Posts by Job Posthuma

    Thanks for the help. Then I just put the amp into my audio interface?

    Very interesting! Will try that.

    Thank you for the help! Also are they TRS cables for the loops?

    Im not sure what you mean by “amp into audio interface”.

    Whatever.....Never put a speaker output into anything other then a speaker...or a device specifcly designed to take a speaker...else your gonna get fireworks and break stuff.

    To record / go I to an audio interface with the setup I mentioned is a littlebit tricky.

    For the scenario where u use your amp in the loop, and disabled the amp section on the kpa:

    In theory you can put an ir in the cabsection so your soundcard gets a cabsimmed signal of your amps preamp. (It will miss the powerampcolor...but in many cases and with the right ir...thats fine)

    But....the Kemper is bugged when you switch off the amp soon as you activat a cab in the preset, the sound to your amps return / actual cab, gets effected also, which shouldnt happen when you switched those off in the output. Its maybe its fine to your ears.

    For profiling you preamp, check the manual...but remember....keep the speakercable into your speaker....and nothing else unless you have a special device for that.

    I regularly play the kpa through returns of combo’s.

    For pubs and clubs....nothing beats it imho...much much better then an frfr to my taste.

    Some time ago I saw one of the top cats in my country going frfr next to a guy with a fender deluxe in a club...really night and day differnce.

    Also...that and feeding foh with your cabsimmed signal works great!!

    On a budget, go for a ss combo 100w and up..actually a fender frontman wasnt half bad.

    Peavey valveking sounds really good, those go for 200,- ...really heavy though.

    Tube power still beats ss imho.

    Personally I went for a egnater rebel. Those are small, affordable, and sound great.

    I pair it with a cab when required.

    I can also recommend the egnater renegade for this application...sounds even better..but tbh...cause of the compact format of the doesnt get out much,

    Probably all good tube combo’s with an effectloop do the job, and plenty of those on the used market.

    Going camplifier is also a very good option. I play the 2x90 regularly. Although I prefer tube power a tad....the convinience of the build in amp gets it a lot of playtime, paired with a lightweight cab its excellent for places with some distance between your car and stage.

    Consider putting the amp in the loop of the kpa. That way you can switch between kpa sounds and your amp.

    Guit > kpa—>kpa send—>amp front—>ampsend—>kpa return—>kpa mon out —>amp return.

    Switch cabs of with the global function in the output section.

    For presets where you use your amp switch amp, stack and cab* off in the kpa preset.

    (Loop on obviously)

    * in theory you could leave cabs on in the preset cause you disabled in the output section. However when you switch the amp section off, switching cabs on and off does effect the output section, which it shouldnt cause cabs where disabled in th output. Kpa bug unfortunatelly.

    Btw...profiling your amps pre amp only and play those through the return of your amp works excellent!

    Intially i regreted getting the unpowered version because bringing seperate power amps is a hassle.

    I got me a stereo camplifier amp, a retrofit for an unpowered toaster. That gives me the option of a very compact stereo rig, especially combined with a stereo cab. One way trip to the car actually!

    Nevertheless i sometimes hook the kpa to the return of a good tube combo.

    So the powered kpa, a cab and a combo give me loads of options.

    Actually gives me best of all worlds, compact and light ss rig, stereo, tube power, or old school 4cm with the combo.

    Yep, as Sam said there was a post a while back and the team confirmed ot was a bug and would be fixed in a future OS update. I would expect the full release of 5.7 will probably fix it.

    You sure it was confirmed?..any timelines?

    I got feedback from support that the differnce between cabsim off and cabsim on....on the monitor output while cabs disabled on that port..was a result of how the kpa was designed.

    Although the issue that cabsim off sounds different just by loading an ir and keeping it off is not exactly the same..does seem in the same ballpark.

    Anyone did a thourough check on the old verbs?

    Since I was setting up all my stuff in new performances I may wel be mistaken cause my reference is a tad shaky....but i am under the impression that the wet/dry balance of the old verbs is towards wet in the new release...

    I see, using the rig buttons (up and down) right ?

    So when i do lots of changes on my favourite performance rig, but then i will not switch to other performance, but rather turn the device off, after i turn it back on, my current performance will be modified ? i think this is what's happening right now, i change lots of stuff in my performance, turned of device when i finished playing, and next day after turning it on, my performance had all last modifications, without way to restore to last time i used 'store' button. switching to another performances didn't help.


    Changes to a performance remain, even when switching off, untill you either switch performance, or use the controler to select a slot.

    If changing performance didnt work....u sure u didnt hit save somewhere in time?

    Lot of PA guys simply play an audiotrack they know really well, and is “trusted” for a good mix, and set their master eq,s on that by ear.

    Analysers are great tools...If you know what to look for..and what you want...else you gonna be looking at results that tell you nothing. Im not sure “flat” is the ultimate for a PA system tbh..

    Trimming a PA to match your kpa sounds/headphones....thats kinda the world upside down.

    Maybe you end up with a great sounding guitar..but how about the rest?

    Reference monitors are what “the world” is using. Audio engineers, mixers, digital instruments designers.

    As a rule of thumb PAs are (or should be) dialed towards the point that everything that works on referencemonitors....also works on the PA. Pink noise, or reference audiotracks are commonly used tools for that.

    So for you as a guitar player the mission is to dial your sounds on decent reference speakers, studio monitors, or headphones designed for that purpose.

    Basically you wanna make sure your sounds work ok on all commonly used audio systems, your hifi, car, pa, stage monitor., etc.

    you may need to tweak a little on the board at the gig, or for your stage sound, but If you have done it right, 1 tweak should get all your sounds in the “zone”.

    I have the powered rack version and i'm turning cab on/off in the stack section but also have cab off in the outputmenu.

    The original rig comes with a cab - so from my understanding, this rig is sent in full to main out, but the cab part is turned of for monitor, if cab sim monitor off is checked. - with that setting, i can toggle the cab button in the stack section and have (sometimes) a very big difference in sounds from the monitor.

    that really should not happen!

    I noticed this behaviour when the amp is switched of, support gave feedback that in that case it is “as designed”...(though strange from my perspective), but If im correct they also gave feedback that it shouldnt happen when theres an active amp.

    What id do...make a video and send it to support.

    When i make a profile i make unique names for the amp, and I store them in a unique named rig.

    Somehow, when I open an existing rig, press “amp”...and dial to select another amp, the amps I have created dont turn up in the list...seem to be non existant.

    Does some condition have to be met for amps being selectable?...maybe some tag thats a requirement?

    I have always played kpa through a cab (stage sound). Recently I auditioned some di / merged profiles, and discovered the cabless signal is more open Compared to studioprofiles where kpa calculates the cab.

    So I have decided to switch to merged / di profiles exclusively.

    1/ Which commercial profilers offer di/merged profiles, and do so by profiling multiple settings of the same amp?

    2/ is there an effective way to identify what is a merged profile, and what is a studio? Is there somekind of checkbox anywhere?...or do we have to go on title/descriptions?

    3/ Did anyone cover this issue succesfully:

    - unlike using studio profiles, when using merged profiles, the difference between uncabsimmed sound (to my amp), and cabsimmed sound (to foh) gets unpredictable. Did anyone cover this in a practical way? I could imagine using 1 IR for all your profiles is gonna work.

    (Recommendations to switch to frfr not needed ;))

    For home use you are much better off with studiomonitors, sounds much better then frfr units that are designed to produce very high volumes.

    Also I would not consider the powered version If you are on a budget and only play at home.

    To play the kpa through a guit cab, use the return of a combo, a 100,- poweramp pedal, a cheap 90s tube power amp, whatever works for you.

    To me, buying a powered kpa, buys you a convinience factor by having all in one unit, but there are plenty power options as good sounding out there.