using the Acoustic Simulator, I want to empty the „Stack“ section completely in my rig. How can I achieve this? I was just able to „deactivate“ but not empty it.
using the Acoustic Simulator, I want to empty the „Stack“ section completely in my rig. How can I achieve this? I was just able to „deactivate“ but not empty it.
An interesting question would be, how you would sync it to the music in a live performance.
With the TAP button on the remote. There has to be a fraction parameter (1/2, 1,4, 1/8, etc.) in case the tempo is that high that you can only TAP each second, fourth, eight, etc. beat.
Default is a DIRECT mode, meaning BUTTON PRESS=NO SOUND, the TAP mode would work similar to the concept you already use for the delays.
Hope this makes sense, otherwise I‘ll have to try again in German.
There is a tendency....and i worked towards that goal....to have a compact setup of jam, practice and performance. It goes totally against that idea, to just hook up another device for a metronome.
Something that goes "click" bores the DSP to death and the tap-controls do already have the ability do recognise tempo.
I would see the metronome as a part of the looper, tap or set your tempo, volume dial....done. Sounds simple to me.
Yep, I second that. Could be switched on/off using the "Looper" button on the Remote and the tempo could either be tapped or dialed in using the Rotary switches.
P.S. If that's too boring to implement there's still the wish to make the KPA a class compliant USB audio interface.
Durwin99 Great info, thanks!
Steinberg UR22-C
Can be powered by the IPad.
Cubasis LE is included. And at the moment they have 30% discount on the normal Cubasis Version.
Thanks for the tip. Looks great except for its lack of SPDIF ...
I do not want an additional DAAD conversion and I find SPDIF super comfy - is there another interface with SPDIF that you can recommend?
Works perfectly fine — use a 8i6 3rd generation — no problems
With the USB-C iPad Pro?
Am on v7, did not encounter any issues. I do not use the editor too much and stick with my „old“ performances, so far so good. The preset management really helps, one of the main things for me. The new reverbs are nice to have but the legacy reverb was fine for me. I use the spring reverb from time to time but more or less only because I can.
Hi everyone,
I know it's been awhile but -
any experiences to share in the meantime? Did someone try the 6i6 with the iPad Pro having USB-C?
Someone suspected that this amplifier could color the sound.
Yes, I asked for that quite a few times in this thread but there was no clear answer, how "sensitive" the Kone / Kabinet is when it comes to different power amps.
The "popular sciences" that have been created over the last decades when it comes to magic powder in guitar amps, the great sound of clothed-wire, etc. on one hand and the Kemper Kone being independent from the power amp and even quite independent of the cabinet on the other hand seems too good to be true. I wonder to at what point reality strikes (it has to).
Did someone test the Kone / Kabinet with different power amps?
I‘d like to record on an iPad Pro having USB-C.
Which interface and software do you recommend?
Is it possible to record video with the iPad camera and an external sound source?
Thank you!
I still wonder if the KPA power amp is “better“ in whatever way to handle the Kone?
Did someone A/B the Kemper power amp with a third-party one?
I got a question: owning an unpowered rack version of the KPA and wanting to purchase a Kabinet I now see several options:
a) trading unpowered rack for powered rack, buy the Kabinet
b) buy an external power amp, buy the Kabinet
c) wait for a potential powered / active version of the Kabinet.
With regard to options a) vs. b) I wonder if there is any „advantage“ sound-wise that the powered KPA has over an external power amp. Is the Kabinet tuned somehow to the parameters of the Kemper power amp or is it really that „generic“?
Thank you in advance.
Used the Stage live for the first time last weekend, with the latest beta OS, playing Main direct to FOH and MON to a Behringer Eurolive 212A powered wedge.
Couldn't believe the quality of the sound. It was exactly as if I was playing in my room and everything just worked, perfectly. I even had one transpose patch, which also worked a treat.
The only issue was that it was a big stage and some other band members couldn't hear me clearly - mixing issue or need a more powerful stage monitor?
They need better monitoring and a better monitor mix. They won‘t get a better quality guitar sound in the board than they already have - problem solved.
Using the four buttons as stomps would fit to the current workflow.
Change profiles via softbutton or external footswitch.
Since it‘s a profile loader performances would not have to be supported. Hence, not too much interference with the more price-intensive model variants.
I had an Amp1 for a quiet long time when it came out - I like Thomas' approach of keeping it simple and (as being German) I also like that we have innovative companies like Kemper or Bluguitar coming from Germany.
The Amp1 was (is) awesome for what it is, I always used it with traditional guitar cabinets and never played it with headphones. I sold it when I got the Kemper which changed my way of work.
The only problem I got with the "Amp X" is the "web shop" part. If I understand the text correctly, you basically get the "Amp1 Mercury + Iridium Editions" plus some other features in one box. If you need further "classic amp sounds" you would have to pay cash. I hope that there will be the opportunity to design own circuits and share them with others (similar to the RigExchange). It's fine that there are "official sounds" that you can buy but I do not like to "lock-in" myself in an environment where I *have* to pay money. For Kemper, I am in the driver's seat to decide if I'd like to or not. This is the only downside I see with the "Amp X"-concept.
From a terminology point of view both what one does with recreating a signal chain is either a „model“ or a supervised learning based on a „[network] architecture“.
The more complex the network topology the more processing power is required to keep the training in a reasonable time frame (how long is reasonable?).
Each training step calculates the results of a function which is „weighted“. The result of the calculation are then compared by using an error function (how good is the function?). The cumulation of these weights makes the individual sound.
First papers on AI approaches are decades old. They give a great technical way to solve problems but there are too many variables that one can say that they generally outperform „classical“ approaches.
I can imagine that by throwing a lot of processing power on the problem, one can achieve satisfying results.
I hope Kemper is hiring some students who are dealing with some proof-of-concepts of the next generation training process / network architecture. It has been just a matter of time that someone comes up with a competing product.
This should put this speculation to rest...
They seem happy with the DSP and their internal libraries / tools they created for it.
However, a KPA2 could get more ROM, RAM, 2x DSP for parallel routing and processing power to support AES50, OSC and all these ... probably a bigger screen ...
But to be honest - I do not see a lot of added value. I like the approach of sticking to the HW and make the SW bulletproof.
A smaller form factor without any buttons on it, just some line jacks for external switches / pedals and a lower price point would be cool. Since we have the editor now this could be feasable.
Ich kann aus eigener Erfahrung die Produkte von Fischer Amps empfehlen, aktuell nutze ich hauptsächlich den "In Ear Stick" mit einem XLR-Kabel für Stereo IEM. Ich habe mir ein eigenes "Multicore" aus 1x XLR und 1x Gitarrenkabel gebaut. Abgesehen von der etwas eingeschränkteren Bewegung sehe ich nur Vorteile gegenüber zwei Funksystemen für IEM und Gitarre. Für kleinere Bühnen reicht das kabelgebundene Setup total aus und ist verglichen mit Funkstrecken weitaus weniger störanfällig.
Leider hat der Kemper soweit ich weiß keinen Limiter in der Signalkette zum Kopfhörerausgang. Das ist für mich ein "No-Go" für Live-Situationen.
Ich hatte das glaube ich sogar irgendwann mal als "Feature Request" angefragt. Möglicherweise - ich kenne mich hier nicht aus - lässt sich da rein softwaretechnisch was machen? Schade, dass das Ganze irgendwie eingeschlafen ist.
Display MoreYour point of view is very like a hobbyist. Do you use your Profiler in a professional way?
Put as many functionality in the KPA as possible ... and then complain about system stability and performance.
Each hardware has an amount of limited resources and each product is designed for a specific target group of users.A metronome cost less then 100 Bugs, buy one and use it if needed.
I bought my Kemper as Live Performance and Studio Amp-Replacement and definitely not as training device.
I'm always using click tracks with in ear monitoring live and in studio, and if I need a Metronom Click i can always Mix in a Metronom or a Drumloop from the DAW or anything else.
Happy new year
I won‘t answer to your post in detail since it contains hypotheses about what I am or do which - by the way - are of no concern for the matter.
I also won‘t rectify the sense of a metronome. This should be clear to everyone.
I connect a metronome using the AUX of the KPA. It would be way less hassle to avoid third party hardware in the process for the sake of simplicity.
Here‘s a small story this discussion reminds me of. I was on a workshop at which Thomas Blug unveiled his „Amp 1“ some years ago. I asked him if it was possible to connect a stereo signal / AUX. Most of the guys in the audience had that „dafuq“-reaction, some even giggled around. Thomas Blug took this thing very seriously and answered that he had exactly that in mind and implemented this feature, especially when I explained that I would need this functionality to prepare for sessions / rehearsals where you get recordings / arrangements upfront or simply to listen to the guitars / soli in a recording to play after.
I only play guitar using the Kemper these days so I would like it to contain everything that I need as a guitar player on a regular basis - including a metronome.
If you do not need one that‘s perfectly fine. I do not judge that and would kindly ask you not to judge others as well.