Posts by Stevie-J

    I have a problem I can only think of one (less than ideal) way to resolve

    I want to put a specific external volume pedal I from of my kemper

    The problem is my wireless receiver (output plugged into kemper input) is racked together at the back of the stage

    So I just have the remote floor controller out front

    How do I get an external VP working ?

    My only thought is to run a send and return cable to the loop circuit of the KP and have it permanently active - which is fine in principle but

    Uses up a FX slot

    Means loads of cabling which can be noisy

    Is there another way ?

    Feature request. Could the remote pedal inputs be software assignable so could act as a loop send and return from the unit.

    Or am I missing something ?

    Thanks in advance

    So I use a Kemper and remote foot controller with my Strat & Acoustic guitars - all good and happy. (Side note I'm wireless with the KP right at the back of the stage hooked into the desk)

    I want to introduce my pedal steel but can't really use the floor controller - mainly space and floor real estate

    So for switching to PS during a set I'm thining of running the PS into something like a Hilton Volume pedal - then pluggin my Senheiser Radio transmitter into the VP output

    Pedal Steel -----Cable----> Volume Pedal ----Wireless Trans----> Wireless Receiver ----Cable------>Desk

    My controler is obvs Cat5 from kemper to foot controller

    I can't fit the Kemper under the pedal steel really - plus also I sing so for most of the set it would be in the way anyway

    Plus also I'd look like I was knitting a cardigan

    Anyone doing anything similar and / or have a better idea?

    --Side note - Any way I can plug the external BVP into the floor controller somehow ? I usedf to have a loop cable and to kick in an external Way in that way but it was so noisy I gave up and just stayed with the Mission Pedals

    Or SI suppose I could get another missioin pedal and a long lead and call it an extra volume in the PD patches but it seems a shame to not use a really nice VP

    Feel I've overcomplicated everthig - Help anyone ?

    Thanks in advance ...

    I think I’ve answered my own question

    if useful to anyone else - the soundcraft routes xlr and ts / trs differently so whilst I can use either and manage with gain / pad I’ve chosen a straightforward TS mono cable since checking the kemper is unbalanced mono out

    also footnote for that mixer - combo inputs 1&2 have a different impedance than the other combo - the rest (at line level) are all the same )I think!!!

    Thanks in advance - hopefully saving me buying the wrong stuff!!

    I’ve been enjoying digital out but now have to work with a new desk for live (soundcraft ui24)

    I have a choice of XLR or Line and I’m presuming new TRS jack to jack the best way to go to avoid the preamps

    I already have a load of XLRs

    does it matter? should I buy so me premium line level cables and is TRS better / different tk mono jack?

    I’m trying to record my band using a focus rite scarlet 18i20 - this has 8 inputs

    in an effort to give the drummer his ridiculous number of mics I though I could push my guitar through the spdif - thus maintaining a nice stereo image and saving 2 channels.

    However there seems a big difference in sound using spdif versus panned analogue. The gain seems less and overall the sound more “brittle” and less “musical”

    is there some black magic setting I might be missing - I’m completely new to spdif output - running on 48k locked - kemper in charge (other settings seemed to have pop and random farts)

    is 96 k Better quality / wider ?

    what might I be doing wrong

    I even read the manual a bit

    appreciate any help