Posts by mrspag

    I’m using a Mission Engineering Gemini P2 with my KPA. I run both direct outs from the KPA into a ISP Stealth 180 power amp. Then, both outputs from the power amp into the two inputs on the cab.

    It’s been bothering me that the sound seems to be a little thin coming out of the cab.

    At practice the other day I ran the KPA direct into a powered Atomic CLR and was blown away. Same tone as my mission engineering but with balls.

    I went home and tried messing around with the Gemini cab. This is what I found: when both speakers on the Gemini are plugged in, the sound has the bottom missing. If I plug just one cable into the cab (either speaker input) the tone is great with the previously missing bottom end.

    When I plug into both speakers the tone from the cab immoderately gets thinner and the bottom end vanishes.

    Does anyone have any ideas what could be the cause and what I should do?

    The odyssey rack case has a large pocket on top off the zipper that covers the front of the rack. It is just large enough to hold the remote and some cables. I used that setup for several months. I was still carrying more though, because of my acoustic guitar setup that I also take to every gig. So, for me, it was just easier to put the remote, the expression pedals, and my pedal for my acoustic guitar onto a pedal train flood board and carry it in a separate case.

    I really struggled with this myself. I have an unpowered Kemper rack and I have gone back and forth with an atomic powered wedge and a guitar cab with a power amp in the rack. I really wanted an all in one solution. I love the idea of everything being in the rack. Show up with the rack, take off the back, and ready to go in a minute. I set that up and it was heavy as hell. I finally settled on having all of the options possible. So, I used a 4u rack from odyssey (it has a bag that goes over the rack to store stuff) and I mounted the remote, along with 2 expression pedals, and my acoustic guitar pedal and separate wireless input, onto the same pedlatrain. Its a separate bag to carry but it really made the most sense for my setup.

    This is the link to the odyssey rack:

    This is my setup:

    I had convinced my band mates to go in ears for about a year. I loved it. Hardly any stage volume, easy to hear each other for harmonies, less stuff to setup, etc. Unfortunately one after another went away from the in ears and back to wedges.

    The biggest problem for me occurred this past weekend at our last gig. The singer/rhythm guitarist turned his mic’d amp up to gig volume onstage. Not overpowering loud for the room but it overpowered my guitar that was running direct just coming through the PA, for those standing in front of the band dancing.

    I’m the last IEM holdout so I modified my rack to take one of the now discarded IEM transmitters and put it into half of a rack unit, and teamed it up with a ISP Stealth power amp in the other half. Now I will have a stage presence from the back line and run through the PA. I can still use my IEMs or pull them out as I please.

    The cab I'm using is a Mesa Boogie open back thiele. It sounds really great and gets really loud. The only problem I have with it is it has no low end. We play mostly rock and country covers so I don't need grinding palm mute distortion but I can't really get any thump out of the cab. I guess being open backed instead of closed has something to do with it.

    So, I'm looking to try out a different cab this weekend at our next gig. I was looking at the Orange 2x12 PPC cabs, also the Mesa Boogie wide body 1x12. Does anyone have any experience with either of those cabs? They are both in my price range and in the size/weight that would be easy to take on a gig.

    I have a 4u rack from Odyssey. It comes with a shell case that it fits in. Really perfect way to transport the my unpowered Kemper rack. I have had the Kemper and a Furman M-8Lx in the rack for about 2 years. I want to remove the Furman power supply to make room for a Shure IEM transmitter and an ISP Stealth power amp.

    Doing this means getting rid of the power supply within the rack. Does anyone have any suggestions for a small power strip or other solution that has a surge protector that will fit in the back of a shallow rack?


    I currently assign the X spot to the boost pedal for a solo volume boost. I want to find out if there is a way to accomplish a 3-4 DB volume increase by using the morph feature. I want to use this by touching the same patch button to access the morph feature and free up the top row effect button for other effects. I can't figure out how to do this. I'd appreciate any help or guidance.



    ive come up with a configuration of stomp combinations that I like to set up on all my profiles.

    Is there a way to copy the stomp box settings and pedal assignments to a new patch?

    For example, I have a patch that I create with a particular profile. I configure the stomp settings and button assignments to my liking. Can I copy these settings and addignments to a new patch that I setup with a different profile?

    So I'm about 1 month and a half into using the Kemper. Getting ready to take out if for my first gig in a couple of weeks. I've been using it at practice to get the rigs I like dialed in for the band mix.

    I've been setting up each performance by rig. I am basically following the same pattern for each of the 5 slots for each performance: 1. clean, 2. crunch, 3. crunch with mod, 4. lead, 5. lead with pure boost in the X for a 3.5b volume boost. I'm using a rocktron midi mate as my floor controller. I run it in the control mode which sends patch changes on the bottom 5 pedals and cc changes on the top 5 pedals. So, bottom 5 pedals change the performance preset and the top 5 turn on and off stomps.

    I've been running into the following issues and I'm not sure how to fix them:

    1. Each time I change the slot I get a message on the Profiler window that says: "Module is Empty! Please select a type or preset." I'm not sure what this means. As the message is displayed the slot changes to the programmed rig with the effects on and off and setup they way I saved it.

    2. I've set the 5 slot on each performance as my lead tone with the X turned on with a 3.5 db boost. This is how I save it and its running great. Then, when I change the slot and go back to the 5, it has the follow boost and the botton for the X glows for a split second, then the volume drops to normal and the light turns off for the X button.

    3. I also have a question on an option I receive when saving after I try and adjust the X button. It says : Please select what to store: "Mode/Selection" stores to a new slot "Entire Performance" stores a complete Performance.

    4. The last thing I notice is that the setting for the X on the 5th preset for each profile will work as expected, patch changes and the X button is engaged, with the volume boost, when I switch to the slot using the RIG buttons. Then, when I try and repeat the same with the foot controller it does what I described in number 2 above.

    I really appreciate any advice and help the community can provide. I am so close to getting this configured the way I want but I can't seem to figure this part out.

    Hi Everyone,

    Title pretty much says it all. I am trying to use the midimate to switch patches under the performance mode with the bottom row of buttons and and use the top row to turn on/off effects. I can't figure out how to do it. Has anyone developed a guide for this or can point me in the right direction. I also really want to figure out the best way for a clean volume boost for solos.

    Thanks for the help.

    Hi Everyone,

    Thank you very much for the fast feedback. I am glad that there are such knowledgeable folks on here to help lead the way. At the risk of being obnoxious I just want to make sure I've got it right. I took a picture of the back of the unit and uploaded here.

    So, like Andy_T-V said it doesn't seem like I have a red socket. So, which of the outputs in the Main Output, top right, (L/R XLR and L/R 1/4 Inch) are powered. And, if its powered by the built in power amp does that mean I should NOT use these outputs to a powered speaker or the FOH board?

    Don't mind the XLR cable I plugged into the back when the picture was taken. I didn't plug the other end into anything yet, was just checking to see the clearance that I had in the shallow rack.

    Thanks again for helping me to get this straight. It seems more complicated to me than it probably really is.


    Hi everyone,

    New PowerRack owner here for about threee days. I've only played it under headphones and I'm blown away. I have a couple of options for speakers and I have read the manuals and scoured the forums and I want to make sure I understand the outputs before I plug in speakers.

    So, can I get confirmation or corrections on the following:
    1. Only the monitor out on the back of the PowerRack is powered with the built in power amp
    2. I should be able to drive a FRFR, passive (unpowered) wedge with the monitor out only. It has a speakeron connection. So, I should be able to go out the monitor out with a 1/4 inch to speakeron cable and get stage level volume for the monitor. In this scenario I would leave the cab emulation on since the speaker has no character.
    3. The main left / right outputs are not powered and it's safe to send those straight to the FOH board or to a powered wedge, like a powered Atomic CLR. Also, leave the cab emulation on.
    4. If I want to use a real guitar cab it has to be 8 or 16 ohms and I can only drive it from the monitor out. In that case, I would turn off the cab emulation.

    I hope I used the correct terminology and I really appreciate the feedback. Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings and give a new user a better understanding of this great product!!!
