Posts by michel poirier

    I know guys that they are very happy with DRX10 but they are playing mid gain to clean stuff.
    so this is perfect for them.
    DRX10 is a very high quality PA Loudspeaker FRFR, no issue.
    But i use them as PA Speakers for voice, not for guitar.
    Because i am playing more Hard Heavy Rock using hi-Gain profile.
    For me it is more real and feel more like a real cab and tube amp with Gemini 2 with EmPower adjusted at 70% FRFR.
    Yes i agree with Ashtweth, Stereo is way better than Mono.
    When you try it, you don't want to go back to Mono.

    No EQ in Kemper doesn't act like EmPower.
    EmPower is associated with the real wood cab 2x12 and only on the Hi frequency speaker in the center of that main speaker (coaxial speaker).
    Believe me i tried it when it was connected to PA Loudspeaker.

    I am used to play with 2x12 V30 closed cab, not 4x12.
    I like better 2x12 than 4x12, note that this is my personal taste.

    I talked with few guys and read so many comment about how good the Yamaha DRX10 is vs DRX12.
    I believe that DRX15 will be too much bass.

    I had 2x RCF Art 312, it was very good for clean and mid gain profile but not great for hi gain,
    It was like missing something, less dispersion, not the same punch as a real cab with out of wood.
    i took the 12`` instead of the 10`` model to get more mid and bass.
    But not satisfy at the end.

    it all depend of what you do and want and how use you are to hear and feel the cab behind you.

    For me Mission Gemini 2 fix all that with the EmPower adjustment.

    You can't really compare Gemini 2 stereo vs headphones.
    Since the sound will totally move over your head from Right to Left and vi and versa with headphone.
    Vs two speakers side by side.
    Of course the best stereo effect with cab will be with 2 separated cabs with an 4 feet distance in between.
    The Stereo FX is very good, it sound full, you can ear very well the ping pong effect for sure.
    i had long time ago 2 marshall cabs side by side with may be 1 feet in between and i can telling you that the Gemini give about the same stereo hearing.
    the good thing is one cab only is less floor space and less cable also.
    For me that was perfect.

    also Blueamp make some very nice amp / cab, stereo one too.

    the only issue was that for Canadian voltage (like usa), to switch to 120v, the amp will lost half of his wattage.

    and the offer only an on-off switch for FRFR to normal cab frequency, no adjustment pot.

    The adjustment EmPower pot make the entire difference to bring the great tone without sacrificed the FRFR advantage.

    so i selected Mission instead of Blueamp (made in Germany)

    and very happy, no regret at all.

    by the way, i replace the 24v power supply inside for an None air fan style,
    no noise anymore.
    or you cab buy the Studio model instead of the Live model of Gemini 2
    same thing, but 550$ cdn more to pay

    What was very funny was to watch the face of my drummer when i put the Kemper (none rack mount style) over the cab.

    He is so used to see Mesa head, Marshall head, Fender Twin, Vox, type of amp like that.

    He told me: `` This amp head is Ugly``

    i told him: ``it is not a amp, it is like a computer`` ``the amp is in the cab, in fact 2 amps class D for stereo``

    He look at me with a weird face....

    that what so funny

    he was very skeptical, after few songs played he told me ``this is hot, very empress, Studio sound quality``

    Yup ! the reason of this big change of gear.

    My drummer have a second band, they play only Beatles song (they are very good)

    The guitarist of that band (i know him, he got many amp and guitar), he told my drummer , he don't like complicated thing, kemper seam complicated.

    I kind of agree with him, he took me 1 month to get use of the Kemper, and even now, i still go to the wrong or hit the wrong button to do what i want.
    But after getting the logic of how it work, it is not so complicated at the end.

    anyway, that was so funny to see and hear.

    I had the same issue that you have.
    I tried differant stuff, never happy at the end.
    Now this is past, i found the Mission Gemini 2 with EmPower adjustement.
    Stereo, FRFR with the tweaking of it with EmPower.
    It sound Lound, it feel like a real cab, it dispers like a real cab, and you keep the FRFR crystal clean sound and have an super very good Hi-gain sound too.
    The best of both worlds.

    I play Live with band, no PA, so it must do the job.
    I sold my tube amp (Mesa Recto), i sold on other backup Mesa Tube amp too (Nomad 55).
    and now all my huge pedal-board is for sale.
    What a switch, hey !
    I am a tube amp guy, like hi-gain solid distortion sound.
    Took me several months of trial different thing (cab, amp, FRFR PA Loudspeaker, etc.) at home in my studio before to bring that set-up to my band place.
    My band guys was blown away, they told me how precise, clear and solid my tone is now vs before.

    Mission Gemini 2, try it.

    it seam very simple at the end.
    this is what i found difficult with Kemper setting, is to know all this details to do this or that or to go here or there.
    so many option, setting, mode, etc, making this Kemper so unique and fully versatile.

    may be one day, all this will be more user-friendly, but may be we will have less fun at the end.

    i will try this and let you know how easy it was or not....

    Yesterday evening when the first live playing with Kemper with my band.

    I kept the Kemper at home for few weeks to find good profiles, adjust effects, make presets and find the the good match cab / amp for me.
    It took me a wild to find a good set-up match Kemper / amp / cab.
    i tried, tube with 2x12 cab, PA powered Loudspeaker and finally end up with Mission Gemini 2

    So yesterday i arrived earlier at the band studio,
    i removed my huge pedaldoard with the complex cables path.
    Removed my MEsa Dual Recto amp with 2x12 V30 closed cab, i sold it to my brother

    No more tube amp
    No more stompbox, rack mount effect, etc...
    none , nada anymore

    put in place the Mission Gemini 2
    the kemper on top
    remote on floor and 3 effects pedals.

    My brother look at me and said now only that??? much more space of the floor, almost no cable.
    He look the toaster and said, ``this is Ugly, it not look like a amp``

    than i switch it ON and say ``Listen now``

    I switch to an Tom Petty preset (Running down a dream) and we started the song.
    My bassman look at me and told me ``man this sound exactly like it``

    Than i change to more hi-gain profile to play more hard rock sound,
    i had to tweak a bit the presence and mid since i was playing more loud with the band vs at home in my small room.
    Some preset wasn't as good as at home, need a bit adjustment, some others was on the other hand better than at home.

    Bring 3 guitars
    trying different style, different set-up, different profiles.
    Some Pink Floyd preset i made ``Run``

    My band guys was blow away about the clarity and the precision of my tone,
    and how easy i can switch from a style to an other for different kind of distortion level and tone (different amps and set-up)
    all in one little box

    than i connected my lap top to the kemper, i show them how easy it is to navigated in the rig Manager and having 12,000 choices of amps profiles.
    selected one i like for a type of sound and play, that it

    First try for real

    it was a success all the way.

    That was my little story of last evening with my band with new Kemper setup.

    This may sound like a simple easy thing, but i need your help to answer a simple question.

    When i want to change my delay time, on most of all delay i selected, i see only like 2/16, 3/26, 4/16, etc...
    instead of timer adjustment in milliseconds like we are used too ex: 385 ms

    And it always showing on the screen Delay Legacy (even if i changing the type of delay in the browser).

    To adjusted the delay effect, i pressed and hold the delay button until set-up page show up.

    How i can have adjustment in ms ?

    And why the title of delay never change even if i browse and select different type of delay?

    i tried several thing,
    RCF PA Loudaspeaker Art312, very nice clean tone, you can ear all details but hi-gain profile doesn,t sound right, it missing the feel the dispersion, missing the real thing when playing live.

    i tried tube amp with 2x12 closed cab V30, very nice for hi-gain tone, but mid gain, clean tone, you miss all superb details that FRFR can give you with amp class D.

    I want both because i am playing live with band all the time (no FOH).

    I found the solution: really
    Mission Gemini 2, it does both and the secret of that is the EmPower adjustment, mind is set at 70% FRFR.
    It turn the cab sound like a real one, superbe dispersion, superb Hi-gain tone and feel and keeping all subtiles details of effects especially with clean tone profiles.

    guys, it really does very well the job.
    I am use to play hi-gain with MEsa Dual Recto amp and cab, it match it almost to 97% i will say.

    My Kemper is unpowered, so the Gemini 2 have 2x class D amps and with the TRS to TR, TR cable you became fully stereo, very nice.

    i bought the Gemini 2 Live model, the Power supply air fan is a bit noisy when you don't play.
    i fixed that problem by using an high quality 24V 10a power supply with no fan, i just installed it inside and reconnect the cables to it.
    No noise, no heat, no issue.
    It took me 2 hours to do that and i save 550$ cdn by not buying the Gemini 2 Studio model (that have an no air fan Power supply).
    i did know exactly what i was doing ( i am working with electro-technicians), if you don't know, buy the studio model.