Posts by Michael K


    Ich bin stolzer Besitzer einer RME Fireface UFX II und habe vor kurzem
    einen Kemper Profiling Amp bestellt. Wie funktioniert da die Verbindung
    per SPDIF?

    Der Kemper hat digitale aber keine optischen Ein- und Ausgänge, die
    Fireface schon (wenn ich das richtig verstehe). Jetzt meine Fragen:

    - Kann ich andere ADAT Eingänge/Ausgänge an der UFX II dafür verwenden, oder
    - brauche ich andere Kabel (RCA Digital zu Toslink Optical) oder gar
    - einen Optical zu Digital Konverter (zB. den "Lindy Audio Converter Spdif Digital", auf Thomann zu finden)?
    - oder kann ich da ein RCA zu XLR/AES Kabel verwenden, und die AES Ein/Ausgänge auf der Fireface verwenden?

    [Anmerkung: Der Kemper MUSS der Master sein]

    Vielen Dank!

    Hi guys! I am currently saving up the money for a KPA (just one more third to go, yay!) and try to educate myself what this great device can do (and which of my pedals I could sell in the meantime ;-). One thing to know is that I’m a recording guitarist first and foremost, so none of my questions concern playing live. Oh, and of course I apologize in advance if some of my questions seem stupid, again, total newbie here!

    1.) DI: I used to record guitars by using a Palmer passive DI that let me split the signal (with a small loss of high end), so I could have a clean DI signal in my DAW right there with the miked amp, just in case if 2 weeks later I thought I could have used another pedal or amp sound. Reamping was easy that way (again, with a Palmer Daccappo). Does the Kemper have a feature to split the signal, so I can use the Main XLR outs to capture the profiled amp and another out to have a clean, unprocessed signal?

    2.) Is that DI signal really unprocessed? I’d love it to be true bypassed, but does it at least avoid being AD-DA-d? Do we even know? Anyone experienced any loss of sound on his DI tracks (even a slight loss of clarity and high end as on my passive analoge DI)?

    3.) Do you guys reckon I could just use my old method of reamping? Routing the signal from my sound card to the Palmer Daccappo straight in the guitar input of the Kemper?

    4.) Which Outs are you using for recording? XLR or Line Outs (SPDIF is not an option for me because I record in 48.000hz which the Kemper doesn’t support)

    5.) Browsing rigs, sounds: I have to admit I am quite intimidated by the thought of having a gazillion of sounds and amps on my KPA (10 or 20 will do), is there a way of deleting rigs/sounds/patches that I absolutely don’t like? Or is there a way to save patches I like in a favorites folder, and can I tell the KPA to just show me my favorites?

    6.) I just love some of the demos on (all those clean Fenders, yummy!). If I buy some sound packs, is it really as simple as moving them onto an USB stick and copying them on the Kemper? Or does the USB stick always have to be connected?

    7.) Has the KPA an option to put it back to factory settings (with rigs/sounds complete)?

    8.) I have 2 Strymon pedals that are stereo. Is the FX loop of the Kemper stereo or mono (would be a missed chance if it was mono only imho)

    9.)Would you experienced users say that there is a basic sound, or coloring to the Kemper? I mean if I record all the guitar tracks of a song with it, and the bass, would there be some coloring from the Kemper devise itself? (the early Pods had a frequency spike that multiplied when you had many tracks in a song, or imagine if I recorded all guitars and bass in a song with a cranked UA 610 preamp, definitely some coloring there)

    10.) I have some cool drive pedals that I’d love to keep. Does the Kemper work good with drive Pedals, or even Boosters (like the Xotic EP Booster)?

    11.) Does a cranked booster pedal mess with the “Sens”-option too much?

    12.) I saw this wonderbox even had a looper in it. I don’t play live so I don’t want to pay for the Kemper footswitch or some sophisticated midi footswitch. Can I use a single on/off Footswitch (like a channel selector switch from an amp), or a single button MIDI footswitch, just for the looping function (would be cool the play around with that)?

    That’s it for now. Any help is HIGHLY appreciated! Thanks!
