Posts by OmriTopBa

    Hi there! I Really Love my kemper and I think that the whole effects department should get a serious update with some new effects.
    Here my suggestions.

    1. Precision Drive, its attack and sound perfect for modern metal.Definatly revolution in drive pedals
    2. Mesa Boogie Mark/DC Graphic EQ, that will give the Eq responce at the exact frequencies and give a good compare for the Mesa fans like me.
    3. The Rack Wah. If you can create, a wah that its exact like the Dunlop Rack Wah with the eq and many other options thats awesome.
    4. Synths, all of us love playing with them, and if could make the Virus, give us some fun and creepy effects like Synths, Organ etc

    Hello everyone!
    Hi have successfully formatted my Kemper, but I a have a weird glitch. I am connected with my PL from the main output to my input in my Komplete Audio 6.
    My Master volume and main volume are really high, but reallllyyyy high and still low output, like even my PC volume is higher than my Kemper.
    Some important mentions:

    My Kemper and my monitors are connected to my PC and my monitors volume are maxed out and controlled by my sound card main output knob
    Before the formatting the volume was pretty much equal to my Pc's volume with extremely low volume setted(like my master volume is now 7, previously it was 2.5)

    Hello everyone!
    So I has backed up all of my profiles and performances. But I hasn't found a tutorial around the net for actually formatting the KPA Unit for factory settings.
    So, how do I actually format/reset the unit

    Hello everybody!
    Two days ago i have bought my unpowered KPA and in the store i have enjoyed from every moment of it!

    But.. I'm having a difficulty by connecting my KPA to my Focusrite 2i2 by regular guitar PL cable(maybe thats what is wrong..) to the Direct output jack into one of the input jacks of the focusrite and it didnt captured the preamps and the effects but dry signal only.

    What am i doing wrong? And what is the appropriate solution for it?

    Note: I used my headphones into the headphone jack and it worked fine. So theres nothing wrong in the amp

    Appreciating any help!
    Omri Topaz Bazelet