Posts by ThrashFlesh

    Since you're also asking about other Iridium-like units, I can suggest to look into Boss IR-200. It has 8 amp models, ranging from clean to high-gain (with 3 different gain "channels" for each), 128 memory slots for presets, 128 IR slots, stereo cabs, stereo effects loop (though you need a Y-cable for return), graphic/parametric EQs for both stereo sides, ambience reverbs, some customizability for switches, possibility to use external foot-switch, built-in audio interface.

    I have one, and to me (not a tone connaisseur) it sounds pretty good. UI is definitely more complicated than Iridium, but not bad, considering that for this kind of feature package it's hard to make it better. You can find mint units for $300 on Reverb.

    But if you're considering a backup unit, then probably HX Stomp or Boss GT1000CORE, would serve you better, as they both have built in effects. Not a pocket size anymore, but still more compact than Iridium/IR-200/Tonex on a pedalboard with other pedals.

    I would suggest to consider not just hub, but a docking station. It has longer cable that goes from dock to macbook (so you can hide dock under the table) and it can also charge your macbook (as far as I know, M1s and M2s can still be charged via thunderbolt port). It will make your setup cleaner – 1 cable connected to macbook, instead of 3. The only con is that those docks are all pricey.

    With my 2017 MB Pro I use Dell WD19TB – You can also take a look at CalDigit TS3 and TS4 (

    How is the good one then? :) whatever i am doing i hear all..thickness of pick? I use 1 mm , even with slow picking i hear all

    You've may tried everything below already, but in case you haven't,

    Regarding pick technique, the less time pick has to pass a string, the less noticeable attack will be. With that in mind you can try:

    1. strike string, as opposed to pushing string with a pick to the point when string slips off the pick
    2. play with a tip of a pick
    3. lower attack angle (definitely less than 45º), so it will be more of a strike with a pick, as opposed to scratching it with ridge of a pick

    General advice about striking the string, is to try to do that from a distance of 1.5 of in-between string distance, i.e if you're hitting 4th string, start pick motion between 6th and 5th string. distance greater that 1.5 will lower your accuracy and distance lower than 1.5 likely will not be enough to strike the string. But this is a general rationalization and YMMV.

    Playing with tip generally means not to dig deeper with a pick. But in terms of numbers I would say, put pick behind 6th string and push it in until you see tip of a pick peeks out of the string for no more than 1mm. That's depth you could try to play.

    Lowering attack might be the hardest one, as it might require you to change how you hold the pick. For example, while holding pick with first digits of thumb and index fingers, lowering attack generally will require you to straighten your thumb finger, which might feel less precise, as this lengthens the "lever" your wrist and pick create.

    I would also suggest, while trying different techniques, do that without actually playing music, just strike single string and listen for the attack. This will give you more control on various movements that might be unfamiliar for your muscles.

    You could also try even thinner pick. Try 0.73mm just to check if just pick solves your problem.

    I don't think you can assign switching on/off any of the Kemper's outputs to a foot-switch. So you're better off finding pedal, that does not use batteries. Also you don't really need A/B box, kill switch should do the job for you and with less footprint.

    I'm running the same setup, but Trio's Amp out (which carries loop) goes into Mimiq, and stereo pair of Mimiq into mixer, then panning it hard left and right. This gets doubletracked rhythm guitar section. And the Mixer out (that carries drums and bass) goes to mixer. I like how it widens the loop, so you might want to try that :)

    Offtopic: I've noticed you're using a solid coupler between your A/B and Trio+, in a long run this can damage your pedals (CSGuitars's video everyone posts addressing this topic)

    Edit: while I was typing, Wheresthedug suggested a good solution :)

    I actually prefer the way Kemper has developed the interface. You can find many complaints about how it is to work with the Fractal interface. I have not used a newer Fractal product but will be in the near future. I was really hoping that they had made some major improvements in the interface and menu system. It looks like it is pretty much the same as what I used over 10 years ago. It is too complicated in my opinion. I found the Kemper really easy to figure out and work with right from the start. I am used to using tube amps and pedals. This interface makes perfect sense when coming from that environment. I think the vast majority of Kemper's customers are coming from that experience so the interface makes sense.

    I also like Kemper's interface and I'm not saying that it is bad. In fact I think it one of the easiest interfaces in non-touch screen devices, because it has optimal amount of soft buttons and knobs for its needs (4 of each). Every other button and knob has its own dedicated functionality that does not depend on the context. The interface would be a soft-button mess if it would not have section of dedicated buttons for stomps, stack and effects, rig and system settings, undo/redo, copy/paste, lock. It might look complex and archaic, but I think is the reason why Kemper is easy to use.

    What I meant in my previous post, is that Kemper's interface is specific to guitar rig, and that could be one the reasons why current hardware might have hard times to compete with others units. Though I admit, that all that is debatable, because most of the people who buy these devices are guitar players, and in that situation guitar-centric interface should not be a problem.

    This would be a rambly one.

    To me, it feels that most of the suggested improvements will not bring Kemper to another level, but just bring it up to the competitors. Don't get me wrong, those are all great and needed improvements, but those are not game-changers.

    I think the main thing that holds Kemper from being a game-changer, is that it is built more like a guitar rig: you have amp+cab section, you have pedals before and after, and the hardware interface reflects that as well. Which is fine by itself, but if you look at the competition, all AxeFx, Helix and QC are built more like a signal chain processor and their interface is more instrument-agnostic and they feel less guitar-centric. Though I must admit, that all these devices are used primarily by guitar players and this is the market to target, so Kemper's guitar-centric interface should not be a big problem, but maybe something to reconsider. But still, it will just bring up to competitors, not take it to another level.

    What else Kemper can have, to become game-changer? The profiling by itself was new and fresh a decade ago and today there is competition for profiling – it is capture in QC and eq-match that Positive Grid and Fractal have (of course eq-match is not a direct replacement for profiling, but if people are happy with what they get, then it should be considered a competition). Ability to profile anything will just bring Kemper up/over QC, but not will take Kemper to another level.

    What Kemper does differently and better than others (at least to my view), is how it deals with creating sound.. Despite guitar-centric interface, it has gear-agnostic sound editing. The philosophy is that you have your sound and you edit your sound without need of knowledge of tube types, eq and gain interaction, mic placement, etc (which create unnecessary abstraction level). Some parameters are even more "humanized", like "Definition", "Clarity", "Pick", "High Shift", "Low Shift", "Character", "Slim Down". This is more straightforward and easy approach. I'd say that further development of sound-editing philosophy (as opposed to gear-editing philosophy that competition has) is the main way to go. How can this approach be developed further? Maybe Kemper can have more humanized parameters that let you sculpt your guitar sound. Maybe Kemper can get rid of some of the gear-related concepts, like amps and overdrive/distortion pedals and have just "Instrument sound" that morphs distortion the way you want. This could still exists alongside profiling, but will allow more editing options and less abstractions. Though I think guitarists would still hate it, because they can change tubes for amp model in their AxeFx V XXXL and with Kemper they would have to learn to use their ears...

    I also have Freqout and Mimiq. In addition to that I use Trio Band Creator+, as a looper (guitar loop out of Trio goes into Mimiq). So I'd suggest some kind of looper if you're into that thing. Trio Band Creator+, Boss RC-5, TC Electronics Ditto.

    Also you might want a pedal that simulates non-guitar sounds. Something like Boss SY-1, EHX Synth9/C9/B9/Key9.

    And if you want to go wireless, there's also a couple solutions in a pedal form factor, like Line-6 G10S or Boss WL-50.

    I would argue that anyone that OOP is a bad tool for use in embedded systems. C++ OOP consumes many times as much ROM space and RAM space as straight C does. While it can execute just as fast, it usually doesn't simply because of the moving of a butt ton of memory object information around.

    Not sure if I get your point about object size right, but C++ is straightforward and transparent about what it does to object sizes and it has pretty much the same rules and tuning options as C does. Moving structure in C is as much consuming as moving objects/structures with the same set of fields in C++.

    Also there are compiler settings to turn off RTTI and exceptions (and the latter is widely used) if you don't need those . That'll make C++ OOP implementation identical to the simplest C OOP implementation.

    I have Komplete Audio 6, and I don't think I have ever had stability issues with it. Can't say anything good or bad about sound quality, as I don't have a trained ear :)

    The only annoying thing, that happened to me very often, is it will not establish connection with my macbook when hot plugging it, so I had to reconnect cable several times. But this could be due to crappy Belkin cables.

    Native Instruments interfaces should be the winners of "crappiest interfaces ever" ... especially for one reason:

    Direct Monitoring is laughable. You can only monitor either inputs 1/2 or inputs 3/4, not even all of them at the same time ... and there's no direct monitoring for the S/PDIF inputs (5/6)! Stay away from this crap. ;)

    With Komplete Audio 6 you can only monitor inputs 1/2, through either outputs 1/2, 3/4 or both (at least mk1), so it's kinda worse :)

    I wonder if 6i6 has more direct monitoring versatility?