Posts by Ressiv

    I play in a cover band and have separate Performance scenes for each song we do, so there are probably 40-50 scenes being used for rehearsal and stage. In each of those scenes, depending on the song, I’ll have separate intro/verse/chorus/solo patches which could be entirely different rig setups, or just the same amp/profile setup with a simple boost or other effect turned on/off as the case may be.

    The rationale for me is that I can move scenes around when the set list order changes, and all of the song specific patches are then within that one performance slot. During a set, I can hit the ‘solo’ patch or ‘chorus’ patch, without having to remember which specific effects are relevant to it. (I’m lazy that way). If a song only has ‘one sound’ requirement, then the other slots remain empty. If we don’t play a song for a few months, then come back to it, I don’t have to remember any rig details - just hit the appropriate scene and patch and it’s like clockwork.

    The local library is another story - it needs some attention and organizational strategy... I’ll be following along to see others’ usage for ideals on this part.