Posts by gee121

    Hey guys,

    for those who might have had the same prob - I ordered an AWG24 - cable (not easy to find on amazon, but I found some good looking from Syncwire) which was delivered today. I tried that cable as a patchcable + the remote cable = 8,5m in total and for every booting sequence the remote control acted normally. The problem should be solved :) Thanks for your replies!

    @Finally Yeah, this is the one I got!

    alright, just read the reference manual page 130.
    The Kemper Remote Cable itself already has a length of 7,5m at AWG24. If i understand correctly, the maximum possible length thus is reached, cuz AWG24 just supports lengths up to 7,5m?
    My patchcable is a CAT5e cable with AWG26 ;) So the only thing I can do without buying a PoE switch/injector is looking for an ethernet cable with a higher diameter for lower impedance?? I'm wondering how so many ppl jsut used a "normal" ethernet cable and do not have such issues... ?( I saw the normal neutrik adapter I bought on many pics here, so there was no need to buy PoE stuff. I'm confused :D

    Just tested the line up with another ehternet cable I had at home. On this one the cable said "cat5e". When I connected the remote with the kemper directly with this cat5e cable, the remote just started normally without problems several times. So I used this new cable as a patch cable between the kemper and my patchpanel with the neutrik adapter and plugged the orginal remote cable into the front bay of the patchpanel - AAAND: sometimes the remote starts normally, sometimes it died while starting up, as you mentioned DML. I just thought it could have been the initial patch cable I used, because directly connecting the kemper with the remote with this cable shows up the known problems, the functionality with the new cable directly connected was normal..
    Very strange...

    Hello Community,

    For easier Connection, I recently built a patchpanel for the different Kemper plugs. For the Ethernet Connection I bought this adapter:

    I plugged a Standard Ethercon cable (from my Router, 1 m length) into the rj45 Adapter and from there I used the Original Remote RJ45 cable for the Connection to the Remote.

    When I use this Setup, the Remote Suddenly turns off while working with it (most at changing Profiles) and sometimes stays offline beside checking the Connection to the profiler..

    When I go directly from the Kemper out into the Remote with the Original cable it just works fine...

    Do you have a clue what could be wrong?
    Do I have to note Something concerning the Patch cable from kemper to patchpanel of the rj45 adapter itself?

    Thanks in advance!

    Thanks for your answers!
    man, I didn't know that it is possible to set the wah effect in the kemper to "rely on movement" or something like that ;) Sounds pretty good! I'm gonna mod the crybaby without the switch by now, seems like a smart solution.

    Thanks for that assessment. I think I will tst the Moog cause of the attractive price.. Could be enough 'range' for the volume control for me..
    Guess I'm building my own angled pedalboard with in- and output jacks then ;)

    When I'm done I will post a pic :D

    Thanks for your replies. The Zoom looks interesting, but I fear it might be a little to small for me..

    @whippinpost91850 : Good to hear that it might work well ;) Do I need to implement the momentary switch for the right funcctionality of the exp-pedal or is it just necessary for using the pedal as a "real" wah pedal (Click the switch to turn on/off the expression -> without the switch the wah is in "always on" mode?).

    Any ideas for the pedalboard issue? Custom with flat and angled elements or is using the exp-pedals at a completely flat or angled board possible without any problems?

    Hello Community,

    I am about to buy a Kemper the next days and want to finish my personal setup.
    While my guitar rack setup is almost finished, I am now compiling my pedalboard setup.

    Besides the Remote, I am asking myself which expression pedals for wah/pitch-effects and volume controls I should buy.
    Having an old Dunlop Crybaby GCB-95 at home, I read that it is possible to modify it to an Expression Pedal as described at the Strymon Page:…pression-pedal/
    I read some threads about that topic and saw some peaople having some issues with that mod, i.e. concerning the range of the pedal and the swtich control.
    Is it possible to use the switch at the toe position as an On/Off-Switch for the Wah-effect after that mod and is there a way to avoid the described issues with calibrating etc.? I first wanted to buy a Mission KP-1 pedal, but with a modded Crybaby an easy and cheap solution would be possible for me..

    Next, I was wondering which Volume expression pedal I should buy. I often read comments in which users recommended the "cheaper" Yamaha FC-7 and Moog EP-3 pedals. I want to have a pedal with a wide range, mainly using it for swell sounds. For the FC-7, some users mentioned that it came to issues while playing in stand, not being able to use the bottom range of the pedal because of the steep heel end-position. Is this an issue for those of you owning this pedal for guitar playing? Are there any other pedals I didn't note 'til now? How's the Moog doing the job?

    Last but not least: This will be my first pedalboard with expression pedals on it, so I am wondering if I should get an angled board or a flat floorboard... do you have experiences wich one is easier to use in combination with expression pedals?
    In the worst (or best?) case, I wanted to build a DIY-board with In-/output-jacks and - in this case - would have the possibility to build the Kemper Remote at the angled side of the board while creating a flat space at the pedalboard where the expression pedals could be placed. But an "already available" version of a pedalboard would also be fine - preferably in a robust case.

    As mentioned I'm a Kemper Newbie and I already searched the threads in this forum but could not find a real solution for my questions - I hope that asking is alright then.

    Thanks in advance!