Posts by t3tra-johnny

    I have made this quick video to demonstrate the problem, apologies it is only phone audio but demonstrates the hiss

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    Hey guys, I’ve got my bands first live show on Saturday (which is one of those midi-intense dual kemper affairs).

    I did a quick run through yesterday and found an issue that has either just started, or that I didn’t notice before (probably the former as it’s very obvious)

    I use my fx loop for my overdrive pedal (placed in slot A as a Loop Mono).

    Any patch that has the loop engaged, has a hissy, digital noise. The noise ceases when the Loop Mono is turned off.

    Weirdly, the exact same profiles in browser mode, do not have the noise.

    Please help, it sounds horrendous and I didn’t want to be making any changes this close to the show



    I continue my (possibly futile) quest to get a good Milton Cleans sound out of the kemper

    Currently the pitchshifters don't give the kind of sound I want, but also the source sound isn't quite acoustic enough.

    Is there a chance of an acoustic sim stomp? Or profiles?

    Thanks Artman and Robbue!

    I was going to release these as an EP, however I just had some great news that a singer from an awesome band has agreed to do vocals on the tracks :) I shall say no more until its done, but thanks for the kind words. They are supposed to be the first three parts of a nine part concept album, so you saying it was evoking imagery is really encouraging

    Thanks again


    thanks Waraba, yes I'm English and it's interesting you can tell that from the mix. I always try to go for clean and sterile sounding as I think you can build atmosphere better that way.
    That's very good of you, how would I see which packs you have?


    Ash, thanks for the feedback, I appreciate you taking the time to listen. I have mucked about with recording before, but pretty much like my guitar ability, I've not actively tried to get better or actually learnt what I'm supposed to be doing before.

    Funnily enough a couple of people have said that about female vocals. As I can't sing and don't have the facility to record vocals here I don't really think about vocals when I'm writing/producing, but I agree I think female vocals would fit best
    Once again thanks for the feedback. My next step is to firm up my guitar recording process. These were done with my cheap schecter through quickly dialled in tones through the kemper, in future i'd like to have a palette of go-to tones ready to go


    Hi guys,

    I wonder if I can get some feedback on a couple of songs I recorded. All guitars are Kemper. Everything's made in my bedroom

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    I'm not much of a guitarist but I'm trying to get better. Currently trying to use it more as a songwriting tool


    Hi guys,

    I'm sorry if this is already covered, I did try to search.

    I'm trying to make a profile of the piezoacoustic sim in my pod xt pro.

    I've connected everything how I think I should, and selected one of the acoustic factory profiles in the kemper. But when I switch to profiling mode, I get no sound, either for the kemper acoustic or the reference amp (pod xt)

    Any ideas?



    • Hi guys,

    Hope this doesn't violate forum rules but I couldn't find anywhere for software over hardware

    A little while ago I started doing software reviews for Bedroom Producers Blog. It's a great website with tons of content by a variety of contributors. If nothing else it's worth following as it's the best way I've found to discover free software. I've tried to gear my reviews towards the hobbyist home producer (and kinda towards metalheads, where I can), hopefully they might be of use. Or if I've talked crap maybe someone more knowledgable can put me right.

    I'm also very likely to begin hardware reviews for studio hardware soon, although I haven't worked out what format that will be in yet, I'm thinking video reviews will probably be best. If anyone has any ideas that'd be great

    Anyway here they are

    Fabfilter Pro-R:

    Boz Digital Labs Transgressor…gressor-review/

    Plugin Boutique Stereosavage

    Polyverse/Infected Mushroom Manipulator…pulator-review/



    Hi guys

    I'm a bedroom producer who nevertheless sometimes likes to just play for the sake of it, so I value ease of use in a (tiny) studio setting as well as being able to plug in to an amp

    I've had the tube vs digital argument with myself for a good long time and I've accepted that the sheer versatility of the kemper and ease of use far outweighs the "real tubes maaaan" factor.

    Couple of potentially boneheaded questions, bearing in mind i'd like to be able to kemper->audio interface and also kemper->cab

    1) If I bought the unpowered version, can the poweramp be added later? Or is it fitted at the factory and that's it?

    2) if I bought the unpowered version, can a third party poweramp easily be used? And are there any pitfalls to this?

    3) cosmetic question only, is there any talk of the white version having a powered option?

    There is an unpowered head kicking about at roughly the right price, you see...

    Thanks all
