Posts by Thomas Kemper

    There are different kind of banks.

    You might be referring to banks as layers of buttons on a foot controller. Banks of five buttons correspond well with our five Slots per Performance. But you could also work with a foot controller offering four, three or ten buttons per bank, if you wanted to. Some foot controllers even allow to configure the number of buttons per bank.

    I was referring to MIDI banks. Many people are used to MIDI program changes. But those are limited to 128 (7 bit). So the 625 Slots of our Performance Mode could not be addressed with just those 128 different program change numbers. MIDI allows to extent the address room to 128*128*128 by using a combination of bank select MSB + bank select LSB + program change. We don't use bank select MSB (always needs to stay at 1). We are using bank select LSB (between 1 and 5) plus program change.

    Any button of any bank of your foot controller could for example load Performance 67 Slot 4 by sending MIDI bank select LSB 3 plus program change 78.

    By the way we offer the Remote, which is plug and play - no MIDI hassle.


    Thanks for your response. I just found it 2 days ago. Not sure why I don't get email notifications anymore, but that's a different topic.

    I had to chew on your response for a moment but I got it working now. This was helpful.

    This is my 2nd KPA. I had the toaster with the foot controller and exchanged it for the stage. The reason I still need a midi controller is because I control the lightshow and video projection with it. I used to read the midi out from the Kemper when I changed sounds on the KPA and that triggered changes in the lightshow. 80% of the time that was ok but a bit limiting. The Mastermind is an ingenious device and now that I understand the KPA a bit better I actually control the lightshow with the Mastermind and when it suits me it changes the sound of the KPA.

    Thanks again for your help,


    Ok. So that doesn't fix my problem but it keeps me from wasting a lot of time. To me a bank was always 5 slots. Not 128. But the more important thing I got from your msg is that the Midi Addresses are static. They are like numbered compartments and when Rig Manager moves one song to a different position it well get a midi address that is consistent with 'the compartment'.

    Thanks a lot for taking the time to respond so quickly.




    I'm remote controlling the KPA Stage with a Midi Footswitch Mastermind GT. It can read all the rig names from the KPA and pre-populate all the banks. This went horribly wrong after I re-arranged profiles with the Rig Manager. I assume that each Rig has an internal index number that is used to identify it but not indicating the order in which they are stored. I also assume that the Mastermind goes by that number when it prepopulates the banks with the rig names. So what seems to happen is that the songs and rigs were created on the KPA like this (X=blanc)

    1, 2, 3, X, X

    6, 7, X, X, X

    11, 12, 13, 14, X

    16, 17, 18, 19, 20

    Then I used the Rig manager to move them around and now they are stored in some seemingly random order

    1, 2, 3, X, X

    16, X, X, X, X

    6, 7, 8, 9, X

    11, 12, 13, 14, 15

    The example is not 100% accurate but you get the idea. I thought I might create a backup, factory reset the KPA Stage and then restore then backup in the hope that it would renumber the rigs again in consecutive order and then re-read the names from the Mastermind. But there seems to be no factory reset. I read to use the Rig Manager to blow everything out and then restore again. But that would not 'reorder' the rig numbers.

    Anyone any thoughts?


    After using the Stage for a couple of Sunday mornings, here are my observations:

    1. Most of the muscle memory from the Toaster UI is useless, since the buttons are moved around or not there anymore and...
    2. Can't wait for the Editor. I'm too old to get down on the floor to adjust things.
    3. Stage/RM are still a bit "beta." Made a performance for a song last night & used it while practicing; this morning it was gone. I fully expect this to be all worked out very soon, but it seems they rushed this out before it was really ready, which is very much not like Kemper.
    4. I like having one less thing to carry. There was room on my pedal board to replace the Remote with the Stage.
    5. All the lights are pretty dang purty. The Stage looks fantastic and everything is easier to see compared with the remote.

    That is really helpful. Thanks. 1) I expected that. 2) my back is hurting already too 3) messing around with it as I'm typing this. Will let you know what happens. 4) That's why I did the switch 5) Don't see too much of a difference

    Hi Gizmo,

    Thanks for taking the time to reply but I'm still not clear. I might add that I am not too familiar with Midi (if that wasn't obvious already). The GT Editor (midi editor for Mastermind GT16 midi foot controller) offers the following options to send midi commands after pressing a Button:

    - Action Type: (CC Toggle, CC Momentary, PC, Note, System, Sysex)

    - Device (Target devie. My KPA)

    - CC Number (numeric value)

    - Off Value (numeric value)

    - On Value (numeric value)

    I can't figure out how what you sent me would fit there. Are these NRPN messages? Could I send those from a Midi switch?

    Has anybody figured out if (and how) the Quick Button can be engaged via Midi? Or is there any other way to engage the morphing function (button, not pedal) with a PC command? I replaced the original footswich with a MasterMind GT 16 and I could dedicate a switch to just be my morphing switch.

    On another not, I assume there is still no solution to engage the looper via MIDI?

    Thanks for your help,


    I just discovered the same issue. What baffles me is that it started from one day to another and not on all channels. I have about 50 rigs and about half of them use morphing. Not sure what I did differently. The only thing that comes to mind is that I lately started changing the order of my rigs and adding MIDI. Also seems to happen only after I change from one bank to another. Not when I switch between rigs in the same bank

    So, here is the next challenge on this. Not only do I want to control the light show (sequences) from my Kemper but I also want to be able to trigger a light sequence without having to change the effect on the Kemper. Say a big white dramatic flash, followed by some red and blue flickering at the most dramatic part of the song (We do Pink Floyd) but I don't want to change the channel on the Kemper and I don't have enough channels per bank (only 5) to keep rigs redundant. So I got the Mongoose which is a generic MIDI switch.

    Here is the setup
    Mongoose->(MIDI In) KPA (MIDI THRU) ->PUC (blue tooth MIDI transmitter)->iPad (PUC driver->Luminair)->WiFi (Airport Express)->eDMX1 (DMX King, converts DMX over Ethernet to DMX)->Donner (Wireless DMX transmitter)->Donner receiver->Light Fixtures

    The System Settings on the KPA are MIDI OUT (not THRU)
    All devices are on OMNI Channel
    The problem now is when everybody is on OMNI channel that the Mongoose changes the channel on the KPA and then the KPA changes the lights.
    So I switched the KPA to Channel 1, the Mongoose to Cannel 3 and the rest is listening to OMNI in the hopes that the Mongoose would stop triggering the KPA. Success! But now the Mongoos isn't passing it's signal through the KPA anymore.

    What I don't understand: If I plug the POC into the THRU I would expect to receive both (the KPA and the Mongoose) signals. The Mongoose is coming through but not the KPA. If I switch the KPA in System settings to THRU instead of OUT I do receive the KPA but not the Mongoose signal (and the manual confirmed that). What good is a THRU if it only lets one or the other pass? Do I need additional cabeling (MIDI splitter cable if there is such thing)?


    That did the trick. Took me a while o get the midi into the iPad but a wireless bluetooth Puck (Amazon) was finally successful. I also found free software (MIDI Wrench) to 'listen' on the iPad to the MIDI messages floating around. Here is one way to make it work:

    Assign a number to the slots on the Kemper that I want to use to change the chases/sequences in Luminair.
    In Luminair go to the chase/sequence (or even the scene) I want to get called when I chose a specific slot on the Kemper foot controller.
    Select the chase/sequence (or even the scene) in Luminair, select Options -> Midid Input -> Activate Sequence.
    Luminair is in 'learning mode' and will now listen to MIDI.
    Hit the slot on your foot controller that you want to trigger the chase/sequence/scene.
    Luminair will display the message/number.
    That's it.

    There are some gotchas and things to consider but that's more on the Luminair side and doesnt really belong in this forum. Happy to elaborate should anybody be interested. But the jist of it is nor that I can now trigger light effect sequences that are programmed in DMX by changing slots with the Kemper foot switch (in program mode)

    Thanks for your quick response Paults. That sheds some light on the concept. So the MIDI signal is kind of an "extra" that I can configure to send out when I switch to a channel. I'll give that a shot as soon as I figured out how to monitor incoming MIDI msg on the iPad. Found some apps but no success so far in getting anything.

    Thanks again,