Posts by DadDadDaddyo

    Hello and welcome, Craig!

    Just arrived here as well. Permit me to encourage and cheer you on; I think we've come to the right place!

    Once I figure out the methods and means I'll be getting started on profiling a venerable pile of tube gear. For now I have a great deal to learn about the process.

    We're going to do fine here.

    Thanks and best wishes,

    Kemper specifications will tell you power requirements in watts. That becomes watt hours when you add time, where 1 watt for 1 hour is 1 watt hour. APC specifications will give you the UPS capacity in watt hours.

    So, speaking theoretically, if a particular UPS had a 50 watt hour capacity, it could run a 50 watt load for 1 hour, or a 1 watt load for 50 hours, or a 10 watt load for 5 hours...

    Best wishes,

    Hi --

    I'm pretty new here, but I've been around equipment quite a while.

    APC is a manufacturer of decent UPS boxes, in a wide array of capacities. I keep one behind most of my critical gear including my Kemper. This is to permit an orderly shutdown in the event of a power outage, rather than to permit me to keep running. What's more, the UPS can provide a degree of isolation from power line spikes, surges, and fades, all of which can take a toll on delicate gear.

    Do you want something that's rack mounted? These are available, as well as boxes that look like beefed-up surge protector boxes.

    So to sum up: APC is a decent workable brand, boxes are available in a variety of capacities and configurations, and your goal probably ought to be smooth power and an orderly shutdown, rather than trying to continue to work in a power-out situation.

    Best wishes,


    Just getting started with the new Kemper in my home studio - just had time last evening to "dip my toes into the Pool" as it were.

    And omigosh! Those models, er, Profiles I mean, are astonishing! As a Strat guy, I'm always exploring the "edge of Clean" - and some of those existing profiles have captured that so beautifully, so dynamically, that it was immediately clear why folks have gotten so excited about the Kemper. It really does have the feel.

    So now begins a process of discovery: I have an entire stable of tube amps to profile, at as many settings as needs be, to gather up all the colors and organize them for my palate. And that's why I'm excited. I've seen that there are profiles of all sorts of amps out in the world, but what's intriguing for me is that I'll be able to profile MY amps, with MY sounds!

    So here's to Cristoph Kemper, for enabling what I'm hoping: to capture all those shades of lightning in a bottle, or collection of bottles. Hmmm, that's pretty accurate, actually; it's as if each profile is a ship in a bottle, onto whose bridge you can step and take the helm, braving the seas...

    More as things progress, but for now, thanks!