Posts by Priami

    All for several years? I don’t see that at all. Why add all the technical requirements. Tons, if not most midi capable devices have the 5 pin, world-agreed standard.

    Besides, Midi requires 3 pins. The extra 2 were for possible additions that have never come.

    If anything, reduce it to a 1/8” trs and keep it analog.

    I don't ask to remove the two 5 pin plugs, I'm asking to add to the USB port the Midi protocol. I play in a band where all instruments, Yamaha and Korg professiona keyboard, Soundcraft UI24 digital mixer, Roland V-Drum, DMX controller, etc...are controlled through MIDI over USB to Macbook Pro. Only the Kemper need old midi cable, so I need a midi to usb cable interface because it hasn't that feature.

    I think, like a lot of other users, that leaving the kemper with the need to use the old 5-pin midi cable is a sign of an old instrument, when instead I think it would be easy to implement the midi protocol via USB cable as almost all instruments have been doing for several years now. Hoping to see this update soon. Thanks!


    I'm asking if you have planned to develop the Midi via USB protocol in near future.

    I think, like a lot of other users, that leaving the kemper with the need to use the old 5-pin midi cable is a sign of an old instrument, when instead I think it would be easy to implement the midi protocol via USB cable as almost all instruments have been doing for several years now. Hoping to see this update soon,

    Best Regards,

    Leonardo Priami

    I really hate to be the guy poo-pooing your issue...but your problem is that if you unplug your guitar with the KPA on, there is a noise...?

    I have never, ever (well...maybe back in the old days...) plugged in or out of an amp when it was on (and mic'd to the P.A.). Good way to not get invited back to the venue. Always standby, then plug/unplug. I do the same with the KPA. Because I'd have to be insane not to when running to the P.A. (or I'd have to be itching for a fight with the soundguy, and I put a lot of effort in just to be on good terms, hahaha).

    I do understand your post...and I understand your concerns, and they may be valid.

    But just turn that chicken-head, please. :)

    Ok, I have turned my chicken-head. Thanks for your suggestion.

    Yes, of course the better way to unplug guitar cable is to put in stand-by the amplifier. Point 1) the Kemper doesn't has the stand-by switch. First question: the tuner mode (selected by the remote) in mute mode can be considered as "equivalent" to a valve amp "stand-by" mode? Or the "electrical discharge" that create the noise still happen (and it can cause internal damages) without go out to the monitor/PA out?

    Point 2) however, in the most classical amplifier, disconnect the guitar cable (without put it in stand-by mode) from guitar side generates a very high noise, unplug the cable directly from the input jack generates very low noise. In the Kemper we have the same high level noise in both case. My question still is: is it normal to have this behaviour? If the answer is "yes", then ok. I will not still bore you.

    Instead of arguing against the observation of @Priami everybody could be curious and test it, compare and measure the results....who knows, maybe the input of the Kemper could be improved and we all could benefit from not blowing up the PA when we (accidentally) unplug the cable.

    This is the problem. All teach that before disconnecting the cable from the guitar side it must be removed from the amplifier. In the case of Kemper it is exactly the same thing and exactly the same noise is obtained. Which does not happen with all the other "normal" amplifiers. So I think something is different in the management of the signal and the masses.

    mmm....but main output are Left and Right output. May be I could use one of them setted "Master Left or Right together with the monitor output...
    But ...what I have in mind is:
    - to use my two 1x12 V30 cabs in stereo mode as monitor through equalized Master Left/Master Right outputs
    - to use, in the meaning time, the two L/R main output to the PA not equalized.

    It is possible?

    Dear All,
    I'm new here. I'm enjoying with my Kemper head.. I would explore for the possibility to have stereo live monitoring. So I try to select Monitor Out as Master Left and select Direct Out as Master Right and connecting these two output to the left/right of an external amplifier. Using not FRFR cabs I need to equalize the outputs for both my channels...but seems I can't, because the monitor output equalization acts only to the monitor output and not for the direct output.
    Is there a way to equalize both the outputs (Monitor and Direct) and not the main output?
    If not, I think it should be very useful to who need to have a stereo monitor equalized. I think it will be easy to link the EQ when Monitor and Direct are set as Master Left/Right and I wish to see this option in a new firmware update.

    Yes, this is another disadvantage. I suppose to not turn off the cab sim and act only on EQ. With these limitation the stereo retrofit as Camplifier 290 or any external stereo amp can be used only on FRFR passive cabinets. This is a great limitation. As said, I suppose it is not so difficult to modify it via firmware and allow Monitor EQ act also on Direct Output when they are setted as Master Right and Master Left...

    Dear All,
    I'm new here. I'm enjoying with my Kemper head.. I would explore for the possibility to have stereo live monitoring. So I try to select Monitor Out as Master Left and select Direct Out as Master Right and connecting these two output to the left/right of an external amplifier. Using not FRFR cabs I need to equalize the outputs for both my channels...but seems I can't, because the monitor output equalization acts only to the monitor output and not for the direct output.
    Is there a way to equalize both the outputs (Monitor and Direct) and not the main output?
    If not, I think it should be very useful to who need to have a stereo monitor equalized. I think it will be easy to link the EQ when Monitor and Direct are set as Master Left/Right and I wish to see this option in a new firmware update.