Posts by louderthangod

    And eventually share them with other people? I just made a bunch of profiles of my main amps and I'd like to save them on my computer in case something happens to my Kemper. I'd also like to share these profiles with people I know and eventually to everyone online for free. I've downloaded and bought profiles before and I have saved those on my computer for when I've needed to make space on my Kemper but I'm not sure how to go the other direction from Kemper to computer. Thanks.

    I was going to wait till the end of summer before I got grumpy and then I gave it an extra few days...and I'm back. At leases with Tesla I usually have no idea it's coming and then update with cool new features that are really useful that make those first few drives all the more interesting. My main issue with my Kemper is that I don't like how long it takes to dial in sounds especially if you're really pushing the effects. The editor has been just what I'm looking for. Still hoping the cab comes up for too long as well.

    I'm really starting to think that we'll be lucky to see the editor before end of the year at this rate. I love my Kemper and they keep making it better and better so I'm not ignoring those things but I just can't see any other major company releasing the floor unit without the editor. Is the issue that they can't afford to hire more software engineers?

    I’ve been noticing that the profiles I make tend to be a solid 3+dB louder than the ones I’ve bought or downloaded when I’m recording, even the clean ones. Is this a normal thing? I’m getting tones I like so it doesn’t seem like a bad thing but I’m just curious why. I’ve noticed that when my preamp is too hot when making a profile the Kemper will tell me, just like when it’s too quiet. I’m not adjusting anything afterwards.

    I'm sure this has been asked before but I couldn't find anything specific enough. I'm got preamps that I like and a lot of mics and I've noticed how much of a difference the mics especially make in making a profile but so far I have only made profiles with a single mic. I'd like to make them in the same way I typically record my guitar by mixing 2 or more mics (often a ribbon and a dynamic or LDC). I've been thinking about getting a mix with line inputs but I'm not sure how much the mixer matters when dealing with line levels or maybe going out of my interface (UAD Apollo 8p). If you use a mixer, does it make much difference if you're using quality preamps? Do you tend to use the same mic's you'd record with or does profiling though multiple-mic's work a little differently than recording? Have you found that the single mic just works better? Any input you have on multi-mic'ing would be great. I've got some time off in a month where I'd like to make a lot of new profiles of my mic/amp collection.

    Obviously I want it done right rather than fast and full of bugs but I really hope they can get this out soon. I have some time off from work in a month and it would really be nice to get some time with it. I've got some recording I want to do and having an easier way to dial in effects and order them would really be helpful for that.

    I've been getting more into profiling my own amps but the one area I'm still struggling to dial in is in the tightness of my cab. My main cab is a Matamp 4x12 loaded with EV 12L's. My amp naturally has a fair amount of power tube sag but the cab and speakers are super tight. I've been getting my profiles closer and closer but the low end on my actual amp is deep but very tight and the profiles are definitely more rounded with more rumble when I really dig in. Any tips? I've heard this on some of the purchased Mesa Mark II C+ profiles I've purchased, none of them have that laser focused, low-end snap of a real II C+.

    I was just playing around with my Eventide Space in the effects loop (stereo) and it has switches where I can change the input and output (separately) from instrument or line level. I honestly didn't notice much difference in the sound. The line was a tad cleaner and a little crisper but it was subtle. I'd like to run an H9 (3 of them actually) and my Boomerang III looper in the loop as well. My Space is last so I can set the stereo send to line level and I was thinking of using a Reamp box on the send from the Kemper into my Boomerange (then it hits the H9's) so I can get the line down to instrument and I can have the input on the Space as instrument while keeping the output as line that way I've got line coming in and then using the transformer of the Reamp box taking it down to instrument and I'm returning a stereo line signal as well....does this seem like it would work?

    I'd like to have my effects in the loop as clean as possible especially when I run multiple reverbs which can start becoming a weird fuzz box if not careful. Sorry to bump an old thread but I figure this was pretty closely related to my issue.

    How are you monitoring the Kemper?
    It may be a routing issue.

    Could you try plugging in headphones so we take the Apollo out the equation? Just to keep the signal chain as basic as possible to troubleshoot this.

    Also are you ok with resetting to factory default settings? Maybe some setting got messed up that isn't obvius.

    Headphones from the Kemper have reverb.

    Before I start, please refrain from the "refer to the manual" comments. I've looked in all of the variations of the manual and I'm apparently just not seeing it. I see multiple descriptions for the reverb but I'm holding buttons, turning things on and off cranking every possible knob and I get absolutely no reverb sound. Is there a secret knock and handshake I'm not privy too? I've watched multiple videos and people just jump in and show off all of the different reverb sounds. Why can't I just shit reverb and then, oh I don't know, maybe reverb should come on? That would be peachy keen. I'm super frustrated. I've got 4 different manuals and I just don't see it. I can browse 12 different reverb types but whether they're on or off they make no effected/reverberated sounds.

    During the profiling process you need to match the volume of the kemper and the reference amp with the soft knob on the right return sensitivity or so.

    Afterwards you can increase the rig volume of the rigs with the low volumes als it is stored and independent of the master volume.

    By this you can adjust the volumes of the rigs so that they are equaly loud.

    BBB do I adjust the return sensitivity?

    I just made my first profiles this week and I chose 2 amps, 2 cabs, 2 mics and Clean, Crunchy, Cranked and 2 more with my favorite dirt pedals built in. I noticed that the volume levels were all over the place and there didn't seem to be a pattern. Some of the amps I recorded very loud and turned out quiet while others were very loud, some that were much quieter amps were loud while others were quiet...the dead clean ones were super quiet but outside of that sometimes high gain was quiet, sometimes it was loud. Sometimes crunchy was loud, sometimes it was quiet. I watched the levels on my preamp very closely and I tried to keep it about the same each time.

    Any ideas what is causing these volume imbalances? Can I fix it after the fact or is it something I need to address during the profiling? Thanks in advanced.