Posts by Gerinthefox

    Recently was cleaning a Gibson Les Paul...... set it against a chair for a second got up as I was getting up I saw the guitar spin and land just right for the head-stock to go flying off. Typical Les Paul injury. (Replaced with PRS McCarty 594 .... What A Les Paul should be built like)

    Also owned a Tacoma Chieftain acoustic. Had to stop playing for a few years to let a wrist injury heal up correctly and forgot to pay attention to the guitar... string tension and humidity. Sure enough I open up the case and had huge issues. Cracks down the front and almost all braces were loose. Would have cost more to repair than the guitar would ever be worth. (Replaced with a Taylor 612CE First Edition and a Taylor 816CE)

    Had one of the first Ibanez RG550's. Was out playing at a friends house with no strap locks on and down she went and off went the neck. Broke the neck and snapped the neck pocket. Never again did I play without strap locks. (Replaced with 1988 ESP Horizon Custom)

    This has happened with Gibson before and will happen again. I also recall in the 80's they let go of some custom shop guys and ESP picked them up for their short lived NYC shop USA built(ESP would not allow them to indicate USA made) guitars.

    I see Gibson as another business that allows some truly stupid ideas at times..... lets build a distortion into the guitar itself or force robo tuners on everyone. I think if they had cut back 20 years ago on quantity of guitars built and stressed quality they would be in a better position. I recently got rid of my Les Paul(Replaced with PRS McCarty 594) do to some build quality issues and it was a fairly new guitar. The guitar market is so saturated by Les Pauls that I had no choice but to eat the loss.

    I have been using Artistworks taking the Paul Gilbert Lessons. I really needed it for the advanced skills but listed to what he suggested and started from the novice and working my way up. It is nice you can submit videos of your playing through the lessons and he will get back to you with another video showing areas for possible improvement.

    Nothing beats having a person in front of you teaching you. However finding a truly good teacher seems to be few and far between.

    So I felt I needed a new guitar and have wanted one of the ugliest guitars ever made. The kicker here is that it might be the most comfortable and best playing guitars I have ever played. I also just had to go for it when I noticed it did not have the Dream Theater inlay and all other fret marker were gone. Yes I am too lazy to take pictures myself.... the attached pic is the supplied pic from sweetwater of my very guitar.

    Take a look at "High End" Stereo cabling. I have seen a few instances of Gold and Silver cabling in a (1) Meter pair for over $10k. The joke is that you are talking very small increases in sound quality that is most likely not even audible to the human ear. The best yet are the HDMI cables. Sure the HDMI needs to be up to the given format to allow for the proper signals to flow correctly but a gold lined cable that is only transferring 1s & 0s......... If your buying that $80 HDMI cable please send the money my way as your being suckered anyway.

    Thank you to everyone for the welcome.

    I should be receiving the Kemper any day now (Just saw the update for Thursday). So hopefully will get some time with it this weekend.

    I went ahead and ordered the version without the built in power amp. I know the headphones are not the best way to go, but for now it is the best option without getting shot on the spot for ordering up the FRFR at the same time. Seeing as I recently received a shiny new Mayones I figured this might be the safer way to go.

    I have been thinking about the Mesa's and will most likely end up selling them off. This will make the purchase of the (2) powered speakers a much easier sell. All in all I have nothing but praise for every Mesa I have ever owned. However as with all Tube amps it still seemed as though I was making small adjustments all the time due to slight variations in the weather.

    I have also decided for the time being I will work with just the Kempers built in effects. Eventually though I may add the FX-8 back into the system since I have so many scenes tweaked to my liking. About the only thing I could not discover was if the Kemper allowed the setting of the built in effects in the pre or post configuration. I know with the (4)cable method with the FX-8 I can definitely do this.

    Hello everyone.

    I have finally taken the plunge. After about one year of research between the Kemper and the only other real competition Fractal.I have chosen to go with the Kemper as a replacement for my three Mesa Boogies(LSS, Single 50 Rect, & Mark V).

    I have yet to decide what is to happen with my current boogies but I suspect I may end up keeping them since I hate taking a loss on the resale.Then again there is always my nephew who recently started playing.

    For now I am planning for headphone use for at least several months (Grado or Audeze cans will do just fine I would suspect).I will begin the research into the FRFR route after I become a touch more familiar with the Kemper.

    Hope this works out the way I think it will from all of my researching.