Posts by smarcia


    Quick question for you experts. I’m using an expression pedal for volume control with my Kemper Stage. I’m wondering if there’s a way to set the volume pedal pre-amp and effects so that when I do volume swells with an overdrive on it doesn’t sound like an overdriven sound just at low volume, but operate much like a volume pedal at the very beginning of a normal pedalboard chain. I hope this makes sense what I’m asking to accomplish. I could just go through a normal volume pedal before the input, but I really like how clear the input sounds when running a guitar direct into the Kemper input. I tried a volume pedal before and noticed a loss of tone and high frequencies. Thanks for your help!

    I think, a Behringer FCB 1010 without chip-tuning could do that job. You just configure about 10 presets to send MIDI control changes to control the eight effect modules A-D and X-REV and have two buttons left for TAP or Action&Freeze commands like Delay Freeze.

    In addition you have got two built-in pedals, which you could for example use for Volume and Morph/Wah/Pitch.

    The related MIDI control change numbers are listed in the Main Manual chapter MIDI.

    Thanks for the reply! That does sound like what I’m looking for. Is there anything smaller you can think of? I don’t necessarily need the expression pedals. Thanks!

    Hi! I’ve had a Kemper for a couple years and it’s an incredible piece of gear. I mainly use it in the studio with my pedalboard which has been killer! I want to use the Kemper as a fly rig, but don’t want to haul the massive pedalboard or purchase the Kemper Remote. I use one amp profile so I’m only looking for a way to switch the onboard effects on/off. The Remote looks cool, but does more than I need. Basically I want a small midi controller that will act as a “pedalboard” that switches FX on and off. Anyone out there with a setup like this? What 3rd party controllers do you recommend for my desired setup? Thanks!!