Posts by Grumpter

    at first i thought déjà vu, but this has come up:

    February 13, 2022 at 3:42 PM
    March 2, 2024 at 10:00 PM

    Thanks. I tried using a screw similar to the one pictured in the thread you linked but no dice after multiple tries. I then broke apart the other end of the 1/4" cable connector and found a thinner dry wall screw seemed to grab a little. Only took me about 10 seconds after that to pop the sucker out. I tested the jack and it still works fine thankfully.

    What brand of cables are you using so we can avoid buying them?

    It's the cheap, thin cable that came with my Moog EP-3 expression pedal. I liked the pedal enough that I bought 2 but I have had issues with both cables. The other cable just stopped working at one point and then this one the tip came off in the jack. That's 2 Moog cables now in the trash both replaced with something a little more sturdy cable wise.

    Anyone have any bright ideas on how to remove the tip of a 1/4" instrument cable plug that is stuck in the Remote jack (Pedal 5 in this case)? I went to connect the cable and noticed the end of the cable no longer had a tip just a hollow tube. Looking inside the jack I can see the tip of the connecter stuck in the jack. I guess the tip split in 2. It was a clean split so not technically a break. At any rate. It's in there pretty good and I have not been able to come up with a way to remove the tip.

    Opening up the Remote I can see there are 3 sliver tabs on the underside that help secure the end of the cable once connected. They push out of the way when inserting the cable and I assume go back in place after the tip passes over them helping secure the cable in place. I can open those up a little so that they are no longer pressed against, or in the the way of, the end of the cable but the tip of the cable won't budge in the jack.

    Yes, I have been using TRS to TRS cables for the expression pedal. I tried 2 different cables.

    Today I disconnected everything from the profiler besides the instrument cable to the front panel and headphones to the front Jack on the profiler. I then went into the system settings Pedal Links (page 5 of 18) and made sure all boxes up top (Wah Pedal> Vol, etc.) were unchecked. Then went to each Pedal page (1 through 6) and turned all of them to Mode = Off.

    I tested the 2 profiler connections on the back of the profiler individually making sure all other pedals were off before testing each. They worked as expected when using an instrument cable and/or a TRS to TRS cable. While Pedal 2 was still the only active Pedal where Mode was not set to Off I changed the Mode = Pedal Type 1, Function = Wah and used the TRS cable that was already connected to Switch 2. Suddenly the Wah is working.

    Then I reconnected the Footswitch for morphing to Switch 1 with an instrument cable and turned the Mode to Profiler Switch in the system setting and now both the Wah and the Morph pedals are working as expected. The last thing to do was turn Pedal 2 to Mode = Off and reconnect the Remote with the Ethernet cable. Switched the TRS cable connected to the Expression pedal from the back of the profiler Switch 2 to Pedal 5 input on the Remote and turned the Profiler Pedal 5 Mode in system setting to Mode = Pedal Type 1, Function = Wah.

    I could immediately see that the calibration status bar accepted the full range of the expression pedal from all the way off, to all the way on and then back again. After testing a patch, the same patch I had been using all along, the Wah and Morph pedals both work fine now. I'm not sure what the problem was or what was interfering.

    As far as replacing the Ethernet port it needs to be done no matter what. It has become unreliable and I fear it will conk out on me during a gigging situation which, knock on wood, it hasn't done yet. It has happened maybe 5 times at practice sessions and a few times while using it at home. If I wiggle the cable it disconnects and sometimes takes more than a few wiggles or re-seatings of the cable in the back of the Profiler until it connects again.

    Yes, per my last reply (after editing the reply) I did that.

    I'm not finding that connection useful as 1) it ties me to being near my Profiler and 2) the Wah does not seem to react the same. It is still on even if I am not moving the expression pedal and have set Bypass @ Stop on the Pedal Mode setting (Rig Manager). Even when I have the toe all the way up on the Wah (Fully open) the calibration mark is still at about 20% (right around the first 'a' in calibrate) and disabling the Wah in Rig Manager alters the sound very noticeably to how I expect it to sound without the Wah on. Re-enable the Wah and it colors the sound even though the Pedal Mode is set to Bypass @ Stop and I haven't touched the Expression pedal.

    Nothing happens when I move the Wah while holding down the Calibration button while in System Settings>Pedal 5 (Wah). The calibration bar does not register anything. I also tried switching to Pedal 3 input on the remote, after switching the system page to Pedal 3, and Calibration does not register anything there either.

    I have been having issues with the Ethernet Jack on the back of the profiler. Sometimes it doesn't light up the remote all the way. Could this be causing an issue with the Expression Pedal inputs on the Remote? While going through calibration the Remote was fully connected and I always made sure it was completely lit up/connected when making any/all setting changes otherwise.

    Input>Distortion>Wah>Noise Gate>Amp>Cab>Reverb

    Limiting it to just Input>Wah>Amp>Cab does not solve the issue


    Main Output = Master Mono

    Volume = -12db

    Pad -12 = off

    Output Linked = To Master Volume

    Main Bass, Middle, Treble, Presence = 0.0

    Low and High cut are Off


    Noise Gate = 5.0

    Clean and Dist Sens = 0.0

    Physical connection I have been using the 1/4" Left Out on the back of the Profiler rack. Have also tried plugging headphones directly into the Kemper rather than through my mixer. Still no Wah.

    When I have Rig Manager open should the Morph bar change when I move the Wah pedal? It currently does not respond at all to movements.

    Further in System page 5 - Pedal Links

    Wah Pedal has a value of 114

    None of the checkboxes at the top are checked (WahPedal>Volume etc.)

    I have been using a Moog EP-3 Expression pedal for Wah with the remote for years and never had issues until recently where it no longer works at all. My rack unit has been kept at my practice space for many months without any changes to any of the patches that I can remember. One day the Wah just suddenly stopped working. I thought maybe it was just the pedal or cable but I have brought the Kemper/pedal home and tried a few different things:

    - Have tried the Wah pedal and a second pedal of the same make/model in the remote (Pedal slot 5) and neither produce any Wah effect.

    - Switched cables, settings on the Wah pedal themselves and downloaded a new Wah patch from Rig Exchange in case something happened to my original patch that had the Wah enabled. Still no Wah sounds.

    - Both EP-3 pedals work in another unit (Fractal AX8) so there is nothing wrong with the pedals or cables.

    I must have changed some System setting or something?

    In System page 10 - Pedal 5 (Remote) has the following settings:

    - Mode: Pedal Type 1 (also tried Type 2 with no luck)

    - Function: Wah Pedal

    Thanks for all the replies. I read through and tried to absorb everything.

    The gig was cancelled due to an accidental double booking. They are looking to reschedule for later in the summer. I am definitely going to give it a try as far as convincing them to let me use my gear instead of theirs but don't want to push it too far. We are doing a favor for one of our band members cousins, or maybe it's the band members wife's cousin. Either way I won't rock the boat too much if it comes down to it.

    Upcoming gig where I was just told they want me to play through an earlier bands amp. I have always used an FRFR speaker as my onstage amp and could always get more volume pushed through my stage monitor from the mixing board. I am very nervous about trying to use the Kemper through a traditional amp setup as I haven't used a real amp in about 25 years.

    Reading through other threads I found the following but have lot's of questions.

    *Short-press the Cab button to disable the cab section altogether (for all outputs)

    Does that mean the Cabinet button in the Stack section on the front of the Profiler Rack? or is it some other button?

    Will short-pressing that button then disable the Cabinets for all other presets as well?

    All other presets will have the cabinets off until I short-press the Cabinet button again? Even if say if the Kemper needed to be restarted for any reason?

    I suppose if worst comes to worst I can just make new patches with the Cabinet section turned off. Even then I am still going to be nervous about the whole thing never having done anything similar before. I don't even have a real amp to test it through.

    I see the new Morph Slider is active but did they disable the function to change Morph State by pressing the M key? If I press the M key repeatedly and fast enough or hold it down continuously eventually the slider will kick quickly to the morph state and then revert back to the non-morphed state. Not sure what that is meant to accomplish or if it is a bug.

    I read it and now understand it, thanks. I stuck the 2nd Wah behind the Amp and Cab but still didn't like the results when trying to get a volume adjustment when the Wah is actively being used. Ended up setting it to Touch Wah and added a Booster effect both of which are controlled by 1 button from my Remote. It works but does not sound nearly as good as when manually controlling the Wah. Too much going on with what I am playing to hit a boost button and then get over to the Wah. It has to be a 1 button change.

    I had to give up on it. Way too much time spent trying to tweak one sound. I ended up throwing the Touch Wah after the Amp/Cab/Soft Shaper and then put a graphic EQ behind it that is at 0% mix when on the high gain portion of the Morph and at 100% when on the clean portion. Doesn't sound great but it is going to have to do. I can't waste any more time on it.

    OS is 8.6.6 which seems to be the latest

    I started eliminating everything I could. With just the 2nd Wah active, everything else deactivated, it works as expected. However, if I turn the Amplifier on then suddenly the Wah volume knob has little to no effect except that as you turn the volume knob from negative to positive numbers there seems to be a little grit (distortion) as the volume setting on the Wah is increased.

    So I turned the Gain parameter to 0.0 on the Amplifier and then tried different volume positions on the Wah Wah panel of Rig Manager.

    - at -5.0 there is a significant volume decrease and very slightly more grit when the Expression pedal is moved

    - at -2.5 there is not much a volume difference between the Wah bypassed and when the expression pedal is being used. Maybe slightly more grit than -5.0 but hard to tell.

    - at 0.0 there is a very large volume increase when using the Exp pedal, grit seems about the same as when the volume is set to negative numbers.

    - +2.5 there is a volume increase from when the Wah is not engaged but it is noticeably lower in volume than when I do the same thing with the Wah volume at 0.0. There is also noticeably more grit than when the Wah volume is at 0.0 or negative numbers

    - +5.0 the volume is about the same whether the expression pedal is on bypass or in use but there is a lot more grit.

    What I have setup

    - Patch that starts heavily distorted. Auto-Wah set at 0% mix

    - When Morph is engaged switches to light distortion with Auto-Wah at 100% mix

    The above works well but then I need a solo (volume) boost on the heavily distorted Morph setting with a Bypass@Heel Wah enabled.

    What I am after

    - 1 patch that is heavily distorted with Auto-Wah off in the bottom morph position. But a second Wah controlled by the expression pedal that gives a steady, static volume boost as the Expression pedal is depressed further (ie Solo boost with manual Wah). The volume should not increase or decrease as the Expression pedal is manipulate unless it reaches the point of being bypassed.

    - When Morph is engaged a cleaner sound with Auto-Wah Engaged. Doesn't matter if the 2nd Wah is at 0% mix or 100% mix. Won't be used.

    If I put the 2nd Wah before the Amp/Cabinet the Volume setting only seems to decrease the volume (negative values). Setting the Volume to a plus value does not increase the volume any. If I put the 2nd Wah after the Amp/Cab (and Soft Shaper) , depending on where I set the Pedal Range, I get a volume decrease as the expression pedal is engaged and a big volume increase as the Wah is closer to fully depressed (toe).

    Is there any way to setup the 2nd Wah so there is an immediate volume increase as soon as the expression is past the bypass point and then keep that same volume level as the expression is engaged further (all the way to the toe)?

    I used the Boss FS-5U at home and practice over the weekend and it does what I want it to do. I set it up in the Pedal 1 connection on the back of the profiler, set the function to morph in System settings and away I went. As I had hoped the stomp switches between the morph settings for each patch and the remote updates when the Boss pedal is stomped. Now I have a single stomp, that does not change location, to engage the morph function for any patch I am on. Cheap and effective for my purposes.

    The plastic Toppers I am not sold on but will continue to try them for a bit more before tossing them aside.

    Well, found a video that showed the inside of the remote and I am not brave/foolish enough to try removing any of the switches. Disabling the buttons would get me part way to where I want to be but still is not ideal IMO. So I am purchasing a single momentary switch to hopefully assign to Morphing so I always have a single switch, in the same location every time, I need to press for that function while singing which gets rid of some of the foot gymnastics for me.

    I also bought some plastic toppers just to try them out.

    Has anyone removed any of the stomp buttons on the remote? I am wondering if it something easy to do without messing with the electronics.

    For those curious as to why it is because the band I am in recently decided to forge ahead as a 3-piece with me as the only guitarist and singer rather than being a 4-piece with 2 guitars and 2 singers. I am covering a lot more ground now and the foot gymnastics while trying to sing leads is leading to a lot of mishits on the remote causing chaos for me. If it was easy to remove the stomp buttons for 2, 4 and Tap on the bottom row of the remote and 1 & 3 in the middle row I think I would get along with the remote much better.

    Practice would certainly help but the truth is I have so many other things I need to practice on now that if I could take that off my plate it would be welcomed.