Posts by MOCMunkeh

    Thanks for the suggestion @Monkey_Man, i may purchase that and get it on the system once i have the thing back up and running.

    I think you may have to have that installed on the drive prior to it breaking though so im not sure if it would have helped in this case, i will have a look at it though because for the future it could be a life saver if my dad decides to piss about with the mac again!

    I have since wiped the HDD in an attempt to re-load the os, but its badly corrupted. If i boot it up in single user mode it brings up a load of code on the screen which eventually fragments into to un-readable mess and the screen goes all glitchy.

    i think this HDD is beyond repair, and i would like to upgrade to an ssd but id like a 2tb drive in it and a 2tb SSD is going to set me back a fair whack that i just cant afford and so a 7200rpm HDD at around 2tb will quadruple the storage it had previously and will be faster than what was in there previously.

    I think im going to add a bit more RAM in there while i'm at it as well as i have a couple of older laptops indoors that have 4gb of ddr3 RAM in them so i should be able to just add them in to double the existing 4gb.

    hey all,

    I have good news and bad news!

    The good news is i have figured out what happened and how i need to fix it!

    The bad news is my old man managed to corrupt the hard drive, turning it on and off over and over seems to have corrupted something in the user files and so when it tries to build the user profile on startup, it encounters an error and as such wont load the admin profile, which happens to be the only usable profile on the mac. I tried every suggestion as well as enlisting the help from my mac using cohorts at work and we tried every possible boot up fix you can think of and none of them worked as they either didn't fix the issue or couldn't get far enough in to the boot to start doing the fix!

    I now need to buy a new HDD and flash a version of OSX on to it using target disk from another mac, that should give me a fresh install and this time i will make sure i back everything up unlike the previous owner!

    Thanks for all your help guys!

    Thanks for all your advice guys!

    Oddly enough i'm a programmer and app admin but i have no dealings with mac at all so i'm in the dark!

    I tried booting to safe mode but it requires you to log in once its booted up which i tried and it died again at the same point.

    Tried safe mode with the guest user but it is a safari only guest user and so it just tells me to restart to go into guest user, i'm going to see if the tech guys at work can have a crack at it today as our app development team use macs on a daily basis so i figure they may know how to fix it!


    recently acquired a macbook pro from my dad that was used very briefly for video editing and some music stuff, i was using it the other day and it was fine, a little slow maybe but otherwise working. My dad went on it the next day to delete some old videos and stuff that was not needed just to free it up for me to start setting it up for music and learning logic and macs in general, when he deleted the first few videos it crashed so he powered it off by holding the power button. This process was repeated several times which is a bad idea to keep forcing the pc to turn off over and over but as a result when you go to login it starts to load get about 3/4 of the way through the load bar and turns off.

    has anyone experienced this before? i intend to take to apple if my colleagues at work cant get it working as they are software developers and work on macs all day every day so i figured they may know! im only asking here to see if anyone experienced this before and if they new a fix!


    hey all,

    i have the KPA remote and have set up some patches that i like but i wanted to ad a boost for lead parts which i did and at first it did exactly what i wanted boosting the volume enough that i would cut through for solos, but since then i have had a play around with the line 6 fh1500 that i run my KPA through and now i have the KPA set back up the boost pedal doesnt bring the volume up as much as it did before? now this maybe be a really stupid question and easily answerable but you will have to excuse me as im primarily a drummer so i am used to just hitting things!

    if any one can advise me on the best practice for setting up a boost pedal in the KPA that would be much appreciated!

    Hi all,

    I play in an 80's hair/glam metal tribute band we play stuff from Whitesnake, Def Leppard, Bon Jovi etc, i bought TopJimi's EVH profiles as i watched the video and they sounded amazing! But recently i have had a few comments from the other guitarist in my band saying my amp sounds too boomy and is almost just competing with the bass, and although i agree its a very low end punchy sound that sounds great when i am playing on my own at home but i don't know if it sits well in the band mix.
    For some context i haven't been a "gigging" guitarist for long as i am primarily a drummer, but i have been playing guitar for 13 years now some by no means a noob! :thumbup:

    so i'm asking two questions here:

    1. How much low end do you go for in your own setup?

    2. Is it just the gear i am using that is creating these low frequencies that the other guitarist is talking about?

    Im running my unpowered KPA in to a line 6 FH 1500 using a W/D/W setup with the 6 speakers in the line 6 and i have the global EQ on the line 6 turned off.
    the only thing in my signal chain that has any influence on the sound of the guitar is a horizon devices precision drive which is just used to tighten the low end.

    Hi all!

    Does any one know if there is a way to replicate this effect on the Kemper? I'm trying to replicate John Mayer's tone from the track "I don't Trust Myself",
    this is the pedal that he has on his board and from what i have read this is what he uses for this song.

    From what i understand (which ain't much!) this is essentially EQ ducking? As he plays harder the tone is brought back up and the quieter he plays the more the overall tone is dropped? But i might me be wrong..........

    By the same token @skoczy I have seen more Kempers up for sale on Ebay/Facebook than line 6 Firehawks? ;)

    @Niall182 I have spent a fair bit of time messing around with it, and it works in some weird and wonderful ways if i'm honest! I have it set up with the L+R Master outs of the Kepmer into the L+R Monitor ins on the back on the Line 6 FH, and then the direct out from the Kemper in to the Fx return mono of the Line 6. then all you have to do is set the outputs up in the KPA menu so the effects are sent to the left and right outs and the dry stack to the direct out, and you get W/D/W FRFR goodness.

    I'm using a Line 6 Firehawk 1500 which is FRFR and can be used wet/dry/wet, agreed its not for everyone as its got some weight to it but it does just about everything! Can be used as a back up if the Kemper has a bad day and also looks like a cab which was the reason i got it over something like the DXR12, however, the guitarist in my band (i play drums too) runs his Kemper through a DXR12 and they are every bit as good as literally everybody says they are!

    thanks! @thegibster97

    You are the only other person i have spoken too/seen on this forum that currently has the FH!

    Il give your suggestion a try and see what happens, the only thing is when i had it setup the way i mentioned, it would only work with the Top Jimi 1984 profile? If i switched to a different profile id get a really weird sound as if the stack section had been turned off and i was only getting the FX?