Posts by keuneke

    I also upgraded to LVL2 as I do need the extra FX types (mostly I was missing pitch) but the morphing comes in very handy to switch on/off effects by morphing their Mix-Value (0 = off, 50% or 100% on, depending on effect type).

    The foot switches I use for selection of the 5 slots (1-3 directly 4 and 5 via combo 1+2 and 2+3).

    I also use an m-vave MIDI-controller (they are dead cheap): there footswitch 1 and 2 control FX1 and FX2 on/off, 3 enables tuner/mute, 4 for bank-up (in shows I use 3 banks only and 'wrap', so don't need bank-down but just cycle through the 3 banks).

    The morphing-based switching described above makes my m-vave switches 1 and 2 somewhat obsolete, so may opt for something different there soon...

    well, just did the upgrade to LVL2, global EQ is there! Great, but still would like to have this right at my fingertips in the venue so that I can simply adjust without resorting to the app. So half way there, still would wish for the second function of hi/mid/bass knobs (when pushed) to be used please :)

    That's strange I wouldn't expect the LVL upgrade to affect that sort of thing. I would have thought that the actual base level OS would have been the culprit but I've just tested my non upgraded player and the wrap bank seems to be working normally.

    did you upgrade the rig manager to the beta version? because that's presumably where the error came in. {edit: just checked that the problem is the same whith the IOS rig manager - but there also after upgrading to the latest version of the app, so not so sure anymore if the error is not actually in the OS of the player itself

    I just bought LVL2 and am very happy with it. Cheaper is always desired, I don't have money to give away, but feel that the added functionality is worth the price. Strange that everyone still resists so much to pay for software, arguing that they would get ripped off. People, creating good software is darn expensive...

    Well I said I "must have inadvertently" changed it but as others have experienced this I'm beginning to think maybe I didn't and theres a bug.

    maybe its both: inadvertently seems pretty likely to me. I did that so many times when just scrolling down in the rig manager to see settings and merely *hovering* over the reference pitch changed it, i.e. not holding the mouse button. Which in my view clearly qualifies as bug. Or at least poor engineering, people use the mouse-scrolling feature and then oops, tuner pitch changes.....

    p.s.: just noted that this behaviour is actually on all continuous controls in the rig manager. i.e. if you (like me) use the mouse-scrolling (sliding your finger on top of the mouse) it works fine until by chance the mouse-cursor is over a control. if you then let briefly go and then attempt to continue scrolling, you actually change the value of the controller instead. I suppose most the time one notices this right away because sound changed, but for the reference pitch that's not the case, so...

    while I tend to agree with spotter regarding understanding developers and their pressures, that only goes for the upcoming additional effects.

    But describing a feature *in the manual* that is delivered with a device is more than just a roadmap. Just look how many questions we have in this forum from people asking how to use combo-switches....

    A pay-for-feature concept wouldn’t bother me. Eventide’s H9 proved that model can work.

    A subscription won’t happen. The technology architecture needed to make that work doesn’t exist for Kemper. It’s no small thing, either.

    Their intent is to have all models (Player included) using the same KAOS.bin for updates. You can’t do that (at least not easily) if you’re going subscription based for one model.

    Besides, that’s so completely out of character for Kemper it’s ridiculous.

    Discontinuation of Eventides pay-for-feature has shown that the model does NOT work commercially, I suppose.

    Roland tried a subscription model (Roland Cloud) and I think that isn't going too well for them. Eventide tried a model with paid upgrades that software-wise upped their H9 to H9max or added single additional effects. That was meanwhile discarded, from which I would infer that it also failed commercially.

    Was the world not ready for such things, but now is, or how should Kemper find a solution? My guess is that no single company will succeed alone in establishing a commercial model for this. But if you look in the DAW-space, VST-plug-ins were a success as far as I can judge. Steinberg opening their software platform to others.

    Imagine a world where you would buy a QC from Neural and then buy some software-plugins from TC helicon for your vocal effects to run on the QC. i would love that.

    Question is, if it is feasible to implement an open software-platform of sorts that runs on such diverse hardware as Kemper, Fractal, Helix, QC....

    Seems quite a lot of people (including me) use the m-vave chocolate footswitch. To iphone/ipad apps, the chocolate can be connected directly via bluetooth. With the Kemper you can go wireless using the bt-receiver/transmitter sold separately.

    But it would be very nice if the Kemper (Player) would support MIDI via Bluetooth directly, so that devices like the Chocolate but possibly also IOS/Android Phones/Pads running MIDI-Apps could control the Kemper.