goes.

    As you said: connections are everything (assuming u can play ofc). For someone with a prospective band or looking to be a part of one, your advice is right on the money.

    ps: your singer sounds great, best of luck to you guys :thumbup:

    It's like Calvin Coolidge said (my equal-favourite saying, BTW):

    "Nothing in the world takes the place of persistence. Talent will not - nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not - unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not - the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and dedication alone are omnipotent."

    I feel like this should be on my desktop wallpaper to not forget. Love it.

    A couple of ideas spring to mind.

    Firstly, you mentioned back ache etc from sitting at a computer all day. I can relate to that! Then I sit at home with a guitar for anything up to 6 hours per night (I have a very understanding wife who likes a lot of crap TV programs that I don't so we both get our own space after family time at dinner). I have always struggled with back and neck problems from sitting with poor posture for extended periods. I recently discovered the HAG Caprisco chair which has really helped my ability to sit for long periods. It accommodates multiple seating positions including an almost standing one which lets me play guitar while supported but using a strap with my legs out of the way so that I don't need to twist my back. A saddle stood would do something very similar for a lot less money though. Anyway, simply not feeling sore makes a huge difference to the ability to be creative.

    Next, sitting with a guitar and playing is usually the time when I am least creative. I may find a quick riff or melody at the guitar but when it comes to developing it into a full tune I usually find that I get stuck in the same ruts if I have a guitar in my hand.

    I try and do the creative stuff in my head. I'm not always very successful I'm afraid but I'm getting a little better at it with practice. This means that you can come up with the ideas when you are at work, at the gym, running (in my case often walking the dogs). If you can visualise where the notes are on the fretboard you can then play them when you get a chance to have a guitar in your hands. I'm not good enough to get the visualisation right all the time but I am starting to find that I can get pretty close and just tweak it when I sit down with a guitar. The biggest problem is just remembering the idea until you get a chance to record it. Thankfully recorders on phones and apps for music are so good now that it is practical to capture the idea instantly and work it out by visualisation later if necessary.

    Holy crap, that chair looks amazing, almost like a work of art. The price tag is insane tho. Thanks for the tips Wheresthdug, the visualisation thing is definitely some next level skill that I don't have. I think I would need A LOT of ear training and note/tone memorization to even be able to construct basic ideas in my mind...interesting stuff.

    Waraba, thanks for the detailed responses man, this is gold and exactly what I was hoping to find out. I'm certainly guilty of endless noodling and yes, KPA has made the guitar tracking process so much simpler for me too. Also +1 on fast DAW loading and preparing templates - my KPA fires up faster than Cubase and I don't have a slow machine. It's small stuff but can get in the way if u really want to just go and get stuff done. Awesome tips and I dig the vibe in "Insomnia Boogie" :thumbup:
    Thanks everyone for advice, now comes the hard part of implementing them in my own workflow...and maybe get a fancy ergonomic chair too ^^

    Thanks for the response Ingolf :)

    Absolutely agree on starting small and building on that. My rule so far has been: try to write/record for 15-20 minutes and if it feels good - continue for as long as I can. If it's just not happening - call it a day and try again tommorow...I'll try extending this to 30 mins.

    Was on the fence about posting this since as you say it's something obvious everybody deals with, I guess I was hoping for a magic bullet to hack time or a link to some awesome nootropic that restores energy 8o:D

    "Being persistent in this will keep you productive in the end." This, so much this. I know it sounds like a no-brainer, but for me It's all too easy to lose interest when I'm not inspired.