Posts by willishen

    The last years I’ve tested some (non)commercial profiles of the famous Friedman BE100, and – to be honest – I found them boring. Playing with (lots of) gain can be fun, but that’s only one part of the deal. The feel, dynamics and even the guitar make sense, it is a complete package. I still want to hear THE twang and bite from my Tele, or twang from my Strat, etc.. I love the identity of my guitar even while playing with lots of gain, so I am not an easy guy to satisfy with ‘gain-profiles’….

    Bert did an amazing job with this package and raised the bar sky-high. I know this because I own ‘’the real deal’’ so i know how it sounds. Because of that, I was involved in the process of profiling and we had some meetings, chats, phone-calls and it did some profile testing. This beast looks like ‘again another Plexi’, but it is more, much more than that. It is a very complex (and expensive ) amp and not easy to catch and tweak. You have to spend a lot of time but it is worth every hour to find out all the capabilities of this beast. I love it!!

    Today i tested the official (final) version of Bert’s package and I am very, very satisfied. The ‘rightinyourface’ sound is there and I can play at bedroom level with my favorite wall of sound [Blocked Image:];-). Even the clean sounds are great. I did an A/B test, and it is amazing. I know it costed Bert days and (half) nights to get this job done, to reach his personal goal; to make the best Friedman BE100 profiles in the market. And Yes he did it. These profiles are absolute the Bomb!! You can ‘t make them better than this. Okay, no live experience so far, but I am convinced that these profiles make me also smile on stage.

    Well done Bert, I was fun to be part of this process and keep up doing the good work. Btw, are you kidding? Less than 15 euro for this package? It is a giveaway given the result and all the hard work!! Thanks.