Posts by MarcBraunmiller

    Hey guys, made an all piano track to calm the mind and focus on new projects with the kemper!

    Check it out, relax and enjoy your sunday :) remember.. It's Your Moment!

    If you like it, please support me on Spotify :) would mean a lot. Thanks guys!

    Its Your Moment on Spotify:

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    Hi guys,

    I just released my new song horizon on all major platforms, and I'd like to share it with you :)

    I can say that I am really proud of this new song! Its the best that I can deliver both in terms of playing and of songwriting and mixing. All the guitar tones came from the mighty kemper of course. The creation process of this song and the cover artwork took a long time and was a lot of fun. It showed me that when you truly believe in achieving something, there‘s nothing that can stop you. Set a goal on the horizon and go out there and achieve it. And then off to new horizons... hence the title of the song "Horizon". I hope you enjoy it! If you do, share it, this would help me a lot. Thanks!

    Horizon on Spotify:

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    Horizon on YouTube:

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    Oh sorry! Didnt recognize that.. Here are the YouTube links to the songs :)

    This is the new song:

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    And here are the other songs :)

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    Cheers, Marc

    Hey guys,

    over the last couple of days i recorded a new song which released today on all major streaming platforms! It would mean a lot to me if you would check it out! Its an instrumental rock song with piano and orchestral elements as well. If you have any feedback i would love to hear, always looking to improve...

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    I also have some other songs on my spotify, please also give them a listen if you want to :)

    A thousand thanks!

    Cheers Marc

    Thanks guys!:) I am no Piano expert neither, so next time i will try to make them more natural haha

    I always find it most refreshing writing music for instruments I am not really skilled at, because then its even more about the sounds in my head and I am not falling into the habbit of shapes and licks like on the guitar for example :D

    Hi guys,

    i wrote and recorded a new instrumental rock song! I was inspired by Queen a lot lately, thats why i worked with the piano this time. I would love to hear your feedback, because I am always trying to improve my songwriting and production skills! Thanks for checking out my song :)

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    Cheers! Marc

    Hi Guys,

    over the last couple of months I wrote and recorded my second album. Its an instrumental rock album with some an 80s vibe to it, including some synthesizers and organs. All the guitars and bass tracks were recorded using the Kemper. It would mean the world to me if you had some minutes to give my new album a spin :) Of course I am very interested in your feedback because I always want to learn more and improve. Hope you enjoy it!

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    Cheers, Marc ^^

    Wow, thank you a lot!

    Yeah you are absolutely right about the drums, I myself can feel that the drums are sounding too steril and miss some real breath in the sound.. This whole "Album" was a big learning experience for me, cause I never touched on drums before. As you noticed, the way I think about melodies and music is influenced by band such as Fleshgod Apocalypse, Dissection, Dimmu Borgir or Thulcandra (you should definitely check them out - they are the "new" dissection haha) - I generally love the combination of epic instrumentations and dark metal. That being said I can totally get behind the point, that some of the music sounds a bit like a collection of ideas! The lack of vocals really made it challenging for me to keep the music entertaining, because you always have to deliver emotions and melodies with the instruments and cant tone back to let the vocals do their work. I will definitely improve on that, and try to get some vocals on my next stuff. I also want to think more about the whole arrangement!:-)

    Again, a thousand thanks for your kind words, this really helps me a lot! :)
    greetings from Germany

    Hey guys,

    since I got my Kemper half a year ago I always wanted to record my own music. I am an absolute beginner when it comes to recording and mixing but I gave it a try. And thats the result of two months of recording and writing, my first instrumental "Album" Spirits.
    Its instrumental metal with orchestral and symphonic influences, because i always liked messing around with an orchestra in metal tracks. Some of them are pure metal, some of them pure orchestral scores, and some are mixed :D I recorded with my kemper and several different guitars (unfortunately i dont own a bass, so there might be some missing low end haha), ez drummer and some cheap orchestral libraries.

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    I'd like to hear your constructed feedback on it! I know i still have to improve a lot haha, but any tips and hints for the next project are very welcome :)

    Thanks for your time guys!

    Try playing a slow sine wave sweep from 20 Hz - 20 kHz

    I did that, thanks for the tip! Well I guess my room has some serious problems <X:D the volume peaks are aaaall over the place haha especially between 110 and 200 hz there are many volume peaks and valleys..
    Thank you all for the kind help! I have to figure out a way to control those frequencies in my listening position i guess.. and I have to get rid of the headache from the sine wave test :D

    Well, when playing with headphones the E notes bass response doesn't stand out compared to the other notes. So it clearly must be a bad room resonance...
    I am amazed haha I have never even heard of such a phenomenon, but that bass explosion in the room is insane :D now i just have to find a way to fix this issue ?(