Posts by malcomowenflood

    Hello! I am looking to buy a Pelican 1610 case to store my toaster and remote (when I get it) for tours, especially when flights are involved.

    Ideally the pelican case would have the "pluck foam" or already be configured close to the manner I have planned.

    I am located in Canada in Victoria, British Columbia.


    Yes, don't get me wrong - totally aware that it's a ridiculous set up that's both very gluttonous and a waste of time and resources.

    The desired effect IS stereo to the front of house mix but only when the 2nd amp is brought in. A fairly common comparison situation is in two guitarist bands where the vocalist/guitarist just jumps in the play on the chorus of the song - if I was mixed to the left of the mix and he comes in mixed to the right its quite a big contribution to the mix.

    I'm wanting to accomplish that effect without the 2nd guitarist. So for examples sake: amp 1 (mixed left) plays the verse and I add in amp 2 (mixed right) for the chorus - I'd probably have to delay the signal to the second amp to get the effect of it not just being mono but I think the result could get close to the "two guitarist" sound.

    • Again this is mostly just an in theory and fantasy rig situation.

    Good points on all the negatives! It would be a prett crazy amount of work.... but the strong advantage of running the JCM would be that I could run stereo to cover the Left and Right of the mix when my vocalist isn't playing guitar for a song. The kempers only weakness, that I've found so far, is the ability to run separate stereo rigs.

    So for example bringing in my JCM for the big heavy hitting chorus of a song on the left while the verse has only been on the right (with the kemper) could be a pretty huge sonic impact. The volume pedal could be replaced by an aby switch too.

    Obviously this would only be for gigs with the size to actually have a discernible stereo field in the mix.

    I'm sort of stealing this idea from an Ian Thornley rig he used with Big Wreck - but he was using two tube heads rather than a kemper and tube amp. Ideally I'd just run two kempers I think!

    Hello all! Recent Kemper convert chiming in for the first time here!

    I am wanting to run my Kemper WITH my Marsall JCM800 live for some of the large scale shows my band is doing. Anyone have experience doing this?

    I'm thinking I'd run the kemper on my clean channel (clean used loosely here) and keep my marshall gunned up for the heavy stuff, but keep it on a volume pedal to swell in.


    Malcom Owen-Flood