Posts by PolishedMix

    Here's a launch trailer with Jens doing a walkthrough of a Sepultura session:

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    I'm having a hard time getting good tones from my Kemper. It all sounds wimpy compared to the same DI running through (online Kemper reamping).

    Can somebody run a test reamp a DI through the attached profile?
    Am I missing some settings on my Kemper or are you getting the same sound from this profile?…gCYvWOfOkd/view

    The archive contains:
    1. DI
    2. Reamp from Amp In The Cloud
    3. A 5150 profile
    4. My reamp through the profile

    For reference, I have reset all my settings to factory defaults. Using 'return input' to feed the DI from my interface and 'Main out' to get it back.
    Getting same sonic results through SPDIF. Any help would be appreciated!

    Hey, Metal Horse, I cannot believe how close your situation is to mine!

    I play in a symphonic metal band as well and recently switched to a 6U rack with Kemper and XR12 + in-ears. I have not used a cab for the last three shows and it's working out beautifully!
    In my case I connected the headphone out into XR input for the in-ears and FOH gets main out L. This way I get to use Kemper's 'space' feature for easier headphone sound and both headphone out and XR in are in the front of the rack, so a simple pedal patch cable connects them nicely.

    I have a question for you about in-ear amplification. I am fully wireless and things are working well but the rest of my band is still wired and I find that when I lower the XR bus out to avoid distortion, the headphone amps they use are not loud enough (…-00-750x750.jpg).

    What do you guys use for amplification?