Posts by GertJan

    Thanks for your detailed responses!!
    I don't understand all of it so i have some learning to do..

    As for now, i just want to use the kemper in performance mode instead of browser mode.

    How is it that the midi PC i send does work when in browser, but not when in performance? I feel like something is not setup right within performance mode since it does not respond at all to any midi pc i give it.

    Page 171 is about expression pedals and remote settings, i dont see how it has anything to do with my question?

    I have read the manual page about my problem (177) about a dozen times and i'm trying exactly what is written there, with no results.

    ''The second method is to send MIDI program changes from your remote controller. There are 128 program changesavailable in MIDI and these are assigned to each Slot as they occur within the Performances, in linear fashion:Rig in Performance 1, Slot 1 loaded by program change 0Rig in Performance 1, Slot 2 loaded by program change 1…Rig in Performance 2, Slot 5 loaded by program change 9MIDI 179…Rig in Performance 26, Slot 3 loaded by program change 127 ''

    If i send a PC to my kemper, be it 1, 2, 50 or 100, it does not respond, let alone switch, in performance mode.


    For the past few days i have been trying to get my Kemper to switch via an external midi track.
    I've kind of gotten it to work in browser mode but the numbers arn't right. When i send PC1 to the kemper it goes to #2, PC2 goes to 3, PC 4 goes to 5 and so on. Highly annoying but atleast it's workable for now.

    I really (REALLY!!) want to use perform mode but i can not get it to switch via midi. All setting are the same, i am on the right channel and a little ''#'' shows up on the right of the display when the track gives a midi command so i know there's something reaching the kemper, but it never changes anything. After the # sometimes shows a small symbol of what looks like a quarter note that has been crossed out.

    I've had this problem with multiple computers, interfaces, tracks and DAW's. Am i missing something?

    Please help!