Posts by metalgodinwaiting

    At the minute I use either just the Kemper all in one with the built in effects.

    When I use my Marshall head I use a 4 cable method and use the Kemper purely for the effects sending the stomps to the front of the amp and X, MOD, Del and Rev to the FX loop with the amp and cab section disabled but the EQ still active in the stack section.

    If recording generally everything dry and add effects either with outboard gear or plugins at mixing

    Liam, are you using the KPA Remote to switch the channels on the Marshall? Or are you using the Marshall foot controller to change presets on the Kemper? I am trying to figure out how to use only the effects of the KPA using the 4CM in a H&K Grandmeister 36, but would like to be able to use the CC's for volume and wah.

    Thanks in advance for helping guys, here is the situation. After much research and looking at the TC G-System and others for complicated effect routing solutions, I have come to the conclusion that I already have the crown jewel sitting in front of me for this: The Kemper Profiler.

    So, I am using the four cable method with KPA in the loop of my H&K Grandmeister Deluxe 40. It sounds "absolutely killer", but now I am looking for a MIDI controller that will control both at the same time.

    Please take a peek at the attached pics of the two available signal routing diagrams I am thinking of,since I do not want a "powered board" One with the H&K FSM Mk III (7 Pin Powered MIDI) and the Kemper Remote (Ethernet?).

    The Kemper Remote seems to be the most logical solution (if it is correct) but I am curious if the H&K FSM Mk III will also work in the slightly modified scenario? Do these diagrams look correct? Did I miss something?

    Thanks!!!!! Ron

    All, I apologize. I know there are other threads for this somewhere but for some reason my search function is not working for the forums. Some guy mentioned page 80 in the manual but he is mistaken.

    OK, the pic is how I have the amp and KPA cabled currently. Even though it sounds AMAZING, I want to be certain of a few things and if you could answer them individually, I would be grateful.

    Currently, I have the "X" set to "loop mono" only because it was recommended somewhere. The manual has me totally confused about loop placement and am a confused on where the loop section actually needs to be. It mentioned something about in the stomp section.....huh???? Seems to me it should be in one place only, the loop itself. What am I missing here? I want to place multiple effects in the loop, and possible change them in a rig or preset.

    Anyway I need to know if this is the correct wiring to have traditional stops in feeding the front of my amp from the KPA and only my time based effects, etc. in my tube amp FX loop? Traditional, yes please.

    Alright, if this checks out with you guys that this is correct, why do I only have the legacy delay to choose from in the delay section? It seems half of my choosable effects went away when I created the loop?

    Are there advantages or disadvantages of this setup? Do I have it right? Thanks!

    Yes you can.

    Hi Ingolf, may I please ask one more question. I am desperately still trying to monitor in stereo with my Mesa Boogie 295 and two 1X12 recto cabs (obviously with the cab sim off). To me, it just sounds miles ahead of the FRFR sounds I am getting. I've been in stereo for many years and do not want to give it up, especially with the very nice stereo effects that our KPA's provide :)

    I see from the manual that the cab sims in the "direct out" cannot be turned off - and I am also able to leave the cab sim on in the "monitor out". Ok, Good.
    So, am I able to assign the direct out to "Master Right" and the monitor out to "Master Left"? My thinking is that I would use these signals to front of house (line level) while turning the Master Cab Sim off to feed the Mesa 295 from the Main Outs. I know this sounds backwards but I hope it makes sense.

    Thank you in advance!

    If you are running FRFR monitors you can set the monitor and direct out to master left and master right in the output menu and thus have a second stereo pair that you can control independently from the main outs.

    Ahhhh, so your saying that it still may be possible to monitor in stereo with traditional amps and cabs (with the cabs sims off) while sending the XLR outs to the board with the cab sims on?

    Yes, this is the exact reason I bought a non-powered KPA. I too have used a stereo live rig for many years (Digitech 2101> Mesa-Boogie 295> 2 - 4x12 Cabs). Now that my army and I have downsized this is still possible and simple, unfortunately I cannot use any of my old cabs. Instead I run two Yamaha DXR12's from the Main Out and use both the L/R from the Main Outs to the board. It's pretty much the only way to do it since you can't turn off the 1/4" outs from the XLR outs in the KPA at the same time. Otherwise your stuck with mono from the monitor out...

    Welcome JS! I hear your frustration between solid state and tube power amps and using them with either FRFR (powered and unpowered) with all of their controls or traditional cabs. The combinations seem to be endless; and with the wide range of profiles, some sound better with different combinations. It has been a little difficult to get clarity to some questions because the users do not state EXACTLY which combinations I just mentioned they are using. Unfortunately for your situation, I do not see any reason why your Powered KPA sounds short of amazing! Did you happen to double check the Clean/Dist Sense? Are the profiles you are using at unity gain to start?

    I'm looking at the new "Mission Engineering Gemini 2 Powered Stereo FRFR Cabinet (what a mouthful)". See what I mean? Between Zappledand and Ingolf, I have seen them recommend the Yamaha Powered DXR10's and 12's. .

    Thanks mDan! That's what I'm talking about, I will have a look. The more I think about it and with the different types of profiles, the signal routing options has way more possibilities than I had originally thought of for different applications. FoH with Monitors, FRFR Only, In ear + FRFR, Stereo Power Amp Mic'd with traditional and FRFR Passive, etc; the list goes on and on :)

    Hi guys, actually yes! One thing for sure I am finding with my setup is that it definitely sounds better with VOLUME to make those V30's spank :) I'm letting the Mesa power amp do its work and things are loosening up a bit, just fiddling with presets. Some rigs are engh, while others are just MASSIVE, so I know the devil is in the details!

    I know I have a long way to go, so I'm a little skurd of doing a factory reset just yet (may not need to). I am seeing a lot of rigs in there that may not be from the factory and I don't want to lose them - so I'll be reading about backing up before I do anything. It's a little difficult to tell which rigs are factory and which have been bought and loaded by the previous owner.

    Does the User "And44" ring a bell? All of these rig names start with "=A". The unit says I have a total of 584 rigs. Its that the right amount from the factory?


    Hey guys, thanks so much. I was going to try a factory reset, but I thought upgrading the firmware would have done that for me already? Guess not. I have seen several conflicting methods of performing a factory reset so any help is appreciated. Would I also have to reload the latest firmware afterwards again? Please forgive if already in another thread.

    Oh and by the way, yes it sounds like shit through headphones, actually worse than my rig itself, that's why I think I am missing something.

    I really do want to like this piece of gear as the videos below are some of the main reasons I bought it, as it will be used extensively in a "live" scenario.

    The first video is from FastRedPonyCar which we know all of his vids sound good. The second video actually shows this guy profiling the "preamp" of an Engl and then using the profile through the tube poweramp and then mic'd up. Sounds great. Maybe I should be looking for "preamp" profiles instead?

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