Posts by Mannemer

    I totally understand you man BUT i think you haven't checked out my profiles. I know that tastes differ, so i profiled most of the time, all channels of the amps with all switching options, sometimes different eq settings and without a cab so that you can use a uncolored sound. AND the complete AxeFx, Helix, Vetta, Elevenrack and something "new" is also on it's way. So i do my very best to make something for all needs.

    Not to forget the profiles i made of the ToneDexter pedal for acoustic players and my tutorial of how to make a "perfect acoustic sound with the Kemper".

    I also offered DI profiles of a Vox AC30 and MANY more, so there should be something for your taste as well just check it out man.

    The Tipps in this Post apply to all kind of profiles i'm simply no decent jazz player that is why i offered only some metal/rock riffing.

    Hi Bommel, would you please send me a link to your tutorial of how to make a "perfect acoustic sound with the Kemper"?

    Well guys, the Morningstar MC8 arrived yesterday and it works flawlessly, well worth its value. Currently experimenting with PC# and creating my setup.

    Wonder if the future firmware update will feature a Cab Off option for the main out, that would be truly neat, at least from my standpoint. That is being able to send a CabOff signal to the amp on stage and Monitor Out L-R CabOn to the FOH.

    Congratulations crivat, for your finally working MIDI setup. And yes, I also would very much appreciate the Cab Off option for the main out. Although I must say, I often hook up my Power Toaster with the speaker of my small tweed and I leave the cab function always on, sounds better to me than without, strange but true.

    ing this business and getting good 3rd party presets

    Kemper's "performance mode" is so powerful when gigging. QC (any many other units) try that with Scenes and stomps and various hybrid modes but they can not (at least for me) do the same as performance mode is capable.

    So, cheers to all! Happy playing!


    Hej AiAKpr,

    your board is great - especially the towel railing! It's just as hilarious to see that on there as it is cool and functional. Will do the same! :)

    Player user manual, Quick start, page 15:

    You can edit the current Rig – e.g. increase its gain or treble – and then replace the original with the edited version

    by holding the Rig Button for a moment.

    Thank you ToH2002, this is so great to know!
    So my suggestion to the company would be now for the next edition of manual to consider putting the storing function right in the manual's index as a headline in captions for blind snails like me to recognize. The "problem" with the Kemper's UI is is that it works very intuitively in most functions but then other essentiell features are rather hidden. I admit I just hate reading manuals. Thank you again ToH2002.

    User manuals can be a great thing ... ;)

    I was afraid of that... =O but thank you for the hint!

    After going through the main manual once again without finding the solution I am looking for, I get the feeling that I might have created a misunderstanding in my initial post: I am not looking for an option to store adjustments in Rig Manager but in the player itself!

    Can anyone tell me if there is a combination of switches to press for saving since there is no dedicated single save button on the device?

    Does anyone else among Player users notice a disfunctionality in programming the footswitches for certain functions other than "previous bank/next bank" even though there not being greyed out in the footswitch assign selection menu of the rig manager? (With WLAN on both iPad and iPhone the editor is working just fine now by the way).

    For instance with my device it does not seem possible to assign the TAP function to one of the 3 footswitches. And it's the same with other functions as well.

    This way I cannot use the Player live, which is a downer. I just hope I did something wrong but I seriously doubt it.

    UPDATE: I have no idea, what happened in between, but two days later the footswitch assignement worked totally accurate!
    (Maybe the Player has a piece of AI built which fixes bugs by itself? ;)

    WISH for improvement:
    I only wish now there was an extra save button or at least a combination of switches to press in order to save edits without having to fumble around with my phone or tablet. To me this is actually the only major issue I have with this otherwise wonderful pedal made of metal.

    Hi there,

    let me first say that I am very enthusiastic with my recently arrived Player device!
    I like the overall design and the multi-functionality of the LEDs very much. Looking forward to an upgrade with more effects/functionalitiues soon.
    Unfortunately I cannot connect it to the RigManagers both on iPhone and tablet. Even though Bluetooth menue says that the Player is connected and the blue LED is lit. The pop up box always says "Profiler not found" or "....cannot connect" (or something like that.)

    Does anyone know a possible solution?

    My player does connect easily via USB>desktop (MacBook Air M1) but there I had the years old issue again that rig titles or other info cannot be properly rewritten/saved, even though it is possible to copy rigs and push them elsewhere in the order of default rigs.

    Any hints someone?

    Will try again with the same cable AND a MidiMan converter, then gonna get another MIDI -USB cable to test it. So far nothing works, even though the Tech21 Mongoose works perfectly with my rack Kemper...

    Hi crivat, do you happen to know how to correctly turn off the Player? Couldn't find anything about that in the manual. Is it donbe merely by unplugging/turning off the power supply?

    Hi there. Since I already spent some time on the forum without finding a specific thread (correct me if I am wrong) I thought of creating a new thread dedicated to external control options for the Player. First of all, I already enjoy playing powered toasters (with remotes) in my band since 10 years ago, plus a non-powered rack at home, with a variety of midi footswitches. Now that I finally got my Player, I am exploring the same MIDI control options as we plan to use them as a more convenient fly-in solution.

    I connected my Tech 21 Midi Mongoose to the Player using the first rendition of the ESI MIDI-USB cable, previously tested for functionality with a midi keyboard. The Mongoose only transmits PC via Channel 1, but since the Player is set to Omni, this should not be a problem. However, pressing a button on the Mongoose did not change a rig on the Player. I perused the manual but it did not contain any specific info on how to hook up and set up external MIDI controllers with the Player. Nor did I find any MIDI-related setting on the Player and in the Rig Manager.

    It's possible that I may have missed something, possibly something quite obvious, even, so that's why I am looking for advice here :) It looks like we're going the Morningstar MC8 way, which seems to be able to replicate as much as possible from what the Remote offers, plus the addition of Exp Pedals. I know that the MC8 is a very capable and highly-customizable unit, so I have little concern about what it can do.

    However, until it arrives, I'd still be willing to see if the Player changes rigs with an ordinary MIDI footswitch hooked up to a casual MIDI > USB-A cable.


    Thank you crivat for your question about the MIDI connection with the Player. This is a very urgent question for me also. I would like to connect the KPP with my GigRig G3 Atom Looper/Controller and one or two H9. Has anyone happen to have a solution for that in terms of connecting the Players USB (in/out?) with the regular MIDI out/in of the G3 controller and the effect stomps?

    But, for the price of that expensive piece of plastic, you could put that down towards a second Kab and do a stereo setup for your audience! ;)

    If you don't need the diffusor to be roadready & indestructible like the original deeflexx practically is, you can build it yourself. I actually use a second deeflexx for my stereo Kab. Wall of sound with no one getting hurt. :saint:

    Two different things.

    The diffuser just "deflects" the sound waves coming out of the speaker cabinet - any speaker cabinet. It will even deflect your voice if you want to wear one. ;)

    And you can mic up a Kab. It might not give you an ideal sound compared to a regular speaker cab but you can still do it.

    Thanks to Bayou Texan's reply I finally understood your question - and yes, I agree with him and furthermore, with the deeflexx in a small venue you might not even need a microphone (as much) since the device deflects your sound so it can be better heard in more corners of the (inside) venue. Plus the people sitting in the beam/axis line of your speaker don't get their ears shaved.

    Hi John,
    possible answers to your question really interest me too.
    I would like to involve my H9s into my Kemper rig as well, but I actually have found and been using a sound with the infinite button on the Kemper which I love very much. If I can manage to export this rig I will be glad to send it to you.
    To get a bit philosophical: ain't it beautiful that even though we are dealing with all digital machines in this case, it seems like each one of them still has an individual character, resp. sometimes it is still f****** hard to duplicate the same sound on another machine...
    I used to own a Boss GT 5 and I even though its A/D-converters are kinda outdated now I regret to have given it away because it had one single noisy/windy sound I used to play percussion with by hitting the strings with both hands that I just haven't been able to duplicate anywhere near the original.
    So much for the lamenting...I'll try to capture this sound for you today.
    Greetings from Mannheim,

    as far as i remember its in the system settings in Browse mode Page 18 and in Performance mode Page 14 or 15
    but you def find help in the manual all is explained there, take your time to read it, def worth it

    Fantastic digbob,
    I followed your advice and after some more searching I finally found it:
    One has to go into PERFORM > soft buttons : EDIT > SLOT SETTINGS > MIDI settings > MIDI transmit and there we are.
    A tiny bit hidden and the manuals only describe the path starting with slot settings, so as a newbie you might miss the right door to open, at least I have.
    Thank you so much for helping me out!

    Hi everyone,

    I am a KPA greenhorn and I would love to control my GigRig G2 and some other stomper like Eventide's H9 with the Kemper/Remote being the master via MIDI. Does anyone have some experience in this direction or a link to detailed info?
    Couldn't find almost any in any of the the manuals.

    Kind regards!