Posts by krstrm

    Had a head-scratcher with this too, for a second. Here's how to do it:

    1. In Rig Manager, expand "All Performances" and left-click on "MyProfiler"
    2. In the window (it probably has a list eg. "Example: Mars Amps"), right click wherever in the list and select "Create New Performance"
    3. Then you can give it some name
    4. Then decide which profiles you want to have in the performance
    5. Go back to the profiles list, and select a profile you want to use. Then copy it (Ctrl/Command+C, or alternatively: right-click -> copy)
    6. Go back to the All Performances list and left-click on the one you created
    7. On the right side, you will see some boxes. Click on one of them and paste to it (Ctrl/Command+V, or right-click -> paste)
    8. The profile you copied should now appear in the box
    9. Do the same steps for each profile you want to use in the Performance
    10. Then finally, you can also organise the order by dragging the boxes up/down

    Should work.

    Are these steps still current? When I try to do step 2 in 3.0, I don't get the Create New Performance option, so I'm stuck on that one.