Posts by Stefan Reisacher

    It´s very annoying. For 700.- I want to just plug it in and use it in every intended possible way without any problems. In addition to that my monitor outs are quite buzzy, too and the backup function via USB doesn`t work. The reason I bought it was the form factor and its limited fx (I don´t need that much) - indeed the Kemper product I`ve been waiting for.

    But I don`t want to spend another 184.- for getting it to work properly.

    On the other hand I understand that you spent the money and worked the problem out for you! Thank you for your answer!

    Same here.

    Problem is (according to support) that there are no grounded external wall socket power supplys (the typical "wall wart") available on the market.

    Yes, it's annoying if someone get's the player mainly for standalone use but i guess Kemper had in mind that most people will use the unit in combination with some kind of grounded equipment or at least plan to integrate the player into a pedalboard with (already existing) proper power solution. So from an economic point of view it makes no sense to supply a better (grounded + expensive) power solution per default as this would drive up the price of the unit for all customers regardless of whether they need it or not.

    I got rid of the noise with a Cioks Sol - it's quite small, grounded and features excellently filtered isolated outputs. In addition you need 3 parallel adapter flex cables to combine 4 of the outputs into a single 9V @ 2.640 mA output (the included power supply delivers 9V @ 2.500 mA) which powers the player in the best possible way (original wall wart -> horrible hum/ buzz; Cioks Sol -> dead silence as it should be). Leaves you with one additional isolated output for another pedal (in my case a EAE Dude incredible). It's not the cleanest looking solution with the adapter cables but quite sturdy and still compact enough to fit in a gigbag together with the player.

    If you need more outputs for other pedals then consider the Cioks DC7 + Crux - same performance im terms of audio quality/ noise level but a bit bigger and noticeably more expensive.

    Thank you for sharing your tips! Good for you, that you could work this out! It wouldn`t have been a problem for me if it wouldn`t have been advertised as a possible kind (homepage pictures) of use or if it wouldn`t have been presented as a possible way of use it in the manual.

    a backup should only take a minute. If the LEDs still flash there might be an issue with the stick. Please try to reformat it to FAT32 in your computer and try again or use a different stick. Make sure that the stick is no bigger than 64 GB.

    Got the same issue, I took the same USB stick I used with my toaster without any issues. ( I did format it to FAT32) It doesn`t work on the player

    I've been comparing the Player to my Stage, using preset 1971 Mars Golub Crch.

    At the same settings, I'm getting a loud buzz from the Player, while the Stage is very quiet. Same guitar on the same pickup, output/monitor volume is about -11.9dB, all other settings are factory on both presets, and are the same. I'm listening via headphones, only a guitar input, a USB connection to Stage for Rig Manager, and using Rig Manager on Ipad for Player.

    Is the Player considered noisy, or is there something else to look at?

    I think I had the same problem and contacted the support. I was told that the Player can`t be used with headphones and guitar input only because of the way it is grounded, which is a bit of a downside for me. One of the scenarios I wanted to use it for was practicing with headphones and playalong via bluetooth without computer. On the website one picture of the player shows exactly this scenario.... Support told me that a grounded thing needs to be connected (Computer via USB, interface, monitor...) in order to get rid of the buzz. Could have been done better.

    plugging in the headphones won`t deactivate any of the other outputs. in the output section the different outputs` volumes can be dialed in seperately. read about it in the outputsection of the manual.

    otherwise just unplug the cable going to the cab :)

    Kulle, das mag ja schon so sein. Manche Dinge hat man ja auch, weil man sie will und nicht weil man sie unbedingt braucht.
    Der Superlead war z.B. einfach sowas wie ein Kindheitstraum für mich, die pure Brutalität.
    Ist so wie bei alten Autos. Haben ihre Macken und Unzulänglichkeiten, aber einen gewissen Charme und Stil.

    Wer weiß, vielleicht kommt der Tag, wo ich das Zeug verscherble.

    @ Sharry: Austrovox ? Jetzt bin ich neugierig... :)

    Erlaubt ist, was gefällt. Viele HiFi- Freaks benutzen Röhrenverstärker, obwohl dies dem eigentlichen HIFI Gedanken einer maximal neutralen Wiedergabe widerspricht.

    Dein Anschlussvorhaben stimmt so.
    Monitor Cab off bitte abschalten.
    Die Kemper- Endstufe muss nicht zwingend abgeschaltet werden, du kannst es aber machen, um Energie zu sparen. ;)

    Danke Ingolf, das wollte ich wissen! Ich sehe das auch eher pragmatisch.

    Danke für eure Anregungen.
    Also grundsätzlich probier ich gerne verschiedenstes Equipment aus. Mag auch sein, daß ich meine Röhrenamps mal verkaufen werde.
    Ich sehe das nicht so eng, bzw. hab ich da aktuell (noch) keinen Handlungsbedarf.

    Für den Moment würde mich nur interessieren, ob das Anschließen der Fryette - wie in meinem Posting ursprünglich beschrieben - problemlos funktionieren würde und ob jemand damit konkret praktische Erfahrungen hat!

    Danke für deine Antwort!

    Ich brauch das Ding ja auch für meine Röhrenamps, insofern wirds kein Fehlkauf sein.
    Wenns mit Kemper nicht gut klingt, werd ichs ohnehin nicht verwenden.
    Es geht mir prinzipiell nur darum, das Ding richtig anzuschließen, um beim Testen nichts zu ruinieren.
    Ich habe im Manual auch gelesen, daß es den Sound verfälschen würde. Könnte ja trotzdem gut klingen.

    Hast du Erfahrungen damit?