Posts by artdecade

    I am trying to make a dry/wet Jimmy Herring style rig. I would like the output signals to have the dry signal going to one cab and the wet signal (reverb) sent to the other. I am planning on controlling the volume level the reverb via an expression pedal. I have the MAIN L set to STACK and I am using some Super Reverb and Twin profiles that are getting me into the ballpark. I am not sure how to set the MAIN R going to the other cab. Should it be DELAY / REVERB WET? I am curious because the latter setting appears to be stereo but I am only using a mono cabinet. It appears to be the only way to get a full wet signal out of the Kemper. Thanks.

    I am very new around here and I wasn't able to find the answer via the search engine. Is there any way to pad the input coming into the Kemper via the guitar? I have a lot of fantastic profiles available, but I use SD Livewire Active pickups and they are adding more gain than I would like. My guitars are loaded with the Mustaine set - basically a higher output version of the classic JB/Jazz combo. These sound great with my tube amps, but I would like to pad the Kemper input by about 3-4 db so that the profiles aren't getting hammered as hard by the pickups. Thanks!