Posts by mauritzSA

    Best would be is you could monitor your midi messages sent from onsong and see if that's messing with something. I'm not familiar with onsong, but if on ipad try monitoring your midi through something like midi wrench or search for a midi monitoring application on whatever device your using. It could maybe be a wrong command triggering a morph function for example or a program change followed by a cc value disabling your fx slots etc. But without seeing what midi commands are being sent it's a bit difficult to guess.

    Ja, alles is ook lekker hier broer.

    Hey, no worries man. I don't know if Reaper does this, but I know that in DP you can have non-destructive MIDI plugins instantiated and they'll affect velocity values, timing and whatnot depending on which you've selected. Logic achieves a similar thing via the track inspector, I think.

    IOW, I'd make sure that there's no quantisation going on non-destructively / "invisibly" during output. Just a thought.

    Ek is bly dat dit goed gaan!

    So if I look at the data points that was created within Reaper there are no points overlapping.

    [Blocked Image:]

    BUT, I recorded those messages back into a midi track within Reaper (I couldn't figure out how to export the ReaControlMIDI messages within Reaper any other way) and analyse the recorded track I can indeed see multiple midi events happening at the same time.

    [Blocked Image:]

    Thanks for the assist Monkey_Man. I believe that explains the Kemper crashing and annoyingly that I have to find a new way of automating those CC1 messages! I've attached a sample midi file if anybody wanted to take a look. Live

    Have a great day!

    Hoe gaan dit, broer?

    I'd check that Reaper isn't adding anything to the raw CC values when it's transmitting. I'm thinking, either loop (and record) that output back to a track in the DAW for inspection or use a MIDI utility (lots of free ones available for Mac and PC) to monitor that output and see what shows up.

    I'd check this first 'cause IMHO it's doubtful the Kemper would find this CC stream too much to cope with.

    Also, make sure the data hasn't been quantised; this would result in multiple values' being expressed at identical points in time, which could pose problems for many outboard units IMHO.

    Haha. Lekker en jy!?

    Thanks for the reply Monkey_Man.

    I've specifically been looking for odd values being sent but have not found any yet. I've been monitoring the midi output in Reaper, Midberry and another midi program that I can't remember the name of. They all show the same values. I have checked that quantising is off on the midi, but Reaper has a snap to grid feature and maybe that is messing something up. When I visually inspect the pattern that was generated by Reaper it looks like a normal sine wave with a lot of data points forming the curves. It is possible that some of those values snapped to the grid and is perhaps being sent through at the same time. I'll go and inspect that when I get back in my studio tonight. Thanks for the suggestion!

    I've been automating our show for the last month. This includes lighting cues as well as patch changes. I'm using Reaper as my DAW to run all the tracks as well as midi with a nice script written by cfilion that sets up an adjustable playlist within Reaper that you can control via a web browser (we use an iPad). This setup has been great but I still have been struggling with a few issues.

    I'm currently struggling with getting CC1 automated so that I can have the Wah going on a few solos. I can do this manually but it will make my life a lot easier if I can have it automated on the click track. The problem I'm facing is that when I'm sending midi values through to the Kemper that ranges from 0 to 127 to simulate an expression pedal going up and down it freezes the Kemper after 2 seconds. I don't know if it's too much information for the Kemper to process, but it is effectively the same as using a midi expression pedal which I have done a lot. Reaper does generate a lot of values when automating a sign wave pattern so I'm wondering if the amount of values being sent would cause confusion on the Kempers side though. I could delete some of these values in the DAW. I'm sending midi through a Yamaha MD-BT01 and have monitored the output on a second computer and it's not transmitting any midi garbage.

    If anybody has any insight on this matter it would be appreciated! I've logged a ticket as well. Thanks for reading!

    I played a corporate gig two weeks ago were I had the worse hum on my Strat I've encountered in the 20 years I have been playing guitar. The noise gate on the Kemper only kicked in when I almost cranked it as far as it would go. Usually moving a meter or two away from where I'm standing stops most RF noise I get but It only dissipated when I moved 10 meters away from the stage. I had to play the whole gig in positions 2 and 4 and with my Les Paul. The venue is a very old country club here in South Africa and I suspect the wiring somewhere in the building is a bit dodgy but I couldn't find the source. That made me think that I perhaps need to start playing with a HSS style guitar just so that I won't be in this position again. Or alternatively put a bigsby on my Les Paul that I bring along for a song or two we play. Playing without a tremolo will take some adjusting and I haven't found a noiseless pickup that I like yet, but at this stage anything is better than having that noise again. I sometimes get a clicking sound from an electric fence at venues, but this was horrible.

    I have been using mine a lot this last week, but it has either been in our studio/rehearsal space, my house or 3 different venues that we perform at a lot, so I have had no new environments to test the wireless system in as of yet. Thus far I still have only had issues with it when my phone was close to it (only happened once, but I'm mindful to switch it off now) and when the receiver was right next to my laptop. The cellphone killed the transmitter and the receiver kills the laptop's wifi.

    I'm yet to try it in our bigger show were there will be 9 lighting fixtures all with their own wifi. This will be the ultimate test for me. I must say for me the convenience of having the WL-20 has been great thus far.

    The weekend's performances went well. I had one little snag during sound check were I had severe dropouts, but that was because I had my phone in my pocket. As soon as I switched it off all was well. I can again confirm that the WS-20 gives a hotter output than any of my cables, but there is no additional saturation or perceivable compression. I enjoyed the added boost it gave. The guitars I used were a Fender American Professional Stratocaster and a Line 6 James Tyler Variax 59 with it's own battery. I will still test this more in a controlled environment when I have the chance to do so.

    two Fingers crossed, mine does work since 2013? and i use it a lot

    I bought mine in 2011 and it is still going strong. The only part that I would like to replace is JTV-59 bridge posts. The holes for adjusting the height of the bridge has started to strip. I've asked if one could replace them or use another brand of bridge posts on their forum but I never had any replies. I've got a couple of "higher end" guitars and my Variax still stays one of my favourite guitars to play. I love it's neck and the tuning stability is the best out of all my guitars.

    Last night's rehearsal went well! There was no dropout on any of our other wireless equipment. I unfortunately can't make a detailed summary yet because I broke a string last night (the first one in more or less 10 years!) and had to play the majority of the evening on my backup guitar which has hotter pickups than the Strat I usually play on. But I could determine the signal into my Kemper was stronger than usual. There was no saturation or drastic compression in the signal. I'm playing a couple of gigs this weekend at a local festival. I'm looking forward to put the unit through its paces then.

    When I'm back in my studio I'll compare it more thoroughly with a cable or two for interest sake, but thus far I'm pleased.

    I played with the WL-20 a bit last night. My initial impressions are good. I just have one snag which is the unit completely kills my laptop's wifi. My Kemper and laptop were standing right next to each other so I'll see if distancing them from each other will improve the signal degradation on my laptop which I suspect should be fine. I changed the channel on my router a couple of times as well as pair the receiver-transmitter, but it didn't help. I'm going to test it during rehearsal tonight to see how it fairs with our critical wireless gear, especially my in-ears and wifi for the desk etc. I'm fairly positive a bit of distance will solve this issue.

    Good day! I'm looking for opinions on the Boss WS-20 and WS-20L wireless kits. I'm not afforded the opportunity to test these units out. I like the form factor of these units as it doesn't require yet another device to be plugged into a power source. I'm trying to drastically reduce my rigging time as well as my gear footprint on stage. I've watched a couple of Youtube reviews with varied results. What bothers me the most is the sound quality I have heard on some videos . The WS-20 gets compared a lot to the Line 6 Relay G10 as they are priced similarly. What I hear in some videos is that the G10 has a fully rounded sound with a decent amount of headroom and dynamics. The Boss on the other hand has sounded in some videos to be heavily compressed with a roll off on the high frequency information ass well as it having an unpleasant saturation. Normally this would have put me off immediately, but I have watched a couple of videos were this was not prevalent and seeing as I do prefer the Boss's form factor over the Line 6 I thought I'd ask others opinion first.

    I would like to know if the sound is as affected as I can hear on these videos. Also as I understand it, both the Boss and Line 6 has some or other cable coloration modeling going on (sounds gimmicky to me, but here we are). The Boss WS-20L however does not and is geared towards acoustic guitars or active pickups. I would like to know if this model would perhaps be a better option over the high end roll-off on the WS-20? I have heard no opinions on if the WS-20L is suited for normal active guitars. I will be using it on a Fender American Professional Stratocaster as well as a Line 6 James Tyler Variax.

    I'm willing to take a gamble on the signal dropout some people have experienced. I do have a lot of wifi traffic on stage that controls some lights I have made as well as the desk. But they will be on a different frequency bandwidth as the receiver and I will be moving the same distance from the receiver as what a normal cable's length would allow me. I do have a in-ear receiver that I use from time to time.

    I'm at this stage heading more towards the Line 6 Relay G10s, but I'm still open towards opinions before making a final decision.

    Thanks for reading.

    In this video Mr. McKnight describes it more along the lines of representing the basic tonal character of a captured guitar, but not the guitars tonality as a whole. He does say it's a good EQ pedal though. I would still like to try one as well as the SIM1 XT-1 AND Keyztone Exchanger Pedal. My Variax has grown into a big part of my workflow and I'm always looking for similar options.

    I use Adam T7V studio monitors and they sound excellent. Apparently the Adam A7X speakers are a lot better but I haven't tested them yet. The Adam T5V is also great especially for it's price. It's has less low end, but still sounds great.