Posts by maxximo

    Hi All,

    just a doubt on this assignment:

    I would control the pedal pitch effect via midi by an external device. It should send the message to CC #4 (pitch pedal).

    What if I send the message to #11 (morph pedal)? which is the difference between pitching and morphing...actually when I change the pitch I am morphing that parameter...or am I missing something? (For instance I am using a single pedal but Kemper is able to recognize if I need to morph or just pitch)

    I do not want to do too philosophy but it was just a doubt as I need to start to write some code for this.

    Thanks for any explanation.


    hi Burkhard,

    It is good to know but does it mean that it is a known issue fixed with new OS or is there anything on setting that I can do? (For instance am I right to have freeze formant, smooth chord and pure tuning all on at same time? I tried to switch them on/off but no able to understand the difference)



    Hi All,

    I am facing with an issue on this effect as it seems not acting properly while moving the expression pedal.

    I am using a very easy signal patch: GATE, PPTC, Distorted sound, SPCE and REV. (I already tried to swhich on/off SPCE effect but nothing change)

    PPTC is morphed by expression pedal: Heel position is 0 pitch and Toe is +12. Freeze Formant, Smooth Chord and Pure Tuning are all engaged.

    I use this sound with single note riffs (no chord).

    Two issues:

    1) pitch effect seems not able to track the pedal position. The effect is slow to react when I move quickly between heel and toe.

    2) pitch does not change while moving from toe to heel. Specially with high notes and harmonics, it seems as the pitch stays at +12 even if the pedal is moved to 0.

    I have a whammy pedal (which actually works great) but I'd prefer to do that through expression pedal. No sense to me to be forced to use one more pedal just for 2 minutes solo.

    Thanks for any advice


    Hi All,

    I tried to make my MIDI reader (with external midi interface and software) to read midi message from Kemper and resend them to other devices.

    Why is the Kemper always send out the midi message "254" (translated as integer number)? in Byte format it should be 11111110.

    It happens at intervals of 0.5 seconds (but could be more/less - no easy to measure)

    For sure it is not the midi clock message as it send another number and not even the pedals as I tried to disconnect them from the remote.

    It is the Kemper because the message stops if I switch off it.

    Any idea?



    I don't see a way. My concern is still, you are trying to create a more and more complicated solution without a convincing reasoning, why you cannot use the onboard pitch effects. Your "quality" statement in the other thread is a bit vague. Have you seen the responses from other users?

    actually I am more than happy to use on board pitch. In most of the cases I do that. The problem is when I need to harmonize a note (keeping also the original). I tried with several setting but still sound not convincing me. There a sort of 12-strings effect. Most probably, as I told in the other thread, it is me...I see so many beautiful things from Kemper that it seems strange also to me that pitch does not work in all conditions.

    Thanks for that.

    Is there any way to achieve this via button on remote?

    I need to have a preset on whammy with pedal in heel position. It is achieved easely by sending the right ProgChange via midi out of my Kemper.

    Then on same whammy preset I need to simulate the pedal in toe position. It is easy using a control pedal linked to kemper remote but I would like to do that by pressing a second time same button on kemper it was a morphing so I can use the momentary setting of morphing.

    Thanks for any idea

    ci ho messo un po'pure io a capirlo. È il famoso morphing. Puoi decidere il tempo di passaggio da un valore al valore "morphato" oppure usarlo come momentary switch. Fai questa prova: premi un pulsante sul remote per richiamare un preset. Ripremi lo stesso pulsante in modo che il led luminoso passi da basso a quello alto. Ora modifica solo il gain (di molto per rendere visibile la cosa). Fatto! Ora premi più volte lo stesso pulsante e passerai tra lo stesso suono con i due diversi valori di gate.


    Hi all,

    This is a more dedicated question concerning a thread already opened on whammy pedal but answer could be a great support for others so I kept it separate.

    My question is: since expression pedal can control whammy via midi by sending CC as a morph, and button on remote can work to morph single there anyway to use the button on remote to send CC message via midi? I know it is not exactly the same as intermediate positioning cannot be selected but it should be good to know.

    I tried to test but it seems as button on remote does not change midi CC even if they change ProgChang.

    Thanks a lot.


    Hi All,

    I use a whammy pedal into kemper loop and control it via midi. Then I would like to connect a midi sequencer to control sometime the whammy sequence. Do you know if I can control whammy from both kemper and external device (not at same time)? I was thinking to use midi thru of Kemper for sequencer and standard out to control via kemper. Possible?



    I have my whammy pedal as loop.

    It is connected through midi just to change the program.

    Do you know if I can control pedal position via midi by using a pedal on the remote kemper pedalboard?

    I would to have the whammy into rack and use pedal to set volume or whammy pedal position when in use.




    Whty support tube amp makers. there are millions of them out there. And really, none are breaking new ground in any way, so it is just small variations on the same themes.

    Amp, is just a tool, a part of the music making process. All I care about is, can my tool create as I need it to, It's that simple. All this stuff about smell, bah. If it walks, talks, sounds, quacks, etc. etc. like a duck, it's a duck.

    It's a tool. And as such, the KPA excels and is all that is needed for that.

    Armin, do not read me wrong but I have had tube amps for 20 years and I cannot feel all this distance with kpa.
    I can tell you that first time I used my kpa during session with my band, drummer said: "it is ugly but it sounds!!!...and it sounds fantastic!!!"
    I have to say that after you learn to use (and I am not so skilled yet...) you have no longer to regret a tube amp...and wait to bring it in and out from a pub when you play live...2 kgs and no more to say "ops...excuse me...sorry" among people...

    Then of course it is your feeling and I respect but do not say that tube is always the best. It is too generic!

    Good question. Consider that when you disable it kpa is doing a simulation of sound without cab.
    I found a very interesting thought about that. It was on you tube by Francesco Ferrari in Italian language. He said that there is no need to disable cab sim as you loose part of profile characteristics. Then he also shows some example with EQ setting on monitor exit through different cabs.
    Very interesting. It makes sense to consider what you like by your ears.

    If anybody is interested (good even if you do not know Italian)

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