Posts by mrguitarguy

    @mrguitarguy Hey, there!

    I was hoping it was you - I thought someone else might have chosen the same name you use online :)

    DOUBLE Welcome, my friend :)

    HA! Yes, I'm still alive. I don't do much "forum-ing" anymore. Life in the studio keeps me very busy. My wife doesn't see me for days sometimes. :P I'm sure you're just a busy. Send me a PM and maybe we can find a time to re-connect if you'd like. I think I still have your old number, but it's probably changed over the years.

    If you have any tips on the Kemper I'd love to hear them. Where are you keeping your Clean and Distortion sensitivity at? So far I still have mine at 0.

    Just loaded you Marshall into my Kemper. I'm looking forward to trying it.

    Hello everyone,

    Thanks for all the warm welcomes, helpful replies, tips, and sound samples. I really appreciate you all taking the time to respond and I will try every suggestion. I was in a long session yesterday so I haven't been able to respond until today. As Patrick2099 mentioned, I have had better luck with the getting more responsiveness from some of the well known profilers of amps I've tried since posting (Michael Britt and Top Jimi)

    @paults, good to see you on here my friend! It's been a long time. We should grab a coffee sometime. Please tell the rest band I said hello. I still have Sully's old Ampeg head. I'll check out your Marshall profiles I found on the rig exchange.

    Here's a few thoughts I had in playing with it in the studio for the first time yesterday.

    While the band grabbed lunch I did a quick profile of an Orange Tiny Terror with the master cranked wide open (with a Les Paul and V30 Mesa cab) since it was easy to overdrive the low wattage tubes, just to see if I could get a similar response to the Kemper. I only had about 45 minutes to mess with it and this was my first attempt, so please take my comments lightly. While I could get it to sound very close, it wasn't quite as responsive to the volume knob as the real thing and there was less of a compressed "tube" feel. Adjusting the various power tube settings on the Kemper seemed to help a somewhat, but it felt different, or "squishy" like a more traditional compressor device instead of power tube compression. I never got it to match the exact feel, but it was much, much closer than any other digital amp I've ever tried.

    I'd say it matched as close as two different models of the same amp or different speakers on the same cab. Listening in a proper studio environment with acoustic treatment and high quality monitors. I could always pick out the Kemper when blindly A/B-ing, but it was subtle. Both sounded good, just slightly different. Either would have been fine for tracking though.

    Overall I'm extremely impressed with the sounds of the amps. The effects sound really great too, though I do wish there was a spring reverb emulation. (This seems like an huge omission since there are a lot of plugins that do it pretty well). I don't think almost anyone can tell by the time your audio is mixed, mastered and converted to popular low resolution formats MP3, AAC, Soundcloud, or Youtube.

    While I still might prefer cranking real amp, it would be impractical for most applications, plus you'd have to spend a small fortune on boutique amps and effects to do what you can with one Kemper. I'm sure as I get better at dialing in the amp it will only get better.

    Thanks again everyone!

    Hello, everyone. It seems like a wonderful community here.

    I've had my Kemper for a couple of days now and I'm enjoying playing with the variety of tones it provides. I apologize if this has been covered extensively, but searches of the forum have not yielded the answers I was hoping for.

    I'm looking to really get the Kemper to respond like an amp with an overdriven power section. Typically, I crank my amps up pretty hard (often with the assistance of an attenuator if I'm at home) and I can go from great clean sounds to lots of dirt just by rolling the volume up and digging in on the guitar. So far while sampling the variety of profiles out there I haven't been able to achieve this same result. I've tried messing with the power tube sag setting on a few of the profiles but it seems to alway make the cleans get very loud.

    I'm especially missing the compression that comes from oversaturated power tubes that makes them very reactive. The volume doesn't really vary from clean to dirty much on most of my tube amps when using this approach. Is there a way to achieve this with the Kemper? Many of the videos I see online seem to show this is possible. Does anyone have any recommendations on settings I could refine on my Kemper? I currently have the distortion and clean sense on 0.

    I'm primarily using low to medium to low output pickups on my guitars (Humbuckers like Duncan JB and 59, single coils like Eric Johnson strat pickups, etc.).

    I have not profiled my own amps yet, so I don't know if many of the profiles are from amps with less saturated power sections, but I would assume that many of the vintage Marshalls and other amps in that vein would be very reactive since they would probably be cranked up when profiled.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your patience with a noob.