Posts by paparey

    I realise this is a pretty old thread...but I have exactly this problem and was wondering if a solution was ever found?

    I have a guitar with Seymour Duncan blackouts and am using all outputs into my daw including spdif set to git/stack. Processed sound is fine; spdif out is set to -10db. The DI signal is crazy hot and distorting. Adjusting clean sens makes no difference, both the input and output leds are only green and my focusrite mix control is not getting into the red.

    What's going on?!

    Also - my output led flickers green even when the volume on the guitar is rolled off completely. What could be causing this?

    I'd be interested if either of you or anyone else has found a solution to this, or any particular profiles which suit these pickups. I play an 8 string also with Seymour Duncan blackouts, and it's the one guitar that just doesn't quite sound right with the KPA and high gain profiles. The DI from it is overly hot, and any sort of adjustment (i.e. clean sens, lowered input, lowered output) doesn't seem to help which leads to distorting DI recordings (even though no clilping is apparent and the input light doesn't go red) and the high gain tones sound overly fizzy and with the actual profile sounds rolling off the gain reduces the power as you've mentioned.